10. Tensions

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Becky's pov

I was enjoying the conversation with the gang during lunch. I didn't even know when P'Freen sat beside me. I was happy until I saw her. I thought she would avoid me but instead she greeted me. And I greeted her back. It was awkward. I want to say more but i got a notification on my phone and it was about the serpents. So I grabbed Nop with me and we went outside to look into it.

As we got into an empty room. The message was in code for privacy matters. So He began his work.

"Becca, it says that one of the serpents is from the law department" he said "and that person is not a first year cause the person is helping them with their work on campus for more than a year. So we should check all the seniors" he added

"We should Nop. Let's begin the work once we reach your home. Now let's go to our class" I said

And we both went to our classes. Evening classes ended early. Charlotte was at the council so we went there to drag her from her girlfriend. She said her girlfriend is clingy today and not letting her go anywhere.

As we reached the council room. The first one I saw was P'Freen. We looked into each other's eyes and i got lost in her eyes. I really want to know why she is rejecting me. She suddenly broke the eye contact and focused on her work.

"Let's go char" irin called her

"No, don't take my girlfriend away from me" Engfa said

"What happened to her" i asked her

"We are not sure" Nam said

"She dreamt about me leaving her, so she's not letting me go anywhere" Char said and we all laughed.

"Don't laugh" Engfa said and looked at Char "babe" she pouted

"Where are you going guys" Kate asked

"Oh we are going to Nop's place" I said

"Oh what's the occasion" Nam asked

"Nothing, just watching a movie" I said

"Why don't you invite us, aren't we not your friends" Nam asked

"It's not like that p"Nam" I said

"So are you inviting us" Kate asked excitedly. I looked over irin for help

"Sure, why not" she said . What the fuck

"So you guys come after your work with Char we will go first and arrange everything for the movie" I said

"Our work finished actually, why don't we all go together" Noey said


"Okay" I said as i looked at my phone. I can't just let them in Nop's home. We haven't even cleaned anything. There will be laptops and files and board about the serpent at his living room. 

" I have a thing to do, so I'll go first and you guys go with the others and don't forget to buy snacks" I said and they nodded. I quickly texted Nop, irin and char that I will go first and clean our mess and they should go and buy some snacks with them. And don't come until I give them a green signal.

I was leaving when I heard P'Freen's voice
"Wait Becca " she said

I stopped moving "can we go together, I need to talk to you' she said.

Fuck , why does she has to talk now. Even though I want to i can't.

"We will talk but not now, I have to go" i didn't wait for her reply I left immediately.

I reached Nop's place and cleabed everything. After that I texted char they they can come.

Freen's pov

After Becca left the canteen, I didn't had any appetite to eat. So I left the cafeteria and went to counsil room. I tried to distract my mind by doing some work

After that, my gang also came there. And they started to do their works. I saw Engfa being so clingy to char.

After an hour I saw Nop, Irin and Becky entering our counsil room. Me and Becky looked at each other. We got lost in each other's eyes. I know she have this effect on me. But I can't do anything about it. I quickly diverted my eyes and did some works.

They were talking about going to Nop's place. And Becca was leaving fast cause she has some things to do. Before she could leave, i called her.

I asked her If i could go with her to talk. But she refused. I felt a little bit sad. She didn't even wait for me to sy anything. She just left.

We first went to a super market to buy some snacks. Irin and Nop were taking so much time choosing their snacks. They are so picky. I went to buy some milk tea for Becky as a peace offering. When I came back they were ready to leave.

After 20 minutes we reached Nop's home. And Becky was already there. Something is not right. I feel that they are hiding something. But i didn't wanna think too much.

I went near Becca and gave her milk tea

"Thank you P'Freen, i really needed it" she said as she took a sip

"I'm sorry for earlier P'Freen" she said

"It's ok Becca" I said

"No it's not, i shouldn't be that rude" she said

"It's ok, can we talk now" i asked

"Yes we can" she said

"It's private" I said and she nodded

"Let's go to his garden, there's a Gazebo we could talk there" she said and we left there.

We took a seat at the Gazebo

"So what do you wanna talk about P'Freen" she asked

"I wanna talk about the day before yesterday" I said "im Sorry for behaving like that Becky " i a said and she smiled

"It's ok p'Freen but please don't tell me to forget about the love. Please " she begged

"Im Sorry Becca, but you should " i said and I saw her face become gloomy

"Why P'Freen. I know I behave like a kid. But I can change for you P'Freen. Please give a chance " she begged more.

" I'm sorry nong Beck, but I'm already engaged" i said and shock was clearly seen in her face

Forgive me, Becky

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