38. Taste of you 🔞

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Becky's pov

I know P'Freen will come home today. So as soon we left the campus i went to our condo.

I cleaned out the condo and took a fresh shower. I wanted to cook for her. So I went to the kitchen and started to cook

After 2 hours everything was ready. I took another shower. Cause I wanted to feel fresh when she hug me.

After finishing shower, I felt thirsty. So i wore the robe and went to kitchen to drink some water.

Suddenly i felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"I missed you love" she whispered. Gosh i felt my knees weak at that moment. She back hugged me so tightly and was breathing in my neck inhaling my scent.

"I missed your smell wifey" she whispered again giving me chills all over my body.

I broke the hug and saw her frowning face. I quickly kissed her. It was a longing kiss. I felt her smile through my lips. I broke the kiss

"I missed you more than you think love" I said and hugged her.

"I missed you too love" she said and tightened the hug.

I felt her breath quickend. And i felt her member waking up. That's when I realised I was still on robes and she can feel my boobs through the robe cause it wasn't tied properly.

I looked up to see her. We both gulped when we saw each other's. Her eyes were staring at my breast. We have never touched each other like that even when we make out.

I could see what she wants and how she holding herself not to do it. But I want to do it. And I want it to happen. Without thinking further I kissed her hungryly and placed her hands on my boobs.

I felt her flinch. But she made me moan by squeezing it. We both looked at each other knowingly

"Stop me now and I will stop" she said when she kissed my jaw.

I didn't say anything cause she was continuously kissing my jaws and it was giving me so much pleasure.

"Say something princess" she said after she stopped kissing

"Don't stop" I said and I saw her smirking

Without any warning she carried me in a bridal style. I gasped when she lifted me.

She carried me towards our room and placed me on the bed. She came on top of me. And her face moved towards my ear.

"Ask me to stop of you feel uncomfortable" she said and i nodded.

She kissed me and entered her tongue. We were in our tongue battles. And she won.

We broke the kiss when we felt the need of air. She kissed my jaw slowly showing kisses.

Then she moved toward my neck and started to suck. "Aaahrrrr Freeeeen" I moaned

"Yes baby, moan my name" she said and continued sucking my neck.

I arched my neck to give me more space. I can feel that she's leaving so many marks. But i don't care. I want to be marked by her. It feels so good.

She removed my robe leaving me naked. I was  feeling shy so i tried to cover it by my hands. But she stopped my hands

"Don't cover it baby, you are beautiful" she said and gave me a peck. But i grabbed her neck and deepend it. Her lips feels so right in my body. She broke the kiss and moved to my valleys. She gave a peck on both of my breasts and felt so wet down there. She stared at it.

"Stop looking" I said feeling shy

"You are so breath taking baby" she whispered and held both of my breasts with her hands. "it fists so perfectly in my hands baby" she said and started to suck left one and she massaged the other one.

"Babee......" I moaned


"Freen ahhrrrrr"

I was a moaning mess under her touch. She bit my nipple numerous times giving me a lot of pleasure. I arched my back feeling the pleasure she gave me. 

She started to do the same with the other breast.

After finishing her work on my boobs. She came back and gave me a kiss. I pushed her and made her lay on the bed and i got on top of her

I kissed her. And looked at her "you are wearing too much love, let me help you with that" i said and she smirked. She got up and sat up with me still on top of her.

"Go on princess" she said as she motioned me to remove her shirt. She placed her hand on my waist. And i kissed her while removing her shirt. After i romver her shirt. I unbuttoned her jeans.

"Remove it" I demanded. She gently placed me on the bed and removed her jean leaving her on her boxer and sports bra.

She was looking so sexy. Her abs and her arms. Gosh.

She came near me again and took my hands and placed it on her abs.

"Like it princess???" She asked and i nodded

"I don't want any distraction, undress yourself completely" I said and she smiled

I helped her remove her sports bra. The sight was heaven. I unconsciously squeezed her both boobs.

"Hmmm babe" she moaned

God that was so sexy. I don't know what came over me i pushed her to the bed and made her lay down and I made myself top on her.

I started to whatever she did to me. And I also started to grind myself on her member. I can feel how hard it is. I moaned from the pleasure.

"Babe..." She moaned.

I put my hands on the waistband of her boxers and started to pull it off. But she stopped me.


Author's note

Enjoy the chapter with the song, I hope you like it. Just feel the beat even if you don't understand it.

How's the chapter, let me know...


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