32. Mine ♡

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Becky's pov

It's been a week since we became a couple. Everything is so good. p'Freen got better day by day. And our companies are doing good too.

Well for our friends they don't get tired from teasing us.  And for Billy, we let him go. But we are watching him too.  And we still don't know who attacked p'Freen that day.

p'Freen is so caring and good to me. She treats me like her queen. Even though I should be the one who has to take care of her. She doesn't let me.

And our mom's and dad's are so happy for us being in love.

We haven't taken our physical relationship to next level. We make out sometimes. But nothing more

Now I'm making breakfast for p'Freen. I want to give her breakfast in bed.

After I cook everything I took the tray filled with breakfast and went to our room. Yes we share a room and sleep together daily.

When i reached our room she wasn't in the bed and I heard the water running in the bathroom so I assumed that she must've been taking a shower.

I saw her clothes on bed. I heard the door opening sound and i turned to see her. She wasn't wearing anything. She was shocked to see me there. I scanned her body and I wanted to look away but she's a total package so I couldn't avert my eyes. Her abs and her arms. And most importantly her member, which is huge. Fuck I was getting turned on just seeing her.

She quickly went near the bed and put the robe. She wasn't looking at me. She took her clothes and went to bathroom.

She came back after she dressed up. "Let's eat na" I said and she blushed. Wait what is she thinking. OMG

"Come on we will be late" i said and she nodded. She was looking too cute so I decided to tease her "I was actually gonna surprise you by giving you a breakfast in bed but I was the one who got surprised" I said and looked at her. She looked down. I went near her and hugged her "you looked so sexy" i whispered in her ear. She turned so red like tomato.

"Gosh Beck, stop making me embarrassed" she said and snuggled more to my neck

"I'm not baby, I loved the view" I said and grinned

"Let's eat" she said as she diverting the topic.

After eating we went to college, it's been a week since we both went to college. She went to students counsil room, she has some signatures to do.

I went to my class. As usual sitting with irin but she was more into teasing me. I wanted to see p'Freen badly cause we haven't separated for a week and I'm miss her presence.

We didn't have any classes after lunch cause after a week the exams will start. So me and irin went to the parking lot cause the others were waiting for us.  When i reach there i saw her with Nita. Nita and the others were arguing. And i saw p'Freen isn't in a good mood.

"Fuck off Nita" I heard Noey's voice

"You, don't have any right to say that. She's not yours" Nita said

"Jus-" p'Freen was gonna say something but i cut her off

"Well I can say that" I said and smirked

"And who are you" Nita asked

"Me?" I asked and chuckled "sorry where's my manners, I'm Rebecca Patricia Armstrong Chankimha, wife if Freen Sarocha Chankimha" I said and smriked

"What"she asked in disbelief. I can see that p'Freen is grinning, At my statement.

"I don't care who you are and i clearly don't wanna know you, but i don't wanna see you near my girl anymore. And I don't want you to look at what's mine with your dirty eyes" I warned her

"You bitch"she was about to slap  me but i stopped her by holding her hand. I quickly choked her by the neck.

"One wrong move and you are done. Consider this as my last warning"I said and pushed her "Let's go babe" i said and held her hand. She grinned more

"Alright love" she said

Freen's pov

All the time in the council room I was thinking about how Beck looked at me. I was turning red whenever I thought about it. Noey and Nam were helping me with the work.

Principal informed about the upcoming exams, and the principal agreed to Noey's suggestion to give the students half day leave to refresh their mind and to study more.

After our works and the announcement, we went to parking lot. I can't wait to spend time with my baby. I am missing her too much.

When I reached near my car, Nita was there. As always she does what she does, she came and hugged me and tried to kiss me. But I didnt let her. My friends and Nita had a heater argument.

After that Becky came and the way she claimed me and introduced her as mrs Chankimha, wow my wife was fucking hot. Like I was so fucking proud of her. I was grinning at the whole argument.

When Nita tried to hit her I was gonna block but she stopped it. And she warned Nita. God she was so fucking sexy.

After that we went to our condo. When we entered i pinned her on the door and started to kiss her hungryly. She also responded to my kisses.

"Gosh that was so fucking hot" I said when we broke the kiss. She was breathing so hard. "The way you claim me baby, i can't explain in words how much I was happy" I said and gave her a quick peck.

"Wow, if you are gonna kiss me like this, I will gladly do it every second" she said playfully and i rolled my eyes

"Seriously though, thank you for standing up for me" I said

"It's the 2nd time I saved your ass Sarocha " she said I gave her another breath taking kiss

"What was that for" she asked when we parted

"You sound so sexy when you call me Sarocha" I said and give her a another peck

"You are stealing so many kisses today " she said

"I'm not, I'm taking what's rightfully mine" I said and kissed her again. But our kisses were interrupted by a call.

Becky broke the kiss and took the phone. I groaned in frustration. She talked on her phone and i went to kitchen to cook some food.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist "Can we go to the club today baby" she asked in a cute voice. I turned around to look at her

"Babe" i was cut off by Becky

"Please naa... Our gang will be there... Please wifey " she said giving me the puppy eyes which I can't refuse. I let out a heavy sigh and encircled my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me

"Fine, but don't drink too much and stay with me" i said and she nodded

"You are the best wifey, I love you" she said and gave me a kiss. After that she made a call .



Sorry for the delay in uploading I was busy the whole day. And i couldn't write any chapters today.

So there's a chance that I won't be uploading a 3rd Chapter today

Sorry about that

Hope you liked the chapter

Take care my readers

Love Author 🌷💜

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