39. Cloud nine 🔞

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Freen's pov

As i felt her hands on my boxer trying slide it down. I stooped her. I don't know why I'm still insecured

I thought she would get mad at me but instead she smiled at me and gave me a peck "Don't stop me today na" she said and removed my boxers.

I could see her shocked face "it's huge babe" she said and i chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me" she said pouting

"You look so cute babe" I said in a teasing way. But she suddenly grabbed my dick and smirked. God her touch was heaven

"Let me make you feel good" she said I was gonna protest cause I want to make her feel good today. But my protest subsided when I felt a pair of lips on the top of my dick. I felt a shiver all over my body at that time.

"Hmm Bec" I moaned

She smiled as she stoked my length. "Ahrrr" I moaned again. "Fa-faster B-bec'" i moaned. I threw my head back from the pleasure she's giving me now.

She started to stroke faster. Suddenly i felt her lick my dick. I hurriedly looked at her. And I saw her seductive look and she put her mouth over my dick giving me a blow job. It felt like heaven. Her warm mouth and the way she licked and squeezed my balls. Gosh I can't even describe

Soon i felt like I was gonna cum "hmm Bec I'm  g-gonna" i couldn't finish my words

"Cum for me daddy" she said and continued what she was doing. Gosh that's the sexiest thing ive heard from her apart from her moans.  Damn

I cum on her mouth and she swallowed everything without letting a drop go down. I felt my knees week. I layed down breathing heavily. She came near me and kissed me, i could taste myself

"You've done a good job daddy" she said again giving me a peck. Gosh she's turning me on again.

"Gosh that was.... Ufff" I said I've never felt like this "where did you learned this stuffs" i asked her

"I wanted to prepare myself after I saw your big buddy the other day, so i did some research " she said as she hid her face on my neck

I flipped her and now she's laying on the bed. "My turn mrs Chankimha" I said as i looked her. My kiss started to go down from her jaw to her stomach and i stopped when I reached her crotch area.

I parted her legs and stared at her womanhood. Gosh she's so mesmerizing. I saw her closing the gap between her legs

"Don't it's beautiful" i said and gave her a peck "may i" i asked her and I saw her nodded. I went down and placed some kisses on her thighs and kissed her womanhood. She saw so wet and so warm. I kissed her folds and bit her.

She arched her back in pleasure and moaned "Freeeeeeen......"

I licked her for some minutes and looked at her. "I'm gonna enter" I said as i placed my fingers near her clit and started to do circles.

"It's gonna hurt a bit, bear it with me" I said and she nodded. I slowly entered my finger and started move slowly

"fas-faster daddy" she said and i thrusted my fingers faster. She was a moaning mess calling me names. Gosh the sight was so sexy. I grabbed her tits and played it one hand while I was thrusting her.

I felt her tightened around my finger. I could feel her that she was getting close.

"B-babe i-im cu-cumming" she said

"Let it out princess, let it" I said as i increased my pace. After a few more thrust, she cummed and i licked all the juices.

I went near her and gave her a kiss letting herself tasting her own juices. I laid beside her. Panting heavily.

"Ready princess " i asked her when I saw her breathing became normal. I was already on top of her. My dick was so hard and it needed attention. When I moved to kiss her. The tip of my dick touched her clit and she moaned "hmmm"

"Tell me if you want me to stop" I said but instead of answering she kissed me. She kissed me so deeply that made Me breathless.

"Stop talking and do it, I'm more than ready" she said as she gave me another peck

"I'll be gentle"I said as i placed the tip of my dick in the entrance of her pussy. Becky placed her hands on my neck and her legs were encircled on my waist.

I slowly inserted my dick inside her "babeeeeeee"she cried in pain, When I inserted my length. I felt her hands clutching on my shoulder and I know it will leave a mark. I didn't move instead, I showered some candy kisses on her upper body to reduce the pain she's feeling

"Move" she said in a half whisper. I looked at her face for confirmation and started thrust slowly. "Hmbbbb babe" Becky was moaning

"You are so good baby" i said while I was thrusting. Her walls were becoming tight around my dick. "gosh baby girl you are so tight" I whispered in her ear and gave her a kiss.

"Hmm I'm getting close" she said and i felt her walls tightening more. I was also at my peak. But I want her to cum first.

"Cum for me princess" I said in a husky voice

""Ahrrrrr" she moaned while she cum. I pulled my dick inside from her let my cum fall out.
After Cumming i laid beside her. She turned to my side and laid her head on my chest.

"I love you Bec Bec " I said and gave her a peck

"I love you too my Freenkyy " she said and snuggled closer to me.

"You tired" i asked her

"Hmm" she hummed.

I got up from the bed and carried her to the sofa and placed her. I changed the sheets to a new one and used a wet cloth to clean herself and mine.

I carried her back to the bed. She was already sleeping. I laid beside her and spooned her. I didn't bother to wear any clothes. Cause I wanted to feel her. I slept well while i snuggled closer to her.

My love

My bec


Author's note

Is it hot enough or you want another one in next chapter

Let me know 😜

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