44. Collapsing

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3rd person pov

"Are you guys ready to attack them" the yound blonde man asked

"Yes sir, we are waiting for your command" one of the man said

"Good, we will start to attack them, get ready" blonde man said and they all left

Freen's pov

I'm currently at my company, there have been some issues with the new plan we proposed and the shareholders are making a fuss about it. So we held a meeting.

"Are you sure, your daughter can lead your empire, look at the mess now" one of the sharehildee said

It's been more than an hour, they aren't even trying to listen to our side. They want me to step down from the CEO position.

But I'm not going to, I know someone has tried to sabotage our plan. And everything is heating up.

"Fine, we will give you a week to resolve this matter, if it's not resolved. We won't change our demand" one of the shareholder said and they all left.

"Freen" dad called me

"Let me take care of this dad, don't tire yourself. I'll make sure everything is ok" I said and he nodded

"I know you can my child, just don't overwork yourself, you have a wife to take care now" he said and smiled.

Yeah my wife, I need her presence now. Only she can make me at ease now.

I went to my office and started to check for a new plan, better than the old one.

As I was engrossed in my work I didn't know the time ran by.

The exhaustion took over me, so I went to make myself a coffee. There wasn't a single soul in my office. And it was dark. I took my phone and saw so many messages and missed calls from my wife.

I checked the time and it was 2 in the morning and took my coat and went to home.

I hope she won't be angry with me. I drove as fast as I could.

I reached my condo and when I opened the door I saw Becca laying on the sofa. I went near her and I saw tears in her eyes. She was clutching on her phone tightly.

I carefully carried her to our room. When I placed her at the bed. She opened her eyes and hugged me.

She broke the hug and glared at me "where the hell were you Sarocha" she asked, damn she's angry.

"I'm sorry babe, I was at company and doing work I didnt know the time went by. When I realised the time i quickly came to you. I'm sorry na" I said giving her puppy eyes

"Stop doing that, I couldn't even get mad at you for long" she said and pouted

"Oww my cute little wifey, I love you na" I said. And hugged her

"Don't do this again, I know the situation of the company and you are super busy and tensed but please call me or text me, I'm worried about you" she said I saw a tear escape from her eyes

"I'm sorry na" I said and pecked her "I promise to update you" I said

"Come here" she said as she pulled me on top of her

"I know you are tired, just take some rest na" she added

"Hmm" I hummed and snuggled closer to her.

We slept peacefully. The next day when I woke up Becky wasn't beside me. I took a quick shower and got ready to go to work.

When I exited our room i saw my wife cooking for me. I went near her and hugged her

"What did I do to get such an amazing and sexy wife" I asked her and she chuckled

"You are so cheesy in the morning babe" she said

"You like my cheesiness " I said

"That I do" she said as she pecked me. "Eat your food before leaving" she Said and i nodded

We were eating food, basically I was feeding the both of us. After eating i offered to wash the plates. I got a call from Riche and i asked her to attend.

She took the phone and started to talk,i finished washing and came beside her. Her mood wasn't good. She didn't acknowledge my presence

"No, no I'll come. I don't want her to stress more Richie" she said and ended the call

"What Happened" i asked, she smiled

"It's nothing babe, there's some false allegations against our company and Richie was informing you" she said

"I should go there first" i said

"No, you already have a lot on your plate. I will go there" she said

"You sure" i asked

"Yes babe, I am" she assured me

"Let me know if you need help na" I said

"Sure wifey, let's go then" she said and i nodded

I dropped Becky off her company and went to mine.

I started to work again, after an hour I got a call from Heng.

I picked up "what is it Heng" i asked him

"Come to the safe house" He said and ended the call.

From the way he spoke I know it's an emergency, so i quickly left my office and went to the safe house.

When I entered I saw our safe house in a mess, our members who have been there were killed brutally. There was a photo of Becky and a knife has been placed on it. There is a message written on the side 'it will be her turn, soon'. Fuck

"Who did this" i asked Heng

"I d-" his words were cut off by Engfa

"What the fuck is this" Engfa asked. And I saw Nam, Kate and Noey with her.

"I don't know, i got a alert on my phone and when I came her i saw this" Heng said

"Did you check the Cameras" Noey asked

"It's distroyed and everything on it was deleted" he said

"You can retrieve it right" Nam asked him

"Yes, but it will take a day" he said

"Start working on it, we need to find the assholes " Kate said

"Call Nop too" i said and he nodded

Wait asshole, whomever you are I'm gonna fucking show you the hell.

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