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Becky's pov

What the fuck. She's engaged

"What" i asked to confirm what I heard.

"I'm engaged Becky, I've been engaged for long, and I don't want to give you false hope" she said and my world stopped I was on the verge of crying

She wiped a tear that escaped my eyes "I'm sorry Becca , you are a beautiful girl. Any person would be lucky to have you as their partner. But it's not me Becca" she said and i nodded

"I care about you Becca and i don't want you to ignore me. Even if you don't want to see me after this. I will disappear but remember this I will be there for you always " she said and hugged me..I cried while hugging her

"I'm sorry Becca for this pain. But remember you will always have a special place in my heart Bec Bec" she said while stroking my scalp

After some minutes of crying I looked at her "I'm sorry for putting you in a tough position P'Freen. Thank you for sharing this. And congratulations for the engagement. The person who you are gonna marry a lucky person P'Freen" I said

"Thank you little one for understanding " she said and kissed my temples.

How will I move on from you P'Freen, if you still care for me like this

After the talk we went inside to watch the movie. I couldn't talk to her anymore. P'Freen sat next to me throughout the whole movie. She took care of my needs even without me asking.

I think she still feels guilty for me.

I slept the in the middle of watching the movie. And when I woke up. I saw those beautiful eyes looking at me with a smile on her face. She's so angelic.

Freen's pov

After the talk we went back to watch the movie. I sat beside Becky. During the movie, instead of focusing on the movie I was watching her. The way she laughs, the way she concentrates. It's all beautiful. She's beautiful.

I noticed all her needs and did everything without even before she could ask. I want her feel that she's still special for me. Even though I can't love her. I will make you feel special my Bec Bec.

During the movie, I saw her sleeping. She put her head on my shoulder. As the time passes by she was snuggling closer to me. And I like how she makes me feel.

After some minutes, I was looking at her sleeping face and smiling. She woke up and looked at me. We were so into looking into our eyes and getting lost into it.

We were looking at each other until we heard that the movie was ended.

"Why don't we order food" Nam asked

"Great idea I'll order" Heng said

"I'll order p'Heng" Nop said as he ordered food for us.

We all ate our dinner, not silently. Cause there were lots of beckring and laughing and teasing.

After finishing dinner we all went back to our places.

I was thinking about Becky. I hope there will be a day when I can make you mine. But I'm not sure it will happen. My life is already fixed Becca. And you need someone who will love you unconditionally.

When I reached my home i got a call from my dad. He asked me to meet me at his office tomorrow. After that I slept off.

I woke up early today and got ready for office.
I reached my office at 7 am. Cause dad always arrives at that time.

I went directly to dad's office. I knocked before I entered his office.

"Freen, how are you honey" he asked

"I'm good dad, how about you" i asked back

"I'm doing great actually. Actually i called you to talk about your marriage" he said and i nodded

"You already know what is happening to our company and with SB company" he said

"Yes dad, and I'm aware of it. I'm sure there won't be any dirty works from their side. I'll make sure it won't happen dad. I'm working on it" I said

"I know Freen, and i know that you and your gang is working on that" he said

"Yes dad we are" I said

"But make sure you will be safe. No injuries Freen" he said

"Don't worry dad, I'll make sure I'm safe" I said

"And we want this marriage to happen soon. So you will get married in a months Freen. Just a small marriage and and if you want a big ceremony with everyone we can have after your graduation" he said and i nodded

"I hope you will take care of each other and I hope you won't hurt her. They are giving their daughter trusting us. And I want to keep that trust Freen" he said

"I will dad i promise. I will take care of her and i won't hurt her" i said

"I'm not asking you to fall in love with her, but I hope you will give yourself a chance to get to know her" he said and i nodded

"Your marriage will be after a month. So be ready for that" he said

"Okay dad" I said

"Take care my child and vist your old man and old women. She misses you dearly and me too" he said and i chuckled

"You are not that old dad" I said and gave him a wink "I am visiting you every weekends dad" I said and pouted

"Well we only have a little girl dear. And we miss her so much" he said facking a cry

"Don't be dramatic, dad, I will visit you soon " I said and he patted my head

"Take care na" he said

"You too paa" I said and left the room

I went back to my office tableand did some work. Before i leave I took some files with me. While going out i texted Becky

"Good morning Bec Bec, are you at school" I tested

"Yes I am P'Freen, it's boring and I'm sleepy. I want milk tea " she texted back with a cute emoji

"I'll be there in 20 minutes meet me at parking lot" I tested and said ok

After that i went to my car and went to nearest cafe to buy milk tea. After that i went straight to campus. I saw her waiting for me at my usual parking lot.

"Here's your milk tea with 100% sugar princess" I said and gave it to her.

"Thank you so much, P'Freen. I really need it" she said and hugged me. This little girl. And showed me her cute little dimple smile.

"Cute" I said and she looked at me

"I know I'm cute and pretty you don't have to look at me like that" she said playfully

"Like what " I said and took a step closer to her. I saw how she gulped. So I took another step.

"P'Freen" she called my name. More like a whisper. I took another step closer we are so close that if someone bumbed into us we would kiss.

"Don't do this" she said as she took a step back. That's when I realised it's not playful anymore. So i didn't move or say anything.

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