17. Is this a dream??

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Freen's pov

I packed my bags as soon as I came to my condo. I informed my gang that I won't be available for 2 days. And call me only if there is emergency.

I wore a simple tshirt and trousers for my flight. We will be traveling in our private.

Dad and mom were already there waiting for me. I greeted them and we made our way to our flight. It will be a long flight so i thought sleeping will be better.

But i couldn't sleep. All of my thoughts were consumed by her. Not about the serpent, nor the company not even about the fact that I will be married tomorrow. All my thoughts were about Becky.


We reached London in morning. It was indeed a long flight and i couldn't even sleep properly. We went to our condo in London. I took a nap as soon i reach there. The wedding is in the evening. So I have plenty of time.

Mom and dad already informed me that they will be at the venue that is near a beach. And they asked me to be there before 3 pm. It would take 1 hour to travel to the location. So i should get up before 1 pm. So I took a quick nap.

After 2 hours of long nap. I woke up and went to freshen up. The dress were already placed on the table for me. So i got ready and changed my clothes.

I was satisfied with my clothes. I didn't had any expectations either.

I reached the beach house exactly at 3 pm. I saw my parents waiting for me outside. I greeted them and we went to backside of the house where the marriage will be held.

It was a small and simple set up

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It was a small and simple set up. But it was beautiful. There will be only family and the official for the marriage so it was enough.

I was greeted by uncle and aunty.

"You are beautiful Freen" aunty complimented

"Thank you aunty" i said and smiled politely

"Why don't you check on our princess Rawee" uncle said.

"You should go too Rob" my dad said and they nodded

"We will see in some minutes with our princess Freen" he said and smiled.

Soon after the official arrived and I was told to stand at the altar. After some minutes I heard some murmurs of my dad and my mom. My dad patted my shoulder and mom hugged me.

"We are proud of you my child" he said and i nodded.

After some minutes the official asked the bride to come. And I heard my mom mumbled 'beautiful' and i looked back but I was shocked to see her.

She was escorted by her dad hand in hand

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She was escorted by her dad hand in hand. She wasn't looking at me. If she looked at me she can see my suprised face. Fuck how did I get that lucky to have you.

When she reached near me her mother and brother joined us.

"Take care of my princess, Freen" her dad said that's when she looked at me. And i could see how surprise she was looking at me.

"I will sir" I said and he nodded. He handed her hand to my hand. Her mom gave me a hug and her brother looked at me and smiled and i returned the smile.

I looked at her again. She was a mesmerizing sight. We were so lost in our eyes. Both didn't want to break the contact

The official called us and we broke the eye contact .

Becky's pov

I was informed by my dad that the wedding will happen tomorrow and we are leaving London tonight.

I already came to terms that I will get married to Sarocha, who i haven't seen yet. And i didn't want to. Even though I don't know her, by the way her dad talked about her i think she might be a good person. Even though the revelation about her secret shocked me. I still remember the promise I made to uncle when we chatted at my dad's office.


After asking uncle David why he arranged my marriage instead of Riche's

"She's intersex Becca " he said and shock was evident in my face. "I want you to spend some time with her before you judge her.and get to know her. She's a good person and she suffered a lot because of being an intersex" He said

"But uncle, it's not a crime. If she's born like that, it's not her fault. I'm sure she will find a person who will love her for who she is. And uncle don't worry I won't treat her badly just because she is intersex. Yes I was shocked at the revelation but she's also human. And I don't judge people by their appearance. Unless she doesn't do any harm to others I will treat her like my friend" I said and smiled

"Thank you Becca, you sure are a kind girl. I'm glad that you are marrying my daughter " he said and smiled. But I don't want to marry her uncle.

"I'm not sure if I can love her uncle" I said

"I know you are not interested in this marriage child, so we won't force you to be married for long. You can get a divorce after 2 years if you want" he said

"Really" I was happy I didn't have to be married to her for long

"Yes Becca, that's why we are planning the marriage a little early. So when you finish your studies you can get a divorce and live like you wanted to." my dad said

"But if you both wanted to live together we are also ok with that" uncle said "we don't want to force anything, but your marriage is important for the sake of both of the company. So I want both you to get along with each other. At least try to be a friend for her. " he asked

"I will try to be a good friend firher uncle. I promise " I said giving him a reassuring smile

End of flashback

I still remember the promise and I'm sure I will keep them.

After arriving London we went to our beach house. Cause they plalnned a simple backyard wedding and I was ok with that.

After reaching I went to my room and took a lower nap because I was too tired.

I woke up before lunch to get ready. I took a shower and did my make up. I wore my dress. It looks nice on me. I was the one who chose the wedding dress for the marriage. I already gave her dress to her dad.

After getting ready I was waiting for the ceremony to start. And Richie was accompanying me with his girlfriend Hailey.

After some minutes dad and mom came.

"You look beautiful princess"dad said he was tearing up

"Oh my baby, look at you" mom said as she embraced me in hug.

After the small interaction. I was called by the official.

"Ready princess" my dad asked and i nodded

We walked hand in hand. I saw her standing at the altar waiting for me. And my mind was thinking about P'Freen. How nice it would be if she's the one waiting for me at altar. I was feeling sad so looked down and didn't wanna see her face.

As soon as we reached near her. My dad spoke "Take care of my princess Freen" he said. That name.

Am i hearing things now


Author's note

I hope you guys are eager to read the next chapter,

Don't expect too much cause it's gonna be a roller coaster ride.

Take care guys 💜🌷

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