60. What's happening

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Becky's pov

It's been a week since the whole incident happened. Noey and Engfa explained everything to us about Seng and Billy. I felt bad about them. Char woke up a day ago. And i saw Engfa crying. We were all happy about her waking up.

We reported everything about Stefan, SB company and serpents. Stefan is under arrest and he is undergoing a trial now.

Even though we were in hospital it's doesn't stop me from touching Freen. Even though she didn't give in at first, I made her give in and we did it in the hospital bed. That was a whole new experience.

Today we will be discharging, I don't know why they kept me and irin so long in the hospital. Char has to stay in hospital for 2 more days.

I will be going back to our condo and I can have my Freen all day without any disturbances.

We reached our condo and i didn't waste any time and started to kiss her. I missed making love in our own bed.

It's been 2 weeks since I got discharged, Char is also discharged from the hospital. We spend some quality time with the gang without any mafia things.

Stefan was sentenced to jail forever. And i was happy about that news. We went to all of his trials and i was happy that he got sentenced in 2 trials.

Me and Freen has been distant for a week. I don't know what is happening. She's been distancing herself and doing works. She's not touching me and sleeping beside me. But if u ask her anything she says she's fine. She give me hugs but not long hugs.

I've been having weird feeling about this. And it's hurting me seeing Freen distancing herself. I was very sad. Even now she's at her office immersed in work and it's already midnight.

I waited for her for long and saw her coming inside at 2 am.

"You haven't slept yet"she asked me and i glared at her

"What are you doing Freen" i asked

"Can we sleep now, I feel too tired" she said

"You are too tired to touch me, you are too tired to talk me. You don't want me anymore " i asked her

"It's not like that Bec " she said

"Do whatever you want Freen " I said and went to our room

"Bec wait" she said and came behind me. But i quickly got inside the room and locked it "Beck open the door let's talk na" she said but I didnt open it.

I cried on my bed and slept off. When I woke up Freen wasn't there as expected. I packed my few clothes and and went to my house.

Freen's pov

In the morning I left to buy some milk tea and flowers for Becky. I know I have been distancing myself from her. But i want to make this right. I want to talk to her.

I've been feeling sick for a week and I'm afraid that something bad might happen. So i went for a check up and waiting for the results.

After getting milktea and flowers for bec i went back to my condo to surprise her. But I was the one who got surprised when I got home. She wasn't there. She was gone.

I called her and texted her so may times but she hasn't been picking up any of my calls.

I was getting worried, I called our gang and checked on with them and they said they haven't heard from Becky today. I went to her home hoping that she might there.

When I recehd her home, mom and dad welcomed me with a smile.

"Are you guys having a fight" pa asked and i nodded

"It's ok she's upstairs go and talk to her, she hasn't came out from the room." ma said and i got up went to her room.

"Bec, I'm coming inside" I said and went inside . I was her sleeping peacefully. There were some tears on her cheeks. She must've cried a lot. I felt bad for making her cry.

I got a call from my dad so i went back and told Ma and Pa that I'll be back.

I went to meet my dad at his company. He was with Riche.

"Hey baby" he greeted me

"Hey dad, is everything ok" i asked him.

"Everything is ok my sister in law" Riche said and smiled. "we got some compansation from the SB company for spreading fake news about us and we wanted to know your opinion" he asked.

"You should accept it Riche, he was a pain in your dad's ass for long time. You guys deserve it for the losses you have experienced" I said and he nodded

"She's right Riche" my dad backed me up

"Ok, but i have to meet the prosecutor to talk about this matter, would you accompany me" he asked. I wanted to protest it and go back to my baby and resolve our fight. But

"You should go Freen" my dad said and i nodded. Me and Riche made our way towards the prosecution office and talked. After some hours we came with some agreement.

We left there and i got a call from my mom asking me to come to Armstrong's mansion.

I told Riche about this and he nodded andwe both left to Armstrong's place.

When we reached there, I saw Char, Irin, Nam and Kate beside Becky.

Dad and Pa were sitting opposite to her. Noey and Engfa was sitting on the other side. Mom and Ma was at the kitchen

When they saw me and Riche. Everyone glared at me.

"What the fuck Freen" Char asked

"How dare you make her cry" irin said and glared

"Can we just talk without killing me" i aksed

"Oh now you want to talk" Becky Said as she was giving daggers through her eyes. I gulped looking at her.

"It's not what you think bec" i said and made my way towards her. She stood up and was about to leave when i grabbed her hand and hugged her.

"Listen to me na" I said and inhaled her scent. I couldn't stand this anymore "I'm sorry Bec" I said and ran away.

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