21. The talk

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Becky's pov

I heard her mumbling something but couldn't hear that properly so i looked at P'Freen rasing my eye brows.

"It's nothing" she said and nodded. I drifted to my dreamland quickly.

I woke up from my alarm. And when I opened my eyes I saw P'Freen talking on phone. She was angry. Like she was yelling at  someone.

She turned around and met my eyes. "We should leave" she said picking up her coat

"Not until the doctor comes and checks on you" I said

"I don't have time, I have to go" she said

"No" I said and glared at her. She sighed and took a seat in her bed

"Fine" she said

After some minutes the doctor came and checked her again. She was ok to go.

We left the hospital quickly. She got no patience.

We were in the car "where should I drop you" she asked and i put her condo address in the GPS. She looked at me "that's my condo" she said

"Sorry to disappoint you, it's our condo now and i already moved in" I said and she nodded.

There was too much silence in the car. We haven't talked to each other properly. I was gonna break the silence but she talked first

"We should talk Rebecca " she said. Seriously Rebecca now???

"About what" i asked

"About us" she said and parked the car. "Let's go inside and talk" she said and i nodded. The walk to the condo was full of silence.

She opened the door for me and we both got inside.

"Did you know, that you were going to marry me" she asked

"No, i didn't" I said

"Are you ok about all of this" she asked

"Actually i wasn't before. But it's what my dad wanted so I did it for him" I said. I saw her sad smile. It's true that I said yes to this marriage because of my dad.

"You should get ready, and i should go" she said and was about to leave

"P'Freen " i called her

"Yeah" she said

"Are you fine about marrying me. I know it was sudden " I said and looked at her

"Yeah it was, but i already made my mind for my dad" she said. Which hurted a bit. She doesn't have any interest in me.

"We should keep this marriage a secret " I said and she nodded.

"You should get ready, I will drop you off in campus" she said and i nodded.

We both went to our rooms.

Freen's pov

The conversation turned out to be bad. What was I even thinking, confessing to her. She married me because of her father. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore.

I freshend up and went to kitchen to cook something. As I was finishing I felt someone's presence. I turned around and saw Becky looking at me.

"Hey I made you breakfast, let's eat before we leave" I said and she nodded.

We both sat on the dining table and started to eat. The silence was kind of comfortable and annoying

"P'Freen" she called me and i looked at her "can you not go to work and take rest today" she asked more like pleading

"But Bec-" She didn't let me finish

"I know that we are in a middle of crisis, but you are not the only one. So please don't stress yourself more and look after your health" she said and got up

"Ok, can i atleast come to campus" i asked and she nodded.

She washed the dishes. And i got ready for campus.

"Let's go" I said and we both went to our car. I opened the car door for her and she thanked me.

After some minutes we reached our campus. I dropped her in the front and went to park my car. I saw my friends waiting for me there

"Hey buddy, why the long face" Noey asked

"Nothing" I said and let out a heavy sigh

"Oooo that was a long one. Are you sure that you're ok" Nam asked and i nodded

"We don't have classes today, why don't we go to our safe House" Heng asked

"Yup let's go" I said

"Let's all go in one car" Kate said and we all agreed.

Irin's pov

Nop and Char was with me waiting for Becky to come.

She was super late today. After an hour of waiting we saw her coming. She doesn't look good.

"Bec, you ok" i asked

"I'm fine Irin, just tired of the situation" she said

"With Billy or the company" Char asked.

"Both actually" she said

"It will end soon bec, we are working on it" Nop said

"I know, but it's too exhausting" she said

"We can understand" Char said and we nodded

"Why are you all here" Becky asked

"It's good that you've asked" Nop said "We got some information about Alpha gang from Gold's phone" he said

"What info " she asked

"Here look at this pics" He said and showed us

"What the fuck" ..........

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