45. Mess

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Becky's pov

Freen dropped me to our company before she headed to hers. I know I'm not usually intrested in the company, but my wife has a lot on her plates. And i don't want her to stress more.

When I reach there, i saw Richie yelling to his staffs. I made my way to my dad's office first.

"Morning dad" i whined him

"Morning princess, don't you have class today" he asked

"Yes, but i took a leave today. I wanna help. And I want to know what is happening clearly" I said and he nodded.

He called his secretary and asked her to send Riche here. After 2 minutes Riche was here.

"Hey trouble maker" he said to me, i ignored his words and looked at dad to explain more.

"So the thing is, we are currently losing our stocks because of the illegal works that happened before, someone dig that up and made it a viral on the stock market and our shareholder are giving us a hard time" he said

"Who would have done this" I asked, but i already have a doubt on a person

"I'm not sure, but I have doubt on SB company and i can't just sue them for making false allegations" he said and i sighed.

"I'm sure we will find a way dad" Riche said and looked at me "where's Freen, we need her" he said

"She has lots on her plates now, she barely sleeps, let me help" I said and he nodded

I called Nop to come over and he arrived after 30 minutes. I was on p'Freen's office. Dad said I can use that office.

After Nop's arrival. We both started to work. We know this has something to do with Billy and SB company. We need to earse this.

Nop is trying hard to hack the system, he's been working in that over an hour now.

And im checking some documents, to find any connection that might link SB company with us.

It will help us if everything got out of our hands.

After some hours Nop finished hacking and erased all the rumours about our company. After that he left to meet Irin.

I went back to my dad's office.

"No, it can't be. It can't happen David" I heard him yell at pa through the phone

".........." He let out a heavy sigh

"I'm coming, postpone the meeting until I reach there" he said and ended the call. When he turned to my side I saw anger in his face.

Even before i could say anything he said "come with me, Freen will need you right now" then he walked away. I followed him

After about 20 minutes we reached Chankimha's empire. We directly went to meeting room.

I saw many faces that were looking at us. Then my eyes landed on p'Freen, who seems angrier than my dad

There was a seat beside her, so I went to the seat and sat beside her. She looked at me and interwined our hands.

"Hey babe" she said

"You ok babe" i asked her and she nodded "what's happening" i asked her again.

Then the door was opend revealing Billy with another blonde man and an older man who looks like his father. When p'Freen saw them her anger riser even more. I tightened my grip on her hands. She looked at me instead of them.

"Did we make you wait too long" The older man said. Billy was looking at me and he smirked

"Why are you here Stefan" my dad asked. Oh so he's the one.

"We got shares in the company, so we are allowed to be here" Billy said and took a seat beside his father which was unfortunately opposite to me.

"Whatever it is you guys aren't welcomed here. You may leave" Freen said

"Not a great way to speak to older people young lady, is this how your parents raised you" he said and smirked.

"I raised my child in a right way, she knows how to differentiate between good and bad" Pa said

"Why are you here" my dad asked

"I'm here to offer a partnership, your company is sinking David and the partnership between our company will help yours. And to nominate my son as next CEO I heard that you might need a potential CEO to run the company" he said

"We don't want your partnership and we already have a CEO" PA said

"Well, isn't she going to step down soon" Billy said

"That won't happen" my dad said

"Don't be confident Robert, she haven't made any progress after the issue " Stefan said

"It's none of your business " my dad said

"It is my business, after all I'm also a part of your company now" Stefan said

"I don't care how you got the shares Stefan, but let me get this clear you aren't welcomed here" Pa said

"Im sure others don't mind my offer" he siad and we looked at the other share holders. Damn they are already on their side

"Really, you know how he is and you all are supporting him" dad asked

"There no evidence Mr. Armstrong and your company are also like them and we have accepted yours so why not them" said one of the shareholders

"You are playing your game huh Mr. Jenson, let's see. And for all of you to hear I'll make sure to not step down and to punish whoever is involved in creating this mess without any mercy. And the partnership offer, we don't need it. Even if we go down we don't need your help." Freen said as she stood up.

"This meeting ends here, and whatever happens another meeting won't be happening until next Wednesday and no one gonna enter our building like a stray dog" she said and looked at her father.

"This meeting is over, everyone can leave" pa said

Everyone was leaving one by one. Before mr. Stefan and Billy left he spoke again "I'll make sure to drag you down both" and he smirked

"And I'll make sure to not let both you in again" Freen said

"Leave Stefan, before i do something that i really wanted to do the moment you stepped in" Pa said

"And, don't even dream on stepping in here, or the our next step will be on you" my dad warned.

They both left after that. Me my dad, pa and Freen was left.

"It's getting out of our hands Freen" Dad said

"I won't let that happen, I'll make sure to fix this mess " Freen said

"Don't stress yourself child, we are a team and we will work together " PA said

"Pa is right Freen , we are in this together. And we will make sure to clean this up" i said and gave her a smile

"I believe in us" she said

"Let's go to our gang, we need their help too" I said she nodded.

"Take care girls" we heard our dad's voice.

After that we went to Nop's house, and she told me that everyone was waiting for us there.


Author's note

I'm not sure what's happening, I'm going in the flow.

Hope you liked it.

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