6. Rejection

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Becky's pov

It's been 2 week since we started to spend our time with the student council members. They are really fun peoples and caring. Especially P'Freen. She always takes care of me and buys me milk tea. Irin and Nam always teases us. But we never mind them.

Nop informed that the serpent gang is going to have a meeting in the bar. And we wanted to go there.

At first Char didn't wanna come cause she wanted to spend some time with her girlfriend but p'fa seemed to be busy. So char also came with us.

When we reached the bar,

"Guys I think they cancelled the meeting" Nop said

"What" i asked him

"The informer I talked just texted me that they postponed their meeting because they felt the presence of Alpha gang" she said

"I think we should try to meet them" Irin said

"You are right, we should explain our side of story" Char said and we all nodded

Cause Alpha gang was very private. We couldn't even track them and didn't even got a single information about them. But we are still trying.

"In the meantime let's have some drinks" suggested irin

As we were going to have a drink we saw p'fa and P'Freen . We went near them. They were kind of suspicious at first, like they are caught off guard. Maybe I was thinking too much.

We settled with them and has few drinks. Charlotte dragged me to dance floor. I saw irin and Noey getting along well. And I know irin has a crush on her. After some time Engfa came and danced with Charlotte. I was left alone. And I want to be with P'Freen. I know it's been only few days since we met. But I have this huge attraction towards her. And whenever our eyes met. I got lost in her eyes. I'm not sure if she feels the same but I'm really have a crush on her and I want to know her more.

After some minutes of searching I saw her at the bar counter. Drinking alone. As i was approaching her. I saw a lady was making her move on her. And I saw how P'Freen was uncomfortable.

"Don't touch her" i said as I went near her.

"Who are you to say that" the lady asked

"She has a girlfriend, so back off" I said cause i really don't like when others touch my P'Freen.

"I don't see her" said the lady

I came closer to her. I was a little bit shorter than that lady so i was looking up to make direct eye contact "Now you see her" i said and smirked

"Don't joke around little girl, I'm sure that she's not your girlfriend" she said

I was getting irritated so i pulled P'Freen towards me and kissed her on the lips.

It's not my first time kissing someone. But it was different. My heart skipped a beat and I felt butterflies around my stomach. If I keep kissing her I can't stop myself. So I broke the kiss.

"Now you got your answer right, fuck off" i said and the lady was gone. I looked at P'Freen and i Couldn't predict what she was thinking. So i thought to apologise

"I'm sorry P'Freen " i said . She wasn't responding to me

"P'Freen, you ok" i asked again

"Wtf Becky" she asked "I'm thankful that you saved me from her, but you didn't have to kiss me" she said angryly. I was a bit hurt.

" I'm sorry for that but I'm not really sorry either" i said and I her confused face

"I'm sorry for not asking permission before kissing you. But i don't regret kissing you" i said as i took her hand and placed near my heart

"Can you feel, how it beats for you" i asked, I'm not even sure what I am trying to say.

She took her hand quickly "no I don't feel and don't make things complicated Becky, I see you as my nong" she said. Which hurted me

"I know, but can you give me a chance to court you " i asked desperately

"Stop this nonsense Becky" she said

I came close to her. Our faces were some inches away. She was breathing heavily so am I. I can feel that she feels the same. But why isn't she admitting.

"I know you feel the same P'Freen" I said breathing heavily.

"Becky" she whispered

"Please don't resist me P'Freen" i whispered back

We were so close to kissing again but P'Freen backed off "I can't Becky, don't do this. Forget whatever happened here" she said and she left. I stood there not knowing what to do.

I wanted to chase her but i couldn't. My feet weren't moving.


What have I done.

After some minutes we all went back to our respective home. Irin asked if she could stay with me today and i said she can.

After we reach my home. I went to take a shower. After shower i went back to my bed. Irin was already waiting for me.

"What happened Becky" she asked

"Nothing" I said

"I know it's not nothing, tell me Becky" she asked and i started to cry. She came near me and made me sit on the sofa. She let me cry as long as i want.

After my crying started to subside she asked me what happened and i told her everything that happened between me and P'Freen.

"Don't think too much, maybe she has some reasons. Don't cry na" she said

"But Irin, I can feel that she feels the same" I said

"But she backed off Becky maybe she doesn't. You should clear things up when you meet her" she said

"I don't know irin, it's the first time I'm feeling like this. I didn't ask her to be my girlfriend. I just asked her to let me court her" i said

"I know Becky. Give her some time na" she said and i nodded.

We went back to sleep. Irin cuddled me to sleep.

Whne we woke up, we got plenty of messages from Nop. We both looked at each other and called Nop.

And he picked up

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