15. Final kiss

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Freen's pov

We are currently resting in student council room. Cause yesterday's night was long for us.

Suddenly we heard the room door opening and closing. The sound was too loud like some angry bird just walked in. I looked at the side and saw Irin, Becky and Char without any emotions. And Nop standing beside them.

"Babe what happened" Engfa asked

"Where were you all yesterday night" Char asked.

"I told you we ju-" Engfa was cut off

"Don't fucking lie, I will give you all one more chance to say the truth and i promise if any one of you lied you won't see any of us again" Char said.

We all looked at each other and gulped. Me, Noey and Engfa were sweating. Cause irin was looking at Noey and Becky was looking at me and Char was glaring at Engfa.

Fuck how did they find out.

"What do you guys know" I asked them mainting my cool

"We asked the question first Freen, and just answer it" Chat said

"Fine we were at a warehouse" Noey said

"And" asked Irin

"And....." Engfa couldn't complete her sentence

"Cut the chase, we know that you burned the drugs and killed some people including Gold and Mew" Becky said

"How did you know" i asked again

"That's not the problem here" Iirn said

"We have some questions, If you answer them honestly we will answer your questions" Char said

"Fine" we there said

"Are you a part of serpants" Becky

"What ..... Noooo" we 3 said in unison

"Why did you attack them" irin asked

"Cause they attacked you guys yesterday " Noey said

"What the fuck p'Freen" Becky asked me  and i gulped "we will talk about this privately" she said and I nodded

"Seriously that's the only reason" Char asked

"I don't know what you wanna hear from us, but let me make this clear. We don't do anything illegal and we will tell you guys everything when the Time is right" I said sternly

"It's not the right time to talk about this" Noey added

"And we don't want you guys involved in any of this matters" Engfa said

"Why" they all asked

"Just trust us" I said and they nodded

Charlotte came near Engfa and sat on her lap. Noey went near irin to talk to her. That left me and Becky. She was still glaring at me.

"We should talk p'Freen" she said and i nodded

"Can we go to rooftop" I asked and she nodded

We walked silently after reaching there I took a seat on the chair and she sat on a bench that was near the char.

"So what do you wanna talk" i asked

"It's not fair p'Freen" she said

"What" i asked her

"You asking me not to fight and you doing the same thing" she said

"It's fucking different Becky " I snapped "why are you so eager to fight Becca. Can't you just leave the topic"

"Ok let's talk about the other things, Why are you doing this. You can't just kill people without any reason you know" she said

"I didn't kil anyone without reasons, stop accusing me" I said

She scoffed "accusing you. That's bullshit I saw what you did there, I fucking saw it" she said

I didn't say anything to her. Cause i asked her to trust me minutes ago and she's keep asking me these questions which i already said that when the right time we will come we will say everything.

"Seriously p'Freen " she asked

"What do you want me to say. I asked you to trust me and now you are questioning me again" I said

"Cause i FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOU" she snapped back

"THEN STOP FUCKING CARING ABOUT ME" I said literally yelling at her

"Then stop saying what I can do or what I can't do" she said

"That's a different matter Becca, I asked you not to fight cause I don't want you to get hurt"


"Why are we yelling at each other" I asked

"Ask yourself cause you started this first" she said

"I'm sorry " I said and hugged her. I heard her little sobs "hey bec bec don't cry na" I said.

"Don't put yourself in danger please " she pleaded

"I won't promise that, but I promise that I will be careful in every situation" I said as i caresing her hair

"What are we doing, we were yelling at each other a minute ago now we are hugging each other" she said and we both chuckled. After some minutes i broke the silence

"I don't wanna lose you Becca" i confessed

"Me too p'Freen but-" she said

"But?" I asked her

"But we can't be like this p'Freen. We are pulling and pushing each other. You are engaged and i clearly have feelings for you. I need some time to move on from you" she said. I want to protest but I have to understand the situation

"It's ok Becca i understand. But promise me that you will take care of yourself" I asked

"I will p'Freen" she said and i gave her a peck on her forehead

"p'Freen" she called and i hummed in response "can I kiss you for the last time" she asked

"Bec-" she didn't let me finish

"I know we are not destined. But Just for the last time, I won't ask for it again" she said and i nodded

She kissed me on my lips. Her lips fit me perfectly. It's feels so good. Her lips are against mine, it feels so right. i didn't kiss her back at first but when she was going to break the kiss I pulled her closer to me by nee nape and kissed her passionately and i felt her tears on my skin. She returned the kisses.

We broke the kiss but I put my forehead on hers. We were breathing heavily

"Take care Becca" I said

"You too p'Freen " she said and with thet she left the rooftop and I stayed there

I don't wanna lose you nong

But I can't just hurt you more

My fate is already fixed

Im sorry bec bec

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