23. Jealous much

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Nam's pov

After Mind left i started to miss her. I know I can't keep her with me right now. She has to go.

After that we were talking about today's practice and suddenly Becky yelled

"you did what" Becky yelled. She was glaring at Freen. More like throwing draggers through her eyes. Gosh Freen, what did you do?

"What happened Bec" Irin asked

"Sarocha Chankimha" she called Freen's full name and everyone was looking at Freen. "what did I told you to do" she asked again and we saw Freen gulped. Damn angry Becca is really scary

"What" Freen asked maintaining her cool. But we alll can see how terrified she is.

"Uhhhh, do whatever you what. It's not like I have the right to say anything" Becky said and tried to walk away. But Freen grabbed her wrist.

"What the fuck Rebecca, why are you talking like that" she asked back

Becky removed Freen's grip from her wrist and started to walk again "fine go, go back to you fucking boyfriend. Go and fuck him" Freen said. What is Happening here.

Becky stopped after hearing that. We all were just staying silent. Cause we want to stay alive for some more days.

"What the fuck" Becky said and came near Freen. She grabbed her color and they both were so close and were staring at each other "Don't fucking try to change the topic, i fucking asked you to take rest and what did you do" she asked and scoffed "playing basketball. Gosh Sarocha can't you just listen to one thing" she said and released Freen's color. She scoffed "FYI it's none of your business what i do" she said and walked away.

Freen went near her car and threw her backpack on her car. And left. We all were dumbfounded

"What happened here just now" Noey asked

"Don't know, we will need a drink for sure" Kate said

"Yeah we will" Char said

We all went to bar after that to discuss what was happening between Freen and Becky.

Becky's pov

What the fuck was she even thinking. Fucking my boyfriend. Can't she see how much I love her. Fuck her.

I went back to my home instead of condo. Mom and dad saw me coming but they didn't ask anything. They give me the space I wanted. I went to my room and took a bath. After that i settled on bed. I thought about what happened a while ago.

I just asked to her rest, i know I'm not anyone to her. At least she could have considered that as a request. I cried a lot and slept off.

Freen's pov

What was I even thinking. Why did I even shout at her. I know I was just jealous because I saw her with billy. But the hurt I saw her in her eyes were killing me.

I fucking messed up.

When I reached my condo she wasn't there, i poured myself a drink and finished 2 bottles of whisky and passed out.

The next day

"You look terrible Freen" Engfa said. Now I'm currently at basketball court for practice. I slept off the whole morning and when I woke up I had the terrible head ache and rested a bit more after taking medicine.

"Don't even ask" I said and streched my body before doing exercises.

Practice went well. I left after the practice. Cause I have pending works to do. I might saty till midnight.

Becky's pov

I didn't see P'Freen yesterday. I hoped that I will see her at her condo. But she wasn't there.

Today is the day they have a match with the Law department, which is obviously my department. I was with Char, irin, Nam, Kate, and Nop. The court was filled with students from all dipartment.

"Wow, P'Freen have lot of fans" Irin said

"Yes she does, but she doesn't give attention to anyone" Nam said

"Noey and Engfa has too" Kate said

"They are famous among girls and boys. Everyone admire the trio" Nam said

"Whatever" i mumbled and rolled my eyes

"Bec you ok" Char asked

"Yup" I said

We were sitting closer to the court. So we can see them close enough. When Heng, Freen, Noey, Engfa came the crowd went crazy and started to yell their name as cheering for them

"Who's the new girl" Irin asked

"Oh that's Naw, she's also a first year like you. She a good player and they zinc well" Nam said and we nodded.

The opponent team aka our own department team arrived. They were also five, I know Build, Type and Billy. But the others i don't know

"What are their names" i asked

"She's Mariyam and Neena. They are in our university team" Kate said

"Oh we got good players huh!" I said the others rolled their eye on me.

"We are gonna win for sure" Nam said

"Let's see" I said.

Throughout the 1st half match their score was tie. When the 2nd half started and the Law team was in lead. But in the end the business team won by last shot. And they are hugging each other

The game was intense and anticipating. I saw Billy's defeated face. He was angry I was enjoying his reaction actually. But i didn't show it on my face. I just smiled at him. 

I saw P'Freen smiling, i smiled when I saw her happiness and at the moment i just wanted to hug her. I started walking towards her then I heard someone calling "baby" when I turned around. A girl was running towards P'Freen and hugged her. She even kissed her too.

What the fuck


Author's note

So the chapter is here! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Oh and any guess who that person is ????

Let me know your guess


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