19. Exhausting

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Freen's pov

I came back to my company at morning to finish my work. I also had 2 meetings. It was exhausting.

I went to campus at lunch. I have to meet my gang and plan about our next move.

They texted me to come directly to council room.

When I reached there, my eyes fell on a certain girl who is my wife now. Gosh I can't still beleive that i married her. Its her. She's my wife.

I'm still afraid of her getting uncomfortable around me, cause dad already told her about me. I don't want her to be uncomfortable around me. I saw her eyes getting teary when we signed the marriage certificate.

But she already has Billy, maybe she's sad because it wasn't him. Maybe she's not happy to marry me. Maybe i should talk to her.

"Mueng you are spacing out" Engfa said

"Is there a problem Freen" Noey asked

"It's nothing" i said without any emotions. I went there and took a seat beside them. Becky was sitting opposite to me. She wasn't looking at me. Does she hate me now.

"Where were you for 2 days, you didn't even tell us where you went" Nam asked

"There was an urgent family matter that I had to attend" I said

"Hmm mueng, we have a basketball match next week. You will play for the team right" Noey asked

" Ok, but I'm  not sure" I said

"Come on Freen it's our last year and we don't have to counsil works anymore the 2nd years will take over our works. We only have supervise them" Noey said

"I'll think about it" I said yawning

"Didn't you sleep yesterday" Kate asked

"I haven't slept properly in 4 days. I'm tired" I said. This time Becky looked at me. And when I looked at her she averted her eyes.

"Bec-Bec" there he comes annoying Billy

"Here comes the Romeo " Nam said

"Stop it guys" Becky said

"You can't enter" I said coldly

"Why " he asked

"It's student council room, only the member can enter" I said

"What's your problem with me" he asked and i scoffed

"Ask yourself " i said

"You-" Billy was cut off by Becky

"It's ok Billy let's talk outside na" Becky said and stood up. They both went outside. My anger was buliding up.

"Chill freen" Heng said

I received a text from Riche. He was asking me to come to his company for a meeting.

I let out a heavy sigh. I'm too exhausted. I didn't wanna go but I don't have any choice.

"Are you ok Freen you don't look good" Nam said

"I'm ok, I have to go" I said and stood up. But I felt a dizziness. My hand was gripping on the table. So i didn't fall down

"Hey buddy take a seat, you should rest" Noey said trying to help me sit down. Nam took a water bottle and gave me to drink.

"I'm fine, it's ok" I said and tried to stand up.

"Just take some rest before you leave buddy" Heng said.

"Yeah i will once I get home. I have to go, call me if you have any lead" i said and he nodded

I saw Becky and Billy coming from the corridor she was sipping milk tea and Billy's hands were in her waist. My anger was buliding up again. But I don't have the right to be angry.
Do i ?

I reached Armstrong's company half and hour later. They have prepared an office for me there.

Riche was already waiting for me in my office. He gave me some documents that i need to check before the meeting. And i started my work.

It's gonna be a long day. And I won't have any time to eat I guess.

Becky's pov

I didn't see P'Freen after i reached our condo. I already moved in into her condo. When I reached her condo i thought we could talk about our marriage. I don't know if she's happy being married to me. She seemed little sad after the marriage.

But P'Freen wasn't at her condo, she already left. Luckily her mom and my mom was with me. And they helped me move in. I skipped morning class and spent some time with my mom and Ma (P'Freen's mom).

During lunch i went back to campus. And I ate my lunch with my gang.

"Did they give you any answer" i asked Nop. Cause it's been 3 days since we texted the member of Alpha gang.

"Not really, they said they will text us back after deciding. I'm thinking about texting them again" he said and i nodded.

"Oooi beckyyyy" that was Nam. She came towards me and hugged me.

"Nam.... I need to breathe" I said as i chucked

"Where were you for 2 days" she asked

"I went for a vacation with my family" I said

"Oh lucky girl, we were working these past 2 days because of Freen" Kate said

"What work" i asked

"Student council. It was actually freen's work. But she has been MIA and she told us she would be here today. But freen's hasn't reached here" Noey said

"Oh" that's the only thing that came from my mouth. Cause I'm her wife and I still haven't talked or seen her.

Then we talked about the studen council. And they also told that their juniors are taking over them. So they will have less work.

After some minutes P'Freen came. I was so engrossed in my conversation with irin that i didn't even know she was sitting opposite to me.

Then I saw Billy. I really don't want to be close with him. But i don't have any choice. I should do this.

P'Freen seemed iriirtated in his presence. I didn't wanna make a scean so I just dragged him outside.

We both went to a shop and I bought milk tea and juice for him. We talked for some minutes and I wanted to go back.

While going back, i tripped and he was able to catch me before I fell. And his hands were on my hips. I don't like it. I staired at him showing my uncomfortable face but he didn't let go he was grinning at me.

Then I went back to my gang and he went back to his class. Gosh he can be so annoying sometimes.

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