49. Planning 2

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Heng's pov

It's been 3 days since we had lunch at Freen's. Me and Nop have been working day and night to find some information about them. But we didn't have any luck.

I was standing on the balcony of Nop's home right now.

"Hey want some" It was Nop. He was offering me some coffee

"Thanks Nop" i said as i took the coffee

"Did you take some rest today" he asked

"Nop, my mind is clouded and I can't sleep" I said . But the next move he did shocked me. He hugged me.

"I know you must be blaming yourself, but please don't. We all know it's not your fault. You didn't know Seng was like that" he said and took my hands. "we will find out everything and we will stop him" he said .

I don't know what came over me, i kissed him. And it felt good. After i broke the kiss I looked at his eyes

"Thank you" I said and Hugged him

"Hmm" he hummed in response.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number.

I took it "Who is this" i asked

"Hello love"..... Fuck

Freen's pov

Both me and Bec went grocery shopping today, when we came back we were so tired that we both slept off in the afternoon.

I was woken up by the continuous ringing of my phone. It was Heng. I quickly picked up

"You ok" i asked him. Cause he was calling me continuously and I'm getting worried

"Seng called me" he said

"Where are you I'm coming there" I said and stood up

"At Nop's house and I will also call the others" he said and i ended the call.

"Baby" i heard Becca calling me. I think she woke up because of my sudden moment

"Did I wake you up baby" i asked

"Yes" she said and pouted "you know that I want you near when I'm sleeping and why did you stand up like that" she asked

"Heng called" I said and her sleepiness vanished

"I'll get ready in 5 minutes" she said and went to the bathroom.

I chuckled looking at her. She was whining like a baby but when it comes to our friends and family she's more protective than I am. And i love her more for that.

After 30 minutes we reached Nop's home. Engfa and Nam were already there.

"Where is he" i asked them

"He's taking a bath, he'll be down in 10 minutes" Nam said and i nodded.

Noey and Kate came with some food. Irin and Charlotte were the last ones to arrive.

After like 15 minutes I saw Nop coming down with Heng. They both came near us and sat near us.

"You ok man" Noey asked him. He just nodded

"What does he want now" Engfa asked

"He called us to warn us" heng said and took a deep breath. "He said the next time he shoots he won't miss the target, and he said he won't show us any mercy" Heng said

"Fuck that basterd " Engfa said

"Yeah we should" Nop said and smirked

"What are you thinking Nop" Becky asked

"Well we kind of tracked him" he said "and it's a trap for us" he added

"What do you mean" Noey asked

"He called Heng specifically cause he knows that he can track his location. He wants to lure us to his trap, but we won't. We are gonna trap him" Nop said

"You have a point, they are trying to distract us and we can't give in now. " Noey asked

"Yes and I'm damn sure our plan will go smoothly. There's more " Nop said

"Oh boy, what's next" Nam asked

"We found details about the one who helped Seng from our gang" Nop said

"Who's that" Kate asked

"Bible" Heng said

"Wait what" we almost yelled. How can he do that.

"Yes it's him. Even though they all were wearing masks and hoods. There was one footage showing his face when he stumbled on the chair " Hend said

"So what's the next move" Noey asked

"We are acting like we know nothing " Nop said

"We need to make him believe that we aren't doubting him." Heng said

"We should inform Mind and Kirk to watch him closely" i asked

"We should tell Michael too" Engfa said

"No, Bible is always with Michael so he will know if Micheal makes a move. We should be careful" I said and they nodded

"When's our flight " Kate asked

"Oh it's tomorrow morning at 9, so don't be late" Becky said

"Aren't we using a private jet" Engfa asked

"Yes that doesn't mean that you guys should be late" irin said

"How's the plan going" Noey asked

"Everything on my part is ready, Nop helped me a lot in the presentation " I said. Me and Nop spent 2 days completing the presentation and he gave me so many ideas

"We are also ready for our part, we just need to familiarise ourselves with the place" Char said

"Be careful guys, your part is a little risky" Nam said

"Yes, we know but we are sure Heng will guide us" irin said

"Of course I will, we have trained these past few days for that" Heng said

"And we all should rest well today" I said

"Especially Heng and Nop. They look like zombies." Kate said

"And Nop please fix your hair it looks funny" Noey said and laughed. His hair was a mess.

"Come on don't tease Nop, I don't want Heng to be mad at us for teasing his boyfriend " Nam said teasing them more. Heng blushed

"What Boyfriend" Nop asked

"Oh we know" Kate said and winked.

Nop scoffed "he hasn't asked me to be his boyfriend...."

"Yet" heng finished what he said

"Then ask him na problem solved" Noey said

"I will when time feels right" Heng said.

"Nop, I'll make you meet a better boy than this dumbass" Nam said and we all laughed

"One more thing" Becky said

"What" Kate asked

"We can't just let Seng wait there, if don't make a move he will get suspicious" Becky said. She has a point

"Why don't we assign Michael and Bible to watch Seng's move. And Mind and Kirk will watch them from afar" Engfa said and we all nodded

"So let's hope everything works out the way we want guys" Nop said

I hope too


Author's note

I'm sorry guys I can't update you like before, I'm stressed out and can't even think properly.

I don't know, but I'll try to update more,...

I'm really sorry

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