65. Saint

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Author's pov

When Rebecca opened her eyes she was tied up in a chair. The last thing she remembers was, she came to check on Freen and someone came behind her and made her unconscious.

"Hey Rebecca, how does it feels to know that your wife isn't in danger anymore" The blond man said as he was coming towards Rebecca. When Rebecca saw his face she was shocked

"H-how" She said in disbelief

"Surprise surprise" the blonde man said

"What the fuck, why did you do this" Rebecca asked

"You should have thought about the possibilities before making my life miserable . How could I let you guys be happy when you took everything from me. I've been planning for this day for a long time now" he said

"You deserved it, because of you lot of people suffered" Rebecca said

"Yeah so what Rebecca, we do this for survival for power for money." he said

"That's not what everyone wants, you are a selfish person" Rebecca yelled

"Shut up Rebecca, I know who I am" He yelled back.

"You don't have to do this" Rebecca said

"Oh i have to, your wife doesn't deserve to be happy " He Said as He grabbed Rebecca's neck. Suddenly he heard a crashing sound. Then in a second it turned to be a gun shot sound he quickly hid himself.

"Fuck" he mumbled when he saw Freen and her gang fighting with his mens. How did she even find this place.

Then he saw someone familiar, someone who he consider as family. He was shocked to see him there.

Freen's pov

I was having a meeting with Engfa, Heng, Noey and Nop.

"So you are saying that Stefan's son is working in our hospital" i asked in disbelief

"Yes he is, and he was also the one who treated you when you got shot instead of Rebecca" Noey said

"What" i asked in disbelief. Cause the one who treated me that day was Dr.Saint and he is a good man. He was also the one who treated my dad's heart. He is close with our family.

"Yes Freen, we know that it's a little shocking to hear this. But he is the one" Heng said

"Fuck" i mumbled "how could he, we trusted him" i asked in disbelief. Even though doctor Sam was our family doctor. Saint was like a brother. He was there for when me and Becky came for our check up and he treated Becky as his own sister. After Becky was admitted in the hospital saint and she became close.

"Let's go and meet him" Noey said and we nodded. We all made our way to saint's office. We know saint is here now.

"Freen, what happened" i heard saint.

"Are you Stefan's son" I asked him. He was silent for some minutes

"Can you all sit down, so that we could talk properly" he asked and we all sat down

"Answer me Saint" i told him coldly.

"I am his son, but let me explain. Don't assume anything" he said

"If we wanna assume anything we wouldn't be here, you will at our safe house now" Noey said coldly

"Ok, I know you guys are mad at me for not telling you guys the truth. And you will also be thinking if i could be trusted or not" he said and i looked at him balnkly

"Ok that tells all" he said and let our a heavy sigh "look, I don't have anything to do with my father, he chose his way and I chose my way" he said and looked at us.

"At the beginning I hated you a lot, my father always compared you to me and he would always hurt me saying that you are way better than me" he said and i looked at him in pity

"Don't pity me, I know that look Freen." He said and chuckled "i couldn't stand him anymore cause he was forcing me to be like him and my passion was to save lives and be a doctor, so I left the house. After that I haven't seen him" he said and i could see that whatever he was saying was true.

"When I first saw you I still hated you, but after getting to know you and your family and your friends, especially Becky I thought whatever my dad said was not true about you guys. You guys are good from heart. And I liked it. That's why I treat you like my siblings" he said and gave us a bitter smile

"I know it will be hard to believe, but trust me when I say I'm not him" he said and i nodded

"I trust you saint, just dont break my trust" I said and he smiled

"I won't" he said

Suddenly the door opened and we saw Char, Irin, Nam and Kate.

"Where your phone, why the hell didn't you pick up" Nam yelled

"What happened " i asked as i checked my phone. There were lots of calls and messages from Becky's number.


When I was about to call her, I got a call from unknown number

I quickly picked up.

"So eager to find your wife huh" said the man on the other line.



Author's note

Ok, so the story might come to an end tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

And about the special chapter if you want i could write.

So are you guys exited to know the end. ?

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