61. Happiness doubled

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Becky's pov

She has done the same. She ran away just like that.

"Bec" mom called me and i looked at her

"You guys didn't belive me when I told you right. Now you believe what you saw" i asked her

"Let's hear what she has to say" my mom said and i nodded

I got up and took a bottle of water. Whenever she run away like this she comes back and drinks a bottle of water. So I kept it incase she needs it.

I gave it to Engfa "give her when she comes, I know she can't stand my presence " I said and gave her a weak smile

"Don't think like that Bec" Engfa said and i smiled weakly

She came back. She was looking so pale. Engfa and Noey went towards her and helped her sit down. Engfa gave the water bottle to Freen.

"Thanks" Freen mumbled

"Say that to your wife" she said and Freen looked at me.

"Thank you Bec Bec " she said and smiled. I gave her a bitter smile.

"I know everyone is wanting an explanation. I can't stand her smell " she said. What now. Am i smelling bad. What is she saying. Can't stand my smell.

"What are you saying Freen" ma asked her

"I know you all think that I'm lying. It's the truth" she said and looked at me. "Believe me Bec, i love you with all the fibre in my body. But i don't know why I've been feeling like this. I'm feeling sick and tired and i always have this tendency to vomit" she said and i looked at her in disbelief

"Why didn't you say this before, that you have been feeling sick" I asked her

"I just didn't want to make you worry more baby" she said

"Now I feel like a horrible wife" I said and looked down. She came beside me and knelt down before me.

"Don't think like that, you are not a horrible wife. You are everything to me" she said and hugged me. After 3 seconds"I'm sorry Bec, I'll be back" she said and went back to the bathroom

I saw our mom's expression changing and they were sharing glances. So as Nam and Kate, they were smirking

"David call doctor sam and ask her come here" Ma said and dad nodded

"I already went to see a doctor and did some tests" Freen said as she made her way

"It's not for you, it's for Becky" mom said

"Why, what happened to her" Freen asked and came beside me "you ok baby" she asked and she cupped my cheeks.

Mom made her drink some kind of soup and while she was drinking it, doctor Sam came and started to check on me.

She smiled after checking me. And looked at my mom and Ma and they also smiled. I saw their eyes getting teary.

"I knew it" Nam yelled and squealed

"Yeehhhhh"Kate aslo joined her

"What happened" Freen came back and asked me i was already confused by these mixed emotions they are showing so I just shrugged.

"Congratulations Mrs Chankimha" doctor said.

"Wait what" i asked

"You are 4 weeks pregnant" doctor said and they all cheered when they heard the news. I was shocked and was soo happy that we are having a baby. I looked at Freen and saw her smiling with teary eyes. She came towards me and hugged me. She kissed me

"Thank you love" she said when we broke the kiss. Suddenly she left to the bathroom again. I felt sad again

I looked at my mom and Ma they were having a conversation with doctor.

Pa, dad Riche congratulated me. The others hugged me one my one and congratulated me. Freen cane back and held my hand.

"I love you my love" she said and tried to hug me but i moved back. I don't want her go again.

"So, I heard that you are having sickness and checked with a doctor" Doctor sam asked and she nodded "did u get the results " she asked

"No actually, my result will be given to the doctor yesterday and if I had any issues they must have called me by now" Freen said

"Call them and confirm it" mom said and Freen nodded. She called the doctor and talked for a few minutes. 

"What did the doctor say" mom asked when she ended the call

"I'm perfectly fine" she said and smiled "But why am I getting sick if I'm fine" she asked

"When do you feel sick the most " doctor asked

"At the morning" Freen said and i thought for a moment

"Shouldn't I be the one who should experience it" I asked

"Yes you are right, but sometimes the father will experience the morning sickness. That cases are very rare" doctor said and i nodded.

"What is the link between my sickness and the pregnancy " Freen asked.

"You are experiencing morning sickness, something that a pregnent women experience fuzzy " Nam said and rolled her eyes

"Huh how's that possible " Freen asked

"There are some rare cases in which the father experience morning sickness instead of the mother" doctor said.

"There are myths that if the father loves the mother unconditionally the father will experience some of the pregnancy symptoms when the mother gets pregnant " Kate said and Freen nodded. Her face lit up now

"So I'm experiencing morning sickness of my wife" she asked excitedly and they nodded. "Thank God you didn't have to go through this Bec" she said and came beside me. I caressed her hair. She touched my Belly and smiled.

"I'll give you some medicine to reduce it and also some vitamins for the mother to have. And Becky, Freen will be sensitive to smell for some time so you have to change your perfume or soap whatever you use" doctor said and handed over a slip of medicine and went out.
Riche went out to buy the medicines.

"We are happy for you my child" Dad said and smiled

"Finally we are going to be grandparents, we wanted to ask you guys about this for long now. Now we don't have to ask" Mom said and i blushed. They all chuckled

I felt Freen hugging me. I tried to move but she didn't let me " don't move na, I want to feel you" she said

"Let me go and take a shower" I said

"Let's take a shower together " she whispered and blushed

"Hey no more naughty business until the baby comes out" Nam said and i blushed

"Nam..." Freen whined. Everyone was laughing at us.

"Ok love birds, she's just joking but take care of the little one na" Engfa said and i nodded

"My little bean" Freen mumbled as she placed her hands on my tummy.

"Why don't you girls go up and fresh up while we make dinner for everyone " mom said and we nodded.

Our Lil bean is coming soon

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