18. The Wedding

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Becky's pov

"Take care of my princess Freen" he said. As soon as I heard that name i looked at her. Fuck she's here

For a minute my world has stopped

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For a minute my world has stopped. She was looking so handsome in that outfit, that I even forgot how to breathe. God what the fuck is happening. I was still confused and surprised. She smiled at my dad

"I will sir" she said and he nodded. He handed my hand to her hand. My mom gave her a hug and I saw her smiling at my brother and he was returning it.

I was still looking at her without blinking. The shock was evident in my face. We were so lost in our eyes. Both didn't want to break the contact

The official called us and we broke the eye contact .

We were standing at the altar facing the official.

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"We are gathered here for the holy marriage of Freen Sarocha Chankimha and Rebecca Patricia Armstrong

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"We are gathered here for the holy marriage of Freen Sarocha Chankimha and Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. If anyone present here  oppose of this marriage please say now or forever hold the silence" he said and looked at our family. They just smiled.so her full name is Freen Sarocha Chankimha huh!.

"We are starting our ceremony" he said and we both nodded

"Freen Sarocha Chankimha, do you take Rebecca Patricia Armstrong as your lawfully wedded wife. And be with her in sadness and happiness and take care of her" he asked

"I do" she said

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong, do you take Freen Sarocha Chankimha as your lawfully wedded wife. And be with her in sadness and happiness and take care of her" he asked and i loked at her

"I do" I said and our families cheered for us.

"You may exchange your rings" he said and we were both handed a ring box.

She took the ring and placed it on my ring finger "I will put this ring as a reminder of the vows we have taken " she said and I was bit surprised

I took the ring and did the same.

"Now i pronounce you wife and wife" he said. We turned to see both of our parents. Then we went near the official and signed the marriage process.

After the signing our parents came to congratulate.

"Welcome to the family Freen" my dad said

"Thank you uncle" she said

"It's time for you call me dad Freen" he said

"And call me mom dear" my mom said. She just nodded at them awkwardly

"Welcome to the family Bacca " uncle said and smiled.

"We are happy to have you honey. And please call us mom and dad" aunty said

"I will ma" I said and she smiled.

We didn't stay there longer. Cause they had to return to Thailand and fiinsh their partnership process. So we all left together.

We all travelled back separately like we went to London.

I still couldn't believe that I just got married to P'Freen. Like she just rejected ME to marry ME.

I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it.

As soon as we landed. Dad and Richie went to company. We saw P'Freen and her mom and dad at the airport. But P'Freen and uncle left early. Her mom was standing alone.

Both me and my mom went near her and we talked a lot. We invited her to our home. I don't have classes today so i wannted to rest. Mom and aunty was pretty engrossed in their conversation so i decided to take a nap.

Freen's pov.

As soon as we reached Bangkok, me and dad made our way to company and asked our driver to drop mom home.

When we reached the company, I saw Riche and uncle waiting for us. We made our way to meeting room and saw our shareholders.

We told them about the marriage and showed them prooff. After some hours of discussion we decided to pack up for the day.

I reached my condo at might. I slept when I saw my bed. It was comforting after a long day. I fell asleep .

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