Special chapter

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Freen's pov

It's been 2 years since our wedding, and now we have our little angel with us. Bec gave birth to a little angel last year and she turned 1 today. We decided to have a birthday party with our close ones.

I saw Noey and Engfa getting scolded by their wives. Haha it's soo funny to see them like this. Char is 3 months pregnent now.

I was so immersed in seeing that i actually forgot why i came in the living room until I heard her voice

"Sarochaa" shit shit shit, Becky actually wanted me to bring irin and i forget when I saw my idiot friends getting scolded. Now I'll be the one who will get scolded.

"Hey bebe" I said and smiled.

"What are you doing and where's Irin" she asked and i pointed at the direction where irin, Noey, Engfa and Char are. She looked at them and laughed. "are you enjoying the show here" she asked and i nodded "do you want to get scolded like that" she asked and i shook my head "go and dress up Beckett for me" she said

"Ok love" I said and left

I went towards Beckett he was choosing which dress he should wear. When he saw me he came towards me and hugged me. I hugged him and lifted him. Then we choose a suit which matches mine. He was looking so cute and handsome. After we both got ready, we were standing near the mirror. He was on the table. I combed his hair. And we both looked at mirror and smirked.

"Oww hi there handsomes" we heard Becky's voice and turned to see her. She was looking angelic with our baby angel.

She came towards us and me and Beckett giggled. She came near and kissed us both.

"Looking good huh" she said and we nooded our head.

"Hey baby" I said and held my little angel. She smiled and cooed.

"Oww, so now I won't get any attention" Becky pouted.

"You have all my attention wifeyy" I said and kissed her.

"Wheres my little boy and little girl" I heard my mom's voive. Ma was also with them. They came near us and talked then they took both of our babies with them.

Now me and Becky was alone. So i hugged her "You look beautiful as ever babe" I said and pecked her.

"You aren't that bad mrs Chankimha" she said playfully. She then buttoned my shirt up. "don't show more skin, it only mine to see" she said as she fixed my dress.

"Ofcourse baby, I'm all yours na" I said and kissed her.

"Jeez guys, it's your daughter's birthday can't you control your hormones" it was Nam

"Says the one who doesn't even let go of her wives hand for a second" Becky said and we both chuckled.

The others also came "did we miss something" Noey asked and we shook our head.

"Let's go and the start the party" Engfa said and we all went there.

The party was simple, we cut the cake and ate our food. Throughout the party laughter and banter was echoing. All of our parents were there. We all enjoyed and danced. It was amazing.

It's 6pm now. Our parents all left and our gang is still here. We are having some wines. And our kids are with our parents. They asked us to enjoy this day. And here we are clicking wine glasses and drinking. Telling embarassing stories. Its everything I hoped for.

"Do you remember the day when Becky gave birth to hope" Nam asked. I know where it will go.

"Who will forget that moment, damn that was so funny to watch. And the way Freen looked when she came out carrying the baby it was hilarious" Noey said and they all laughed. My wife looked at me and smiled.

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