34. B!tch

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Becky's pov

After Freen left I kept thinking about who might have done this. I heard her groaning in pain. I really wanted to help her. But she's not letting me. For a second I thought that she didn't want to do it with me, like she doesn't love me enough to do it with me.

But when I heard her explanation, i couldn't help but to admire more. She's such a gentlewomen.

I kept hearing her yelling sound. I really wanted to go upstairs and be with her. But she asked me not to. And I wanted to respect her decision like she respects me.

After some minutes the doctor came. I lead her to Freen's room. I knocked before entering. She was half naked. I went and covered her.

The doctor came an gave her an injection. She slept off.

"She's going to be ok in the morning, don't worry" the doctor said

"Thank you for coming this late doc" I said

"It's ok, she's like a friend to me. And give this medicine in case she wakes up again and the effect of the drug doesn't go away" said the doctor and handed me some pills

"Thank you so much" I said

"Don't mention it" she said and left.

I went back to our room and sat beside her. I caressed her hair and gave her a peck. She was burning up. So I went and took a towel to wipe her body.

While I was wiping, I was admiring her every part. Her member was very much aroused and it's huge. So I put the wet towel on top of it to reduce the arousal. My poor babe. I need to find whoever that bitch is.

I slept on the couch thinking about the way she kissed me and touch me. I liked it . I still have some marks she gave me.


I woke up and checked upon Freen. Her body temperature has been down and her mini is also resting. I gave her a peck and got up.

When I got up i felt a hand on my wrist. She was half awake. She gave me a weak smile and pulled me towards her.

"Good morning wifey" she said

"Morning" I said

"I'm sorry about yesterday" she said.

"Hey it's not your fault" I said and gave her a peck but she deepennd it and it became a passionate kiss.

"Don't think that i don't want to do it with you, I really want to do it with you but not like that." She said and gave me a smile

"Let's see if that happens Sarocha get up now, we have to eat" I said

"Oh it will happen soon mrs Chankimha wait and watch, and can I eat you instead" she asked

"When did you get this brave" i asked her. She was never this flirty

"Why shouldn't i when I have this gorgious lady beside me, you know how much I control myself not to fuck you now" she said and i blushed

"Pervert" i mumbled

"Only for you love" she said and winked "let's order, I don't want to cook, I want to cuddle" she said and gave me puppy eyes and I gave in.

We orderd food and cuddled up. After half an hour later the food came and i went to get it. She was feeding both of us. And I sat on her lap.

"Baby we should find out who did that to you" i said

"We already did baby, Micheal did the investigation and the person is waiting for us in the safe house" she said

"Let's go now" i said and got up

"But baby, you should finish your food" she said

"Not until I see that m***** Fucker" I said and went to change the dress. Freen also changed hers.

Now, we are on our way to the Alphas safe house.

When we reached there I saw Nam, Heng, Noey, Engfa and Kate waiting for us. When did they came here.

"You are here" Noey said

"You guys should have taken rest, we will handle this" Said Engfa

"No, I want to see that bitch" I said

"Fine, follow me" Kate said

I followed them into a room. It was a bit dark. I saw someone tied up in a chair. Normally I don't like this. But whoever that person is, deserves that.

As we got closer I saw that person. That fucking bitch has the audocity to do that. Fuck

"Bitch" i cursed. She was unconscious

"Give me some water" I ordered. Noey gave me water and I threw it on her her . She woke up

"What the fuck" she yelled

"I should be the one who should ask that, didn't I warn you the last time." I said and I saw her gulped. I went near her and slapped

"Bec" Heng called me

"Not now " I said

"Let her be" Engfa said

"Let me go" Nita yelled. I took the pistol from Freen and pointed on her head. "Please don't do this" she was begging.

"It won't take a second for me to blow your head now" i said and i saw the fear in her eyes

"Beck don't" Freen said and i glared at her "don't make your hands dirty, I can do this, you are gonna be a lawyer" she said and smirked and i smiled at her.

"Please don't , please I'm begging you. I won't ever do that please " she begged us

"Let me tell you one thing, this is your last and final chance. If I saw you ever again. I will gladly end you " I said and gave the gun back to Freen "let's go babe" I said to her

"Release her and drop her at her home" Freen said "Arrange a meeting with mr Jenson and inform him about this" she added and looked at me. "Let's go" she said and i nodded

"Let's go guys" Noey said


Author's note

There comes our protective Becky.

I know you guys are wanting more, and I'm not giving you want you want.

But wait, you know the friut of waiting is sweet but I'll make it spicy 😂

Hope you guys are doing good

Take care till then

Love 🌷💜

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