51. Party

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Becky's pov

As I saw in my position checking on others while Irin keeping her eyes only on Billy. Heng informed us that the others are arrived. I was excited to see Freen. I'm sure she must be looking hot.

First Noey and Engfa came. I looked at their back and saw no Freen. Then after 2 minutes i saw her. Damn

She's hot

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She's hot. She looks so elegant in Balck. Fuck I really want kiss her all over her body. Damn Becky control your hormones you have a mission to continue.

I saw Nop looking at me. He teased me a little and I ignored him.

I heard irin say Billy is approaching Freen. I stood there watching his moment when he came beside Freen. I think he is pissed and I'm sure they would have a fight. If there isn't any people.

"Thank you all for attending this party" The host aka the CEO started his speech. He was taking about his new product, blah blah blah.... I was getting sleepy

"All of your ideas were good but I was impressed with an idea that came unexpected" He said and paused "And I'm greatful that they are offering a partnership. So I'm not gonna beat around the bush. The one who won the deal is Freen Sarocha Chankimha from Chankimha Empire. Congratulations " he said and everyone aplouded. Damn. The first part went well.

"Congratulations guys" we heard Heng's voice.

Then I saw her talking with the other CEO's and suddenly she went near Billy and said something. It was our cue to start our work. As we expected Billy followed her.

"It's time guys, get in position" Heng said.

As per the plan, I will go behind Billy to plant the chip in Billy's phone . While Kate will distract the Secretary and Nam will give him a booze and Kate will take the iPad from him and unlock it. Charlotte will make sure to get the iPad from kade and give to it Irin.

Irin will get this to Nop and he will go to Heng's car and they will start working on it.

Nam's pov

As we got the signal. Kate went towards the secretary and started to flirt with him.

And i started to mix the booze given by Heng to mix in his drink. Kate will make sure he will drink this.

As i approched him, Kate took the glass and gave him. He without even looking or thinking drank it. And the bozze started to work. He started to feel dizzy.

I took the iPad from him and kade made sure to unlock the iPad using his finger prints. Then Charlotte cameby and we have the iPad to her.

Then me and kade took the secretary to the nearest room and made him lay down.

We waited for Irin to return the iPad and after half an hour she came back with it and we placed it exactly where he kept it.

Our work was done, so we left making sure to leave no evidence.

Heng's pov

Nop came with the iPad. He started to clone all the things in the iPad to his. And also made sure to connect both the iPad. So whatever he do in that ipad we can see it here using Nop's iPad.

I was checking the security footage and to earse the things we did. It took pretty much of my time cause i had to make small changes all over the footage.

After like 30 minutes Nop was done with the work. He went back to the party.

Engfa's pov

Everything was going as we planned. We got the deal and we got the iPad. Now it's the turn for Billy.

Freen made sure to make him follow her to the balcony. For the first 15 minutes it's was hide and seek for them. Freen made sure to give them time.

Then when she saw the balcony she stopped and waited for Billy to come. After like 5 minutes he came near her.

Me and Noey were in our position, making sure that Freen was safe. Becky was already there. She was waiting for his phone to insert the chip.

It was our responsibility to make sure she gets his phone.

At first they were just talking and Billy anger was raising as they spoke. Suddenly he grabbed Freen's collor. We wanted to go there and kick his ass. But we were already informed not to do any impulse movement.

I saw how Becky was trying to control her anger by seeing that. But Freen was not giving him any satisfaction. She kept her cold face and talked in the same intensity.

Charlotte and Irin came, and we made our move. Noey went first and kicked his leg. He groned in pain. When she lifted his face to look i punched him in the face.

Freen gave signal to Charlotte to call other guests. After a minutes all guards came to keep us away from fighting.

When Billy came to punch me, I took his phone from his pocket. I fell on the ground. Noey attacked him. I gave the phone to Becky and she caught it. She inserted the chip and made sure it was activated.

After she came forward and acted like she was stopping the fight. When one of the men was holding Billy she slipped his phone back to his pocket and entered back.

I smirked looking at him. 'fuck off' he mouthed.

Then the guards made sure that we went to seperate ways. Char and Irin went back with the guards leaving me, Noey and Freen.

"Let's pack up" we heard Heng's voice and we all giggled.

"Well that was hell of a fun" Noey said

"Is getting kicked in ass fun to you Noey" i asked

"It's not my fault that you suck at fighting " Noey said and i rolled my eyes

"Let's go back, come on" Freen said as she started to walk back.

We all left the place. Charlotte parents own a house here. So we all decided to meet there after our work.

Becky's pov

When we reached Charlotte's house, i went to one of the room where i slept yesterday. We all ate already and was tired. We wanted to wait for Noey, Engfa,Nop and Freen. But they asked us not to wait cause they will stay and have a talk with Tech CEO.

I took a long bath when I reached the room. It was a long and tiring day. After the bath i went out of the bathroom and made my way to change into pajamas. After that I was drying my hair and I heard a door clicking sound.

I turned around and saw Freen. I went to her and quickly jumped on her.

"Wifey" I said and she held me tightly so that I won't fall back.

"I missed you so much wifey" she said

"Me too my love" I said and got down from her. I looked at her and pecked her. I saw her gulping hard.

I wanted to tease her, "why do you have to look so hot mrs Sarocha" I asked and she gulped again. I traced my finger on her jaw and went to her ear.

"Do you know how much I wanted to rip that clothes from you and kiss you senselessly and make love to you" I said in a husky voice and kissed her ear. And looked at her eyes.

She was leaning towards my lips to kiss me. Her breath gently hits my lips. Then I feel her soft lips pressed against mine. I encircled my hands on her neck as she wraps her arms around my hip, pulling our bodies closer together.


Author's note

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