30. Confessions 2

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Becky's pov

"I was there Beck, when you both were alone. I saw you both hugging each other. I got jealous and i left" wait, what??? she's jealous. "If i stayed there a little bit this won't happen to you" she said and cried. I've never seen p'Freen this vulnerable. I wanted to be angry but it's not her fault either. I was the one who let Billy into my life. I hugged her and patted her back.

"It's not your fault na, it was because of us" Nop spoke

"What" Engfa asked and p'Freen looked at Nop to explain

"She was close to Billy because we asked her to, it was our fault" he said and looked down

"Hey it's not anyone's fault, we did it for a reason and don't blame yourself" i said to Nop.

"Why did you ask Bec to be close to Billy" Heng asked

"We got information about Billy being a serpant from Mew's phone. So we started to follow him. One day we saw him looking at Becky and he tried to approach her" Nop said

"And we asked Becky to act close to him to get information about serpants " irin said

"Once we get enough information we were gonna stop, but this all happened " Char said

"NOEY get the doctor " p'Freen said Noey went outside like she understood

"Wait why, do you feel pain" i asked her she didn't say anything

"Engfa" p'Freen called

"On it" she said and she took Charlotte with her to the corner

Noey came inside with the doctor. "I have talked to him and he said he will check first" Noey said and she nodded

"What are you doing " I asked p'Freen

"Getting out of here" she said and i was gonna protest but the doctor spoke before

"You are good and everything seems fine. Even though, i suggest you to rest. Your body needs rest" He said and she nodded

"Heng get the papers ready" she said and heng left

"We got the location" Engfa said and she nodded

"p'Freen" I called her

"Nam" she called Nam

"All ready" Nam said

"p'Freen..." I yelled and she looked at me "Guys please wait outside I have to talk to her and don't do anything she asked to do. Tell Heng that she's not leaving" I said and they left

"What are you doing" I asked

"I'm getting discharged" she said

"You are not healed completely, you should stay in the hospital" i said "what are you planning to do" i asked

"I'm fine Becky and I want to see that bastard" she said I saw anger fuming in her eyes. She got up

"Sarocha" I yelled

"What" she asked back

"You aren't going anywhere until I say so" i said and she looked at me disbelief

"Come on" she whined

"No means no" I said

"I'll came back here after that, i promise" she said

"What are you gonna do to him after you meet him" i asked.

"Ofcourse to make him pay for what he did to my angel" she said which made me blush

"Your Angel?" i asked her in disbelief

"Yes my angel" she said and grinned

"I know we had ups and downs. But I liked you Becca" she said and took a breath "I've liked you from the start. ."she said held my hand "I've hurted you in the last by rejecting you and making you confuse."she said and looked at my eyes "even though I was already engaged I couldn't stop myself from falling for you. And i couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you at our marriage. I know it was arranged but I'm glad that it has happened" she said

"p'Freen" I said

"Shhh, let me complete" she said and took a deep breath "I've never thought I will fall for Someone but I'm already in love with you Bec" she said and i was a little surprised to hear that, my eyes were getting teary i was longing for these words.

I couldn't say anything but i  hugged her. This hug felt special. I've hugged her neumorus times. But this is different. She broke the hug and kissed me. She fucking kissed me. At first i couldn't respond back when She kissed me but when i felt her lips moving i started to respond. It was special . I was in cloud 9. I couldn't decipher what I was feeling at the moment all I could say is it's more than Perfect. I felt her smile against my lips.

We broke the kiss and she looked at me and smiled.

"So is that a yes" she asked

"Well i wasn't the one who kissed first before waiting for my answer" I said teasing her.

"Says the one who kissed me even before confessing" she said and chuckled.

"Hey I saved your ass that day" i said defending myself

"Whatever" she said "so will you say something about my confession" she asked and i chuckled.

"Well ask me the right question" I said

"Well, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong will you be my girlfriend " she asked and grinned.

"No" .... I said


Author's note

I hope you grinned while reading this chapter. And I hope you will like it.

I know I left you in a suspence at last.

But you should guess and comment it down, who knows after your your comments I might upload another chapter for you guys 😅

Hope you have a good night sleep and take care everyone.

Love Author 🌷💜

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