27. Don't leave me

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Becky's pov

After the Alpha gang left us. We all looked at each other.

"Well, that went well " Irin said added

"I hope everything goes as we planned" I said

"Me too" irin asked

"Let's go" Char said

Throughout the car ride, we all were silent. I was worried about P'Freen getting hurt. But I will make sure she won't get hurt. I'll protect you P'Freen

When we reached there, they were ready to go inside. Me, irin and Char went to the back side to enter the building. There were 2 guards in the back. Char and Irin went near them and knocked them out without making a noise.

We entered the building, we got info that there were 30 people inside her. Throughout the entering we have almost knocked out 10 people. The 5 other people are standing outside, guarding the entrance. They will be taken care last.

Then the other 10 people will be taken care of by Nam and Kate they were already waiting with the others.

When we reached near them. I saw P'Freen being beaten by Type and Build is pointing his pistal towards Noey and Engfa who are being tied up.

I really wanted to go there and kick them, but we are already informed that we should wait until the others are safe.

After some minutes we got a signal to attack. P'Freen was already passed out. I went near Type and kicked him. char was attacking Build. Irin went towards Noey and Engfa and untied them.

Some guards came near us. And we all were fighting with them. I went near P'Freen and untie her.

"P'Freen" I called her. She looked at me and smiled. I can see the blood in her face. I cupped her cheeks and she winced in pain

"Bec, untie me" she said and i did. When she was untied she asked "Are you ok Becky"

"Idiot, i should be the one asking you," i said and she chuckled. I made her stand up. Suddenly she hugged me and made me turn.

I heard a gun shot sound. P'Freen growled. She looked at me "Take care na" she said as She collapsed

"P'Freen....." I shouted. I saw blood coming from her shoulder.


"No, no, no P'Freen don't close your eyes" I said she smiled weakly

"Sarochaa" i yelled.

Noey and Engfa came near me and checked her. Irin informed the others about the situation.

Suddenly some people came and took her to an ambulance. I went with them. I was holding P'Freen's hand.

Throughout the ride I was crying so hard. I don't wanna lose her. I can't lose her.

We reached the hospital and I went with them.  Noey, Engfa, Char and Irin came to me.

"How is she" asked Irin

"I didn't know they took her to operate" I said and sobbed

"Hey, it's gonna be ok na. She's gonna be ok, she's a fighter" said Engfa and Char hugged me.

We sat in the waiting area in front of the operating room for 2 hours. Kate, Nam and Heng also arrived.

Then after 2 hours a doctor and a nurse came to us

"How is she doctor" Noey asked.

"She's stable now" he said and smiled. I went near him

"Where is she I want to see her" i said

"Sorry ma'am but we need to see her family first then you can see her" He informed "it's a part of our protocol, cause she was shot" he added

"I'm her wife" I said

Noey's pov


What the fuck.

"Bec- " Charlotte's words were cut off my Freen's parents.

"Let her in Saint" uncle said

"Are you sure sir" he asked

"Didn't you hear what my daughter in law said, let her in" aunty said.

Doctor motioned his hand and lead Becky to where Freen is.

"What happened to her Noey" Uncle asked and we explained everything.

"Fah go and check on Becky and Freen I will come after with the Armstrong's" uncle said and aunty went to the room.

"Noey and Engfa stay here others can go" he said and the others also went to see Freen.

"Did you find who it was" uncle asked. When Freen was shot I looked around to see who shot her. Cause everyone was almost knocked out. Then I saw a figure leaving the building.

"I'm not sure uncle but I saw someone else than the others" I said and he nodded

"Find whoever it is" he said and we nodded "go and be with Freen now" he said and we quickly left him.

When we reached Freen room we saw her lying in the hospital bed unconsciously and Becky sobbing while holding Freen's hand. Even though it's pretty shocking to hear that Freen and Becky are married, that explains the tension and arguments between them for the last few days.

Me and Engfa went near where the others are standing. Aunty went outside to check on uncle and to visit the doctor .

"Are you sure you saw someone else in the building" Charlotte asked

"Positive, i saw that person running away holding a gun and mostly the others were knocked out by us" I said and they nodded.

"I will work on that, I have few doubts on people and i will search about their whereabouts" Nop said

"I'll help you with that" heng said

"How is Mind" i asked Nam

"She's ok, she's with her parents so I can't be with her now" Nam said

"Hmm" i hummed

"P'Freen........" We heard Becky's voice again and we turned around to see her.

"Call the doctor" Becky yelled

3rd person's pov

"Just wait Freen, until I make you suffer more" he said and laughed "it's the beginning of your suffering" he added and left the place.

"First you made me suffer, now your are making my Nong suffer. I will kill you Chankimha with your friends " he said and took his phone and called someone


Author's Note

Well, who might be that huh???

What is happening to Freen????

Let's see.... 🧚

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