22. Alphas

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Freen's pov

We are currently at our safe house meeting with the others.

Not all of our members are present here. We can't risk anyone's life. Mind, Bible, Michael, Krik, kiew are present here with us.

They are the ones who were with us from the starting and trusted us. They have been our pillars.

We started this Mafia gang when i found out about my company's problem. Engfa and Noey were the ones who supported me in the descision first. Then Heng joined, he being a Techy is an advantage for us. And Nam and Kate, at first they didn't wanted to. But they eventually came with us.

At first we were a small mafia gang with 6 people, who helped the school students. Then eventually we have also grown into a big one. Our Alpha gang is one of the biggest caln in Mafia world. Most of the mafia's feared us. We were able to stop most of the mafia's dirty work. But we couldn't stop the serpents.

When we became stronger, i started to work on my dad's company and helped him by stopping the serpants invasions. Then I came to know about the SB company.

I've been working on them for a long time. I know every move of Stefan. Still he does his dirty work. We never knew who is the leader of serpant gang. And who is the new CEO of SB company. It's still a mystery for us.

Our gang members are loyal to us. Especially my friends

Mind is Nam's Girlfriend. Yeah she pretends like a single ass infront of us, but we all know that they are in a relationship. We are waiting for them to tell us officially cause we know mind's situation. Her parents is Homophobic and they are still trying to control her life. And for Mind, her parents means everything. And she also loves Nam a lot. Mind is trying to convince her parents that she's gay.

Mind and Bible are undercovers in serpants gang. They are the ones who informs us about everything.

Kirk, Michael and Kiew are the ones who leads the others. Since we can't give them orders directly they are the ones who do that.

Whenever we meet we only talk about our works and plans, but this time they decide to have some relaxing time and eat food.

I didn't oppose cause I was also too tired.

"Meung did you hear that Nita is coming back to college" Nam said

"What a great time to ruin my mood" I said and glared at her

"We want you to be safe buddy you know what she did last time right'??" Heng asked

How could I forget. Nita was one of my admirer, she's obsessed with me. I don't know what she saw in me.

At first she was friendly and I was ok with her presence. But as the time goes by she started to show her true colours. She stalked me and threatened who ever came close to me. She even tried to force me to love her.

She's still obsessed with me and acts like I'm her lover even though i rejected her like a million times. Her arrival means bad luck for me. I'm sure she will try to mess up things.

Now that Becky's in the picture i should be careful.

"Don't think too much Freen, we all are here. If something happens we will take care of it" Engfa said

"Keep a close eye on her and Becky" I said

"Got it" Kate said

"Don't worry we won't let her hurt our bec bec" Nam said and i smiled

"You don't have to Nam, she's feisty than we think. We should worry about Nita getting hurt" Noey said and we all laughed.

"We have practice in the evening, we should leave na" Engfa said

"Freen, you are in the team right" Noey asked

I thought for a minute, should I do it. But it's good I can release my stress too.

"Yep I'm in" I said and they high fived each other.

"Let's go guys" Heng said

We all went back to campus and went straight to gym and got changed our clothes.

When we got into the basketball court. We saw other players playing.

"Look who's here" said a student with buzz cut

"Well, well are you gonna accept your defeat even before the game" a girl asked with short hair

"Fuck off" Noey said

"Who are they" i asked them

"They are from law department. We have a match with them in 2 days. They challenged us when you weren't here" said Heng

"It's a 5 on 5 match. So you, Engfa, Heng, Naw and I will play. Oh and Naw is our junior she's a 1st year. I saw her playing she's pretty good." Noey said and i nodded

"They have insulted us very much, we have to show them who's the boss" Engfa said

"Well, we should show them" Kate said

"We will wait for you guys in the bleachers" Nam said and went with Kate

We started practicing on the opposite side of the court. We were playing well, even though we haven't played for a while. And Naw was pretty fantastic. She co-ordinates with us pretty well.

"You did pretty well Naw" I said and patted her shoulder

"Thank you P'Freen" she said and smiled. She's cute

We talked a Little about game and school. She's actually a junior from my highschool. After practice we went to freshen up.

After getting freshen up. We bid our good bye to Naw and We all went to parking lot. Cause the others are waiting for us there.

When we reached , everyone was already there waiting for us. Mind was also there with Nam. And Billy too his hand was interviewing with Becky's. Fuck this I was losing my shit again.

"Bye Baby" Mind said and gave Nam a long kiss and hugged her "Bye guys" she said and left. Billy also left with her.

"Wooowww, p'Nam who was that" Becky asked

"Just a friend" Nam said

"Wow, looknam Orntara you are lying in the day light" irin said

"We haven't leballed us, it's complicated " Nam said.

"Why" Becky asked. Nam's mood was changing.

"Let's leave the topic, how was your practice guys" Char said diverting the topic..

"It was good baby, Freen was also in a good shape. Now I'm pretty sure we will win" Engfa said

"You did what" ...,......


Author's note

Hey guys, hope you are enjoying the story.

So what do you think , what will happen next ... Anu clues...

Oh and am i taking things with them too slow....

Take care guys, comment down your opinions 😉

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