54. Drunken phase

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3rd person pov

Stefan slapped Billy when they reached home.
"I'm ashamed to call you my son, you can't even do a proper job. You lost the presentation to Freen and now you lost the shares too" he yelled

"I'm sorry Father" he said as he looked down

"You are only capable of saying sorry, I don't care what you do, I want them to suffer" he said

"Yes father" Billy said. Stefan left the place. A blonde young man came beside him

"Babe kha, you ok" the young blonde man asked

He grabbed the young blond man and looked aggressively "what do you think phi?" he asked the blonde young man.

"I don't want this life babe, let's run away" Billy said

"Oh I want to do that badly, but you know what will happen if we did. Your father will end us. We can only wait for Freen to do something to help us" the young blonde man said

"But how many days are gonna wait here babe" Billy asked

"I don't know, but we can't do anything I don't want to lose you like i lost you last time" the young blonde man said

"I was the one who nearly lost you" Billy said

"I know but I'm here with you now" the young blonde man said

"Leat escape and this time I will make sure they won't find us" Billy said

"Ok kha, Now let me relieve your stress" he said and made Billy sit on the chair.

"Oh I love the sound of it" Billy said and smiled

"I know you will" he said as he knelt down.

Nop's pov

Even though everything went well, i somehow feel that something bad is gonna happen.

"What are you thinking Nop" i heard Becky's voice

"It's nothing bec" I said

"I know it's not nothing, so spill it" she said

"I think something bad is gonna happen" I said

"I think too, Billy won't be staying still. I think he's planning something and we have to be careful too" Becky said and i nodded

"What are you guys talking about without including us" Nam said

"It's just we think Billy is up to something " Becky said

"We all think too, and Mind already informed that she saw Billy , Seng and Stefan at the same place" Noey said

"Do you think that Seng and Billy have some kind of connection " Engfa asked

"What do you mean" I asked them

"You know he never shared any info about his family. And whenever I bring that topic, we fight" he said

"Are you trying to say that he is..." Irin couldn't finish her words

"Yes we think he is Stefan's other son" Noey said

"Woooh why didn't we think about that possibility ever" char asked

"We aren't sure Char, and we got no proof other than their meetings. So can't just assume that too" Freen said and we all nodded "but we all have to be careful and we should stick together " she added

"Oh we will" Heng said looking at me and i blushed. After the New York mission Heng asked me to be his boyfriend and i said yes.

"Damn Heng is being so forward Lately " Noey said and laughed

"Oh shut up" he said and blushed

"Are we just gonna wait for them to make a move" Kate asked

"No, we are gonna strike now, no more waiting. We got enough proofs so will be making our move now" Freen said and looked at all of us
"Get rest today, we will have a long week for a week" Freen added

"Oh we will" Noey said

"And this time we are gonna make sure to pay them back for whatever they did to us" Engfa added

Freen's pov

After lunch we all sat on the couch and drank some wine to relax.

"Hey buddy, you are lost in your thoughts" Noey said and sat beside me.

"I'm just thinking about when all of these will end" I said genuinely.

"It will end soon na" Engfa said as she sat beside me.

Nam and Kate went back to meet their lovers. While Heng and Nop went shopping. Char, Bec and Irin are cleaning the dishes.

We started to drink wine. Then it wasn't enough so we started to drink some whisky. And we were so drunk. We couldn't even move. My head was spinning too much

We all were laughing without any reason, damn this alcohol.

I heard the sound of footsteps and i looked up. I was awestruck at what I saw. I saw an Angel. 

"Someone is coming be alert" Noey said and laughed.

"Who is it" Engfa asked

"Angel" i said and they all looked up.

" Indeed" I heard Noey's voice.

Becky's pov

"Why don't we go and enjoy some time with them" Char asked

"Yeah we should, we won't get much time to spend with them" irin said

"Let's go and be with them" i said and we 3 walked towards the living room.

What we saw made us jaw dropped. There were 2 bottles of whisky and a bottle of wine which is empty and a bottle of scotch which is half empty.

"What the...." irin exclaimed.

"Where are they" Char asked. And we roamed our eyes around and saw the 3 of them laying on the floor.

"What the fuck are they doing there" Char asked

"First let's go and check on them" i said and they nodded.

When we reached near them. Freen was the one who looked up first. she was looking at me like she saw something mesmerizing.

We heard Noey and Engfa mumbling something but we didn't hear anything. They 3 were looking at us.

We went near them.

"Beautiful" they all said in unison

"Are you single" Noey asked Irin

"You are so gorgeous can i make you mine" Engfa asked

We 3 looked at each other. They look so drunk.

"Damn is that why they don't drink too much when they are with us" Char asked and we chuckled.

Even though we are angry that they couldn't recognise us. We are also happy that they are mesmerized by our presence.

"They look so adorable" I said

"They do, but we have to take them to our room so they could sleep properly" irin said and we nodded

"I will take her first" irin said and went to lift Noey and Char went to pick Engfa and i went to pick p'Freen.

As we were going to hold them they yelled.

"Stop" Noey said

"Don't touch" Freen said

"Noooo" Engfa said

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