29. Hardening

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Freen's pov

I was so happy to see Becky beside me. She looked so tired. But she took care of me in the best way. Our parents left our after ensuring we have everything with us.

After our parents left I saw Becky putting pillow and blanket on the sofa to sleep. But i want her beside me. I was struggling to ask her. After some minutes i asked her. I saw that she was surprised.

"What" she asked

"I know it's too much to ask but can you like just sleep beside me, please " i said

"You won't get a good sleep if i sleep beside you and besides the bed is small. What if you get hurt again" she said worriedly

"I won't, we can place a pillow on this side and you can sleep beside me on the right side" i  said giving her puppy eyes

"Fine let me go to the washroom first" she said and i  nodded. After some minutes she came back and i scooted over so that she could sleep beside me.

She lay down beside me. I could only see her back.

"Can you turn around " I asked i thought she would ask something or protest but she didn't she just turned to face me.

"Thank you for this" I said and i hugged her

"I should be the one saying that p'Freen " she said

"Can you drop the phi" i asked and she nodded .

"Do you want to cuddle " she asked and my eyes sparkled at her question. Without giving any answer i snuggled closer to her.

"This feels good" i said

"I know baby" she said and i smiled . She just called me baby "sleep na" she said and hugged me making me more closer to her and  i could hear her heart beating fast. And her breaths. Her warmness. I slept early because of her.

I woke up early and saw the angel sleeping beside me. I wanted to look at her beautiful face more but i couldn't cause I was still sleepy and tired so i slept off again.

After a hour or more. I woke up again when i felt like i was being watched. I opened my eyes to see who. Then I saw my friends staring at us both. When they saw me waking up they all smirked and I know they are gonna tease me.

"Don't, she's sleeping, let her. We can talk later" I said and they nodded. They all were looking at us teasingly

When i tried to get up Becky groaned and snuggled more into my neck. I could feel her breath on me. And my breathing was getting heavier. I felt my member hardening up. She was so glued to me. I could sense that she has also woken up and she also can feel my hard member.

She slowly raised her head and looked at me. We both were staring at each other.

"Wow we could get diabetes, if we continue to watching this" we heard Nam's voice. That's when i remembered that they are still here.

Becky got up quickly and looked at them. She was frowning.

"Did we interrupt your sweet moments bec bec" Irin asked in a teasing way.

"Shut up" she said and walked to washroom.

Now they all were looking at me. "what" I asked

"Nothing" Engfa said and smirked

"That's it, tell me what you want" i asked again

"We want explanation" Char said "and no lies" she added

"What do you wanna know" I asked. They were discussing with each other.

"Ok we wanna know when did you get married to each other" Irin asked

"How did -" I was cut if by Nam

"Oh please, we know don't try to lie" She said

"Last week, when we both went to London" I said. There's no point in hiding here.

"Wow, did you both know that you are marrying each other" Kate asked

"Is that why you are interested in her " Nam asked

"Why didn't you tell us" Noey asked

"How did this all happened" Char asked

They all were asking at the same time, i couldn't even know which one to answe first.

"Guys, guys..... Calm down" Becky said. And they stopped asking

"We didn't know we were marrying each other, and it was an arrange marriage for the benifit of our companies and we both were engaged to each other without even knowing each other. That's all" she said and everyone looked at us in disbelief

"Woww, who would've even thought about a plot twist like this" Kate said

"True though" Heng said

"Is there any other things that we should know" Noey asked

"What do you mean" Becky asked

"We have been getting more shocking news day by day, so if you have any other news like this you can just share it here"Noey said..

"True though, you guys being Luna gang, The attack and now you both are married " Engfa said and looking at us..

"No" me and bec said at the same time.

"Did you find the information that i asked" Becky asked Nop.

"Yep I did" he said and opened his laptop "here" he gave it to Becky.

Becky was checking that with the others.

"That's not possible " Char said

"What happened " i asked

"It says that Billy was present in the building yesterday with us" Noey said

"And it not possible, someone must have stolen his phone" Irin said

"And how do you know that" Becky said.

"Uhhh" Irin was struggling

"We kidnapped him" Char said and Becky glared at her.

"Don't look at her like that, she did the right thing. We were also planning to do that" Engfa said

"Can you guys just fill me in also" i yelled.

"Billy tried to take advantage of Becky yesterday and we kind of beated him. But we were stopped by Becky and the others. So me and Char kidnapped him and held him captive" irin said. My blood was boiling when I heard that he was tried to take advantage of Becky.

"What do you mean taking advantage and where is that motherfucker and when did this happen" i asked

"Yesterday after your match, when we were searching for becky" she said. Fuck I was there and i ran away. I was angry at myself and my eyes were tearing up.

"Hey p'Freen" Becky came near me. "I'm ok, don't cry please" she said as she wiped my tears.

"No Bec, I was there" i said

"What" she asked


Author's note

Hey guys, hope you like the chapter.

So today I'm feeling good so I'll be uploading an extra chaper fir you guys.

And don't forget to comment down your opinion

Till then take care 🌷💜

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