33. Gentlewomen

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Becky's pov

We reached the club after 8 pm. The others were already there. I was happy to go with my love.

We made our way to the others to the VIP room. It was good and spacious. There were a lot of drinks which i don't even know the name. But it looked nice.

"There they are, our lovely couples" Kate said and hugged me. There was Noey, Irin, Char, Engfa, Heng, Kate, Nam.

"Beccaaa....  Come here" Irin called me. She's already drunk

"You are already drunk gummy bear" i asked

"No gummy bear i just had a few shots" she said and smiled sheepshly

"Why don't you guys have some shots" Noey asked

"I'm not having any drinks, I have to drive" Freen said

"Cone on don't be a party killer Chankimha" Nam said

"Hey that's my surname too" i whined

"Oh sorry Bec Bec" she said and looked at Freen "Sarocha" she said

"Hey that's my wife's name" i complained again

"Hoooii , Bec isn't that too much of flexing" she asked and i shrugged

"She only said the facts don't complain Ontara" Freen said

"Enough with calling each other's names, let's Partyyyyyyyyy" Char yelled.

Freen,Noey and Engfa were sharing glances. And they nodded their head.

"What's happening here" i whispered into Freen's ear.

"Nothing" she said and took a sip from her juice

"Are you sure you aren't gonna drink" I asked her

"Yup 100%. I want you to enjoy the night" she said

"But I want to enjoy it with you babe" i whispered seductively.

"Gosh Bec" she whined. I took more shots and joined Char and Irin in the dance floor. We had the best night.

Freen's pov

It's 11 pm now. We have been here for few hours. And they aren't even tired yet. Me, Engfa and Noey are watching them. We love to drink but not when our Girlfriends are like this.

While they were dancing, a lot of people tried to go near them. But we didn't let them. All this time i felt like someone has been watching me. I tried to look around but didn't found anyone suspicious. I didn't say this to the gang. I don't want to cut their fun.

As the night grew, the club was going to close. Everyone was inside the VIP room taking some rest and trying to be sober. We bought some water for them. I was thirsty too so i bought a alcohol free cocktail. It tasted weird but it was good. I finished it in one sip.

After some minutes I was feeling uncomfortable, my body temperature was rising up. I was bought out of my thoughts by Becky's voice.

"Can we go babe, I'm sleepy" she said in a baby voice. She's sooo cute.

"Ok let's go" I said and we bid our goodbies with the others.

Throughout the ride ride I was feeling so hot. Like I wanna rip my clothes off. I was feeling weird. So when I reached home. I immediately called Micheal and asked him to check any unusual activity in the club.

I got inside and drink some water, I was feeling so thirsty. Damn why do I feel like this. I unbuttoned my shirts button. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my hips.

"What are you thinking babe, I've been calling you for minutes" she said and i looked at her. Gosh she's looking so sexy. I was trying to control the sexual attraction. But i couldn't instead of replying i kissed her hungryly. It was so aggressive that when I broke the kiss she was catching breath so hard.

"What was that for" she asked between catching her breath . But instead of saying anything I kissed her neck. And started to suck it.

"Freeeeeeen slow down....... Oh god, babe i-it hur-hurts" she moaned

God i couldn't stop the urge to kiss her. Fuck. She suddenly pushed me and i came back to reality.

"I'm so-sorry" i said and she came to hug me but I backed off.

"Freen, I'm sorry to push you. But don-" I cut off her words.

"No, no don't apologise. Its my fault" i said. I was so hard at that time and I was feeling pain. And I really wanted to do so many things to her. But I'm not sure if it's me or something else.

I heard my phone ringing it's was Michael "hello" I said

"Hey boss, so...." I cut him off

"Cut the chase Michael" I said

"You are drugged boss" he said

"Find the person and tie them up in our safe house I'll be there in the morning. And inform doctor Sam to come to my house." I said

"Ok boss" he said and i ended the call.

"Babe, what happened " she asked. But I was feeling so much pain in my bottom.

"Uhhhhhhhh" i groaned in pain and knelt down and i kept my hand on my member

"Freen" she came beside me

"No, no stay away.... Please" I said

"Why what happened " she asked

"Someone has drugged me Bec, and I can't control my urges in this state" i said

"Then don't control I'll help you" she said and moved closer

"No please don't" I said

"Why Freen, don't you want to do it with me" she asked

"Uhhhhhh" i groaned again. I got up and grabbed a bottle of water and drank it

"Freen" she called me again "don't you wanna do it with me" she asked

"I love you so much love. I don't want to do it because I'm drugged. I don't want our first to be like this Bec" I said

"But you are in pain Freen, and I can help" she said and came closer to me

"No Bec, please try to understand" i siad and hugged her "the doctor will come any minute, let me go and and take shower to control it. No matter how much I yell. Don't come to my room" i said

"But Freen...." I cut her off

"Shh.... I'll be fine. I promise. We will talk later na" I said and left to my room


Author's note

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