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Moving away from my small town in Scotland has always been somewhat of a dream of mine but what comes along with dreams also comes struggles. The difficulty is making dreams a reality. I've always had a small fire lit under me feeling like I can always make something happen when it comes to my dreams, forever being ambitious.

When I was in school about eight years old I always had the urge to become a writer. All I ever spoke about was becoming a writer and about how when I was a grown up that my books would be published and on shelves in libraries. Now at twenty five I can finally say I did it. I may have had to push my story onto everyone who would listen but I did it.

"Margo... hellooo? I know you're leaving in a month but I still need you to go to this concert with me! I'm absolutely obsessed with the band and I am desperate to not go alone and hey, let's make it a little leaving do for you?!" Cassidy shouts from my hallway pulling me out of my own head.

"Cass, I am just so busy and isn't it too soon to be planning a leaving do for me? Im literally still here for a month and I haven't even got myself a rental yet. Let's just take it one step at a time." I laugh at her eager energy.

"I know but I didn't hear you decline my concert offer. It's literally in two days time and I'm desperate to go! I have a spare ticket and we'll have an amazing time. It's not as if it's a band you don't like. You listen to them a lot too. Please please go for me! I'll never ask you to do anything for me ever again!" She says as she finds me standing in my kitchen. "I even have the hotel booked and transport you literally don't have to do anything just please come with me... maybe a few drinks after?" She asks with a smirk knowing full well that I've been sober for the past three years.

"Fine. We'll go for drinks but I won't be drinking, you know that. God you know I absolutely despise being the only sober person in the bar minus the staff, mind you half the time they're drinking something themselves. Don't tell me I'm not the bestest bestie." Giving her side eye.

"Yes i know I know, just the soft drinks for you." She rolls her eyes at me and sighs. "Anyway the trains tomorrow at three in the afternoon. Do not be late. Don't pull some B.S excuse of oh my god I'm sick I can't go. I will happily come and drag you there now you've agreed. I'll book us a place for dinner. Now outfit ideas!! Let's see what you've got gorgeous!" She squeals at me charging toward my bedroom like a bull.

I follow her through to my room where she's already sifting through my wardrobe pulling clothes out by the hanger and assessing them. Give me strength this is going to be a long night.

"I'm going to order take out we're going to be a while." I tell her with a sigh. I love Cassidy to bits but when it comes to fashion she could spend hours and hours looking at stuff, switching one top out and replacing it with another, just to then change the trousers. The cycle never seems to end.

"Oooh yess, I'm desperate for some dinner. Make sure to get a couple of sides too, I haven't ate since lunch and I'm starving." She tells me while throwing more of my clothes onto the bed.

"Yeah yeah, will do. Just the usual?"

"Please! Love you!" She shouts as I walk towards the kitchen to make the call to the take out place.

Hopefully they deliver before I lose the will to live.


Hey guys,

It's been a minute. A lot has happened and I lost my love for writing for a while but it seems to be back with a bang.
I have a lot of ideas for how I want this project to pan out. You'll just have to stick around and find out!
Let me know what you think so far!

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