Convincing Her other wise

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Camila's POV:

Lauren telling me the name and other important things about that beautiful baby girl from the folder made my heart melt. She didn't give her up because she didn't want her; she did it because she loved that baby and wanted her safe and away from that sick bastard. At the moment though Lauren needs to understand that she needs to get her daughter back.

"Laure you know that you have to go and get her back right?" I ask looking into her eyes

"Camz I can't I signed paper for a closed adoption. and you said it yourself I gave up my parental rights" she says and I can tell she's sad about it

"Those papers don't count after Paul dismissed the entire adoption process" I tell her and she looks at me confused

"How do you know that?" she asks and I smile

"I watch a lot of cop and law shows. Also when you signed those papers you were kind of underage meaning that it was illegal for you to sign them with out you parents present. Now go and tell your dad that you actually want to go and get your daughter" I say holding her hands

"It's not that simple Camz" she tells me and I know it's going to take me a while to convince her so I look into her eyes again and take a deep breath

"So you are telling me that you wouldn't do anything in this world to hold her again? you wouldn't go against an army to keep her safe? You wouldn't even try to fight off Paul if he dared to go near her again?" I said knowing that the last part hit a nerve

"Camila I can't okay I just can't" she says as if she is fighting with her self

"So you're going to be a coward? wow I can't believe that Lauren Michelle Jauregui is actually giving up on the one thing that is absolutely hers" I say with disbelief

"The Lauren I fell in love with would have done everything and anything for that baby girl. She wouldn't be sitting here degrading herself like you are now. She'd be on the first flight back to Miami and getting ready to be reunited with her daughter. The same daughter she gave up whole heartedly just so she'd be safe. But you know what the difference is now. That baby has no one to keep her safe anymore. She needs a family. A real one and not one provided by the government through Foster care" I say and Lauren's expression changes to shock

"Yeah you didn't know that did you? When a child is abandoned in terms of one being in jail and the other not wanting them, they are put into a foster system; where other families raise them And do you know what happens to some of those kids? the foster parents treat them horribly. They use the kids for a monthly check sent by the government and they end up getting beaten and abused. can you imagine what they would do to Karla? because if you can't you must not love her enough if you are willing to let her grow up in that type of situation" I say harshly and as I say those last words I know Lauren is getting pissed

"Don't you ever say I don't love her. She's my daughter for Christ sake" she says through gritted teeth

"Oh so now she's your daughter? because by the way you are acting it seems like she isn't" I shot back and I know I shouldn't be doing this but it's the only way I know that will get Lauren to change her mind

"You don't know shit Camila. I'm warning you" she replies but I can't back down now

"No I guess I don't know but I do know that if you truly love this baby you would have done something by now. Especially after knowing that Paul has been near her for 3 fucking months" I say showing her the picture of her daughter again

"I know what you are trying to do and it's not going to work" She says balling her hands into fist

"I think it already did. Look at your hands you're trembling with fury and it's not because I'm wrong it's because you know I'm right. Every second, minute, hour, and day that you spend saying no to actually going and getting this baby, you are sending her even closer into foster care; where she'll most likely suffer and go through both pain and heart break as she gets older. Now do you seriously want that for your daughter? Do you really want her thinking that her mother didn't love her enough to do something for her when she had the perfect chance to get her back? Do you want to grow old and then think back what if I had actually gone and taken my daughter back?" I say with less rage in my voice

"You don't understand okay you just don't" Lauren burst out

"Then help me understand!!" I yell at her

"I'm not capable of raising her. I'll be an unfit mother" she cries out and that's all it took for me to let go of my anger over the subject

"Lauren you aren't alone in this. You have your parents, Chris, Taylor. You have Ally, Dinah, Mani, Alexa, Lucy, Wesley, Drew, even Cece. My parents are here for you too. Most of all you have Me and yourself. I know you better then anyone and I know that once you have this baby girl in your arms you will give her every ounce of love that is in you. You'll protect her 20 times more then you protect me and you'll raise her better then our parents raised us. Remember when we were in the car on our way here and I told you that Chris was a Jauregui and he'll get through this? Well you're a Jauregui too and so is she. She's your daughter Lauren and because of that simple fact I know that she'll grow up to be exactly like you. She'll be the kindest kid, she'll be strong willed and will never take crap from no one just like you. She'll be extremely intelligent because come on who else can pull off a full blown academic Scholarship to the most expensive school in Miami if not the Daughter of the very on Lauren Michelle Jauregui. She'll be adorable and have a smile that can make you melt in a heart beat. she'll be fierce and fearless because that is what you are too. She might be stubborn at times but it's okay. But most of all and this is very important she will be selfless. she'll care about others more then she cares about herself and she'll do what ever it take to make them happy and keep them save. For Karla to be all of those things though she need you. Her mom, Lauren Michelle Jauregui. Not soon substitute mom. She need her real mom" I say taking her face in my hands and making her look at me

"You really think I'm all of those things?" she asks through sniffles

"Lauren I've known you my entire life and I would never in a million years lie to you about the kind of person you are. I've seen every part of you. The dark the happy the insane, the goofy. every part. So yes I do think that you are all of those things" I tell her as I clean her tears

"So if I don't do something soon she'll be put into a foster system?" she asks playing with her fingers

"Best bet is yes and you could lose her forever" I say remembering all those law shows I saw

"And you promise that I won't be alone through all of this?" she asks worried

"I'm not planning on moving anywhere any time soon unless it's into the apartment you promised me" I inform her with a smile

"Book the next flight out to Miami then" she says with determination and I know I did it. I had convinced her.

A/N: I hope you all are liking the new little changes I've made and from this chapter on the story does a complete change so this is me warning you. Have a nice day :) 

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