Now and Forever

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The rest of the night carried on with conversations and some stories. By midnight both groups had called it a night and headed to their rooms. Camila and Lauren had decided to sleep in separate rooms to keep some traditions and little Karla stayed with her grandparents. Dinah, Ally and Normani shared a room and Taylor and Sofi shared another.

"So you really had a pregnancy scare? I thought you were joking when you told me" Taylor states. 

"It was real. I was two weeks late. I was freaking out" Sofi answers

"How did Alexis handle it?" Taylor questions

"He seemed calm but I honestly don't know" Sofi responds

"Wait you guys never talked about it?" Taylor ask

"Not really after we just became extremely careful and then he told me about his early acceptance" Sofi replies

"Are you okay with him leaving?" Taylor wonders

"I have no choice but to support him" Sofi states

"Have you thought about possibly , I don't know breaking up so that neither of you have the pressure of a long distance relationship" Taylor suggest

"Lauren said the same thing" Sofi states.

"I mean her and Camila are the prime example of the phrase 'If you love someone let them go and if they come back to you it was meant to be'" Taylor informs

"I know you are right but, Alexis is my first everything" Sofi counters

"You will have a million first Sofi, the ones you just had are just the beginning. You can't expect him to be your one and only forever just because he is your first love. The same way you can't expect him to give up future opportunities so he doesn't hurt you. It's not healthy Sofi" Taylor replies

"What should I do then?" Sofi ask

"I can't tell you what to do only your heart can answer that. Just know the heart never fails. If you love him enough you'll know what to do" Taylor answers


With the boys Chris had no other choice but to share a room with Alexis. It was hard enough watching the teen charm Sofi in front of his eyes the past two days and Chris was trying his best to not cause issues.

"Hey Chris are you up?" the younger boy ask

"What is it?" Chris ask annoyed

"I wanted to see if you could give me some advice" Alexis states

"On what exactly?" Chris questions hoping this kid did not say Sex

"On Sofi. I know she is like you little sister but I just don't know how to tell her something" Alexis states

"If you are about to ask about Sex advice I am warning you" Chris threatens

"No, its not that its about something else." Alexis says

"If you are breaking up with her I swear" Chris growls

"That's the thing, I don't want to break up but I don't want to put her through a long distance relationship when I leave" Alexis replies

"You're leaving?" Chris ask

"Yeah I got early acceptance to college and I leave Tuesday. Sofi already knows" Alexis responds

"Then if you care about her enough you should let her know how you feel" Chris states


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