Filler 1

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As she walked back into her apartment with the two new items for her daughter she let our a breath she didn't even know she had been holding since she saw the brown eyed woman she hadn't seen for year at her door. For a moment she rested her head against the closed door and thought about what she had just told the other parent of her child to do. In a way she had her reasons to do that since said parent had just walked out on them with out a reason but till now Lauren had always thought that Camila had just up and left and didn't care about them but finding out just now that Camila had indeed always stayed with Karla on her mind hurt her more. She knew that her daughter was always something important to Camila after finding out about her but it had hurt to finally see that instead of the brown eyed Latina trying to contact her she just stayed on focusing on Karla. 

"Mommy are you okay" she hears from below her only to see her daughter

"What?" Lauren questions confused

"Well you are crying did the lady outside say something mean to you?" the little girl asks with a disappointed pout

"Oh no honey sorry mommy just remembered something that makes me sad but I'm okay now" the green eyed mother says while cleaning the small tears on her face

" I don't like it when you cry mommy it makes me sad" the young Jauregui says getting closer to hug her mother 

"I'm okay baby but look these are new birthday presents" Lauren says with a smile

" Really for me?" the little girl asks excited

"Yep and guess what ?" The young mother says

"What mommy ?" the little girl beams with a smile

"We are leaving to abuelo's right now so go get your jacket" Lauren says making her daughter jump up and run to get her jacket to leave

"So is it okay if I take a wild guess as to who that was outside or is it a bit too soon to bring it up?" Alex asks while walking over to Lauren after Karla ran to her room

"Alex if it were any other day but today I would have this conversation with you but today lets just not have it. I want Karla to have a nice birthday and us talking about this topic will not make today a good day so please" Lauren warns already knowing where Alex was heading .

In all honesty it was not a secret about Lauren and Camila dating. if anything Lauren had told Alex what had happened after she realized that things were getting serious between them. He knew about Lauren's past and how Karla was conceived and he also knows that Camila was an important part of Lauren's life. What he still doesn't know though is that Camila is Karla's adoptive parent or that Lauren at one point had given Karla up. That Lauren had kept to herself.

"Very well but we will talk about it right?" He asks her

"Yes Alex we will but not today" Lauren says grabbing her car keys

"I'm ready mommy" Karla says running back to where her mother and Alex were standing

"Alright then mini me time to go have some fun at grandma and grandpa's" Lauren says giving her daughter a smile so she doesn't notice anything is wrong

"I will meet you both there I have to check something really quick before I get there" Alex says making Lauren look at him funny

"Don't worry it is nothing bad just going to make sure everything is running perfectly fine before I shut my phone off for the day and spend it with my two princesses" Alex states giving a smile

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