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 Everything was completely silent after what was just experienced. The doctor has walked out 5 minutes ago to give them some time to process what had just happened and the emotions were all over the place for both Latinas. 

"So what now?" the youngest of the two asks

"No we set new rules and get out of here" The oldest says while sending a text out


It wasn't until they were bak at home that the silence was broken. Little Karla was the first to run into the house and go to her puppy Felix. While her mothers stayed behind waiting for Sofi to walk into the house. 

"So?" Sofi asked while looking at both woman

"Don't even dare Sofia, starting today you can forget about the rest of your life young lady." Camila says in a serious tone

"Lauren talk to here please she's being irrational" Sofi argues looking at her sisters baby momma.

"I'm sorry Sof but I have to agree with Camila. You got lucky today. Do you have any idea how different it would have been had the doctor told you that you were pregnant? You know we both love you but come on Sofi were you really ready to have a kid at 16 because that's how old you would have been when the baby was born had you been pregnant" Lauren says looking at the younger Cabello

"I get it okay you don't have to remind me of how stupid I was to do what I did but the good news is I'm not pregnant. The doctor said it was a false positive. But please you both can't keep me prisoner here for ever" Sofi  tries to argue back in a calm tone.

"Sofia it's not about keeping you prisoner okay. It's about you understanding how serious this situation would have been had that doctor came back with different results. I know that you are a teenager and that when you want to have sex again I won't be able to stop you pero tines 15 años Sofi 15 your mind isn't fully developed to handle the type of shit  that goes on around you. Having sex shouldn't be the first thing on your mind, Having pregnancy  scares shouldn't even be happening right now like seriously you barely started your periods last year. I know I'm mommy and thank god for that, pero I'm your sister and I worry not just because of pregnancy scares like this one but you do know you could get STD's right and that includes AIDS if you aren't careful. I also know that Alex is your boyfriend pero it's not a sure thing that he'll be there for ever. I know I got lucky with Lauren but that was dumb luck for me. That type of shit rarely happen. So please I am begging you as your sister be more careful." Camila says desperately while looking at her sister

"I'm sorry" Sofi says with a weak voice

"Sorry we know you are sorry. Honey we get it we were teenager too and did stupid stuff. But your sister is right. your are only 15 and you have so much more to look forward to. You skipped a grades in school yes but you are still a kid we are just worried that this small scare won't be the only thing we need to worry about. What I just want from you is to be honest with us. You know we have your back on any thing and we just want what best for you. We aren't saying to break up with Alex because we know he is a good kid we are asking you to be more careful and if anything come to us." Lauren says making Sofi nod with tears in her eyes. 

"I know you were scared shit less Sof, I was there too when I found out about being pregnant with Karla" Lauren states while grabbing the younger girl and pulling her into a hug. 

"We love you Sofi don't forget that" Camila says walking over to her sister and rubbing her back as the younger Cabello sobs into Lauren's shoulder. 


"So that was rough" The oldest of the two says while closing the bed room door. 

"You have no idea how relieved I was when that doctor said it was a false alarm. I swear I thought I almost had a heart attack if she had said it was positive" The youngest replies 

"Camila trust me I was just as scared as you. You know we can't stop her from having sex with Alex right?" Lauren asks 

"Ugh I know but maybe since she trust you more about this sex stuff you can give her the talk. Given the fact you are the only one who's actually had sex with penises." Camila says with a nervous smile. 

"Seriously you are going to use that against me? Plus didn't you have any sex while you were in New York?" Lauren says with a small chuckle. 

"For your information, No I didn't I was to busy staying clean and also trying to keep an eye on our daughter" Camila responds walking over to Lauren and grabbing her by the waist. 

"Oh really so no NYC girls caught your eye?" Lauren asks raising an eye brow 

"If there were any girls interested in my I really didn't pay them any mind. I was kind of hung up on a certain Green eyed goddess that stole my heart when I was 17." Camila Responds rubbing circles on the older woman's hips. 

"Mm, well I like that sound of that" Lauren says leaning in to kiss her girlfriend but is interrupted when there is a knock on the door. 

"Ugh why oh why does this happen now" Camila groans leaning her head back 

"Stop" Lauren says giving her a quick kiss and walking to the door where the little princess of the family was waiting while holding her stuffed teddy

"Mommy can I sleep with you please" The little girl says giving a toothy smile. 

"Um what happened?" Lauren asks 

"Ugh well you see I um" Karla starts but stops when she sees Camila walk up to the door

"You wet the bed didn't you mini Jauregui" Camila says giving her daughter smirk. 

"Um ahuh" the little girl nods then looks down at the floor. 

"Alright come on mini me. Lets get you another bath an new Pj's while I go change your bed sheets." Lauren says 

"Can mami Camila give me my bath please" the little girl asks 

"I got it mi amor go get the sheets." Camila says while giving a wink to the little girl who smiles 

"Fine I'll be right back with her Pj's too. And behave you two" Lauren warns and leaves the room

"Okay nugget bath time" Camila says pointing to the ensuite bathroom

"Can I see the ring mama" Karla asks with a big smile

"Karla shh remember it's a secret your mommy can't know about it yet" Camila warns the little girl while starting to fill the tub. 

"I'm sorry mama but when are you going to give it to mommy?" the little girl asks while helping fill the tub with bubbles. 

"Hey no more bubbles. And when I give it to your mommy I'll let you know so you can help. Now strip and get in." Camila states while Turing off the water. 

"Mm okay" Karla says with a small pout making Camila chuckle at the little girl

"Trust me baby girl it will be soon" Camila assures while pouring water over Karls's hair.


"Alright Karla's bed is all set and here are her new Pj's" Lauren says walking into the master bedroom while Camila carries a towel covered Karla into the bed room

"Yay Spongebob" KArla squeals all happy 

"I figured you'd like this one. Now come on it's past your bed time" Lauren says taking the little girl and helping her get changed. 


A/N: well that took a while sorry about that. Been having a lot on my plate lately with work and school but I do plan on finishing this story. 

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