dream done

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The very next morning the youngest in the room woke up slowly and noticed that she wasn't in her bed room or in her house making her get scared until she heard a small whimper and looks down to see her puppy or at least she thought he was her puppy since he was a gift for her. Why looking at him she realized that she had stayed the night at her favorite person's house and smiled. As she was about to get up and  try to get something to drink she felt two arms hold her tighter making her look to her side to see her mom and then look to the other side and see her new best friend. she was about to protest and wake them up so that she can get up but before she could do anything a sound from behind her made her turn around only to find her aunt Sofi

"Crap that hurt" Sofi whisper yells while hoping on one foot

"Shhh" the little girl says making the older one of the two look up and smile

"Well look who's up how you doing little princess" the older girl whispers while walking over to the little 5 year old

"I need to go potty but uh mommy and Mila won't let me go" the green eyed child says with a small pout

"Well let me help you we wouldn't want any accidents now would we" Sofi says walking around the couch and slowly getting Lauren and Camila's arms off of the little girl so she could run quickly to the bathroom

"Thank you Sofi" the little girl says and runs off quickly with the little puppy following behind her

"Oye Camren walk up" Sofi says after she's sure that her niece was no where near them

"MMM go away give me 15 more minutes" Camila groans making Sofi laugh

"Get your asses up before your daughters gets in here and asks why you both cuddled up to her like she was a fucking teddy bear last night and ended up staying the night" Sofi semi yells at the two sleeping Latinas

"Wait what? where's Karla?" Lauren says jumping up

"HAHA relax mom my baby sister is in the bathroom lucky for you I walked in here when I did or else she would have peed herself because you two were holding onto her like your freaking lives depended on it" Sofi says

"I'm sorry about that Sofi and thank you for helping her get to the bathroom" Camila says rubbing her eyes while waking up

"Yeah what ever but mind telling me what you all did here yesterday by yourselves I mean I'm glad to finally see Lauren her at the house but what changed from the I don't want us to be seen together with Karla thing?" Sofi asks looking at her sister then at Lauren with a raise eyebrow

"Nothing happened we just had a semi family day" Lauren shrugs

"I call bull come on now I know you two remember I grew up with both of your being stuck to each other since I was born" Sofi says crossing her arms over her chest

"Sofia language and Lauren already told you we had a semi family day with Karla that was all nothing else and what must have happened is that we fell asleep while watching movies that's all nothing else" Camila states

"Sure okay I'll believe you for now but anyway check you text you'll thank me later" Sofi says getting up and heading to the kitchen which was her original stop before she saw Karla awake

"Sorry about her I think her teenage years are getting to her" Camila says

"Don't worry about it. Also just to let you know thank you for yesterday you really didn't have to do that and I can tell that Karla loved it" Lauren says with a shy smile

"It was nothing remember I already told you I wanted to spend a day with my family. and I'm also glad that you had a great time hopefully next time we have a day like yesterday Karla will know I'm her other mom" Camila says hopefully

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