La Amante

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After those words fell out of the Green eyed woman's mouth it had been like time stood still. No words were spoken and if anything small had dropped to the floor the sound would have been defining. From the wide brown eyes to the male's wide open mouth in shock from what had just come out of his finance's lips.

It was about another 2 minutes before any sound was heard but it wasn't exactly what was expected.

"Lauren have you been smoking again? seriously where did you get that crazy idea" the Italian man says

"It's not crazy Alex I saw the case files I saw the police reports I saw it all now answer me god dammit" The Latina shouts making the Brown eyed Woman in the room get out of her shocked state and get to the other Latina's side

"You!. What the fuck did you tell her!" Alex yells in anger at the younger Latina

"Don't you fucking dare Alex or I swear every thing I was given will be given to the FBI or even better foreign affairs and you know if they get involved every little business you have here will be destroyed so do not test me and answer my fucking question how fucking long were you planning on keeping this shit from me about these police reports on child pornography and rape charges tell me you piece of shit!!" Lauren yells out the last part in frustration

"Lauren I can explain please just lets talk you and me and I promise I'll tell you everything" Alex says in a pleading voice and looking at Camila with a glare

"If you are implying that I tell Camila to leave you are mistaken now talk or I swear I will give a very quick call to the police right now" Lauren threats

"The charges are false okay I swear I've never done any of the things in there I've never raped anyone and as for the child pornography that was never mine I swear it was my assistants back in Europe I swear I am not a monster I would never do anything to hurt you or hurt Karla I love the both of you" Alex replies quickly once Lauren mentioned calling the police

"Bullshit" Camila finally speaks making Alex clinch his jaw and fist

Once noticing that change in the man Lauren stood in front of the younger Latina and discreetly passed her cellphone so that a quick text could be sent to Ricardo to call the cops.

"Lauren what ever she's told you about me she's lying I swear I'm not that guy I'm the guy you met in Spain 3 summers ago I'm the guy who was here for you and Karla I helped you and Karla I was the dad that little angel never got the chance to have. I never left you like she did. I'm not a rapist and I certainly am not a pedophile. I'm telling the truth" Alex says with tears starting to form in his eyes making both Camila and Lauren scared at his sudden change of mood

"I would never do something like that to a child or to a woman never I'm not a monster I swear to you that I am not that man. That I made fucked up mistakes yes but being a pedophile and a rapist are not one of those mistake I swear that where ever you got that from it is a lie you have to believe me Lauren please" the man starts pleading until there is a bang on the door then 3 police officers walk in with Ricardo following behind them putting away the spare apartment keys he has into his pocket

"Alexander Benefonte put your hands behind you pack you are under arrest for trespassing on private property" one of the officers states taking out handcuffs while Alex just stares at Lauren with a broken stare then looks at Camila with a glare

"Ms. Jauregui Your door man gave us a call stating that this man was in your apartment while you were not here and he did not have any authorization to be here is that correct?" The second officer asks

"That is correct officer" Lauren answers nodding over at Ricardo as a thank you

"Okay well we will need you to go down to the station to file a report but we will keep him there until you make your finale statements and we are sorry we didn't get here sooner you have a nice day ladies" the cop says then starts walking out the door with with his partner following behind with a handcuffed Alex beside him.

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