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Everyone in the establishment stopped what they were doing. At the entrance stood Sinu Cabello and Lauren had no idea what to do.

"Abela!" the five year old shouts when she sees the older Cuban

"My little Karlita, sweetie" Sinu says walking towards the little girl.

"I missed you abuela. where were you?" Karla ask

"I missed you too. I've been doing important thing but I'm back" Sinu says with a smile

"Mommy you hear that, abuela is staying" Karla says looking at Lauren

"I heard. Sinu, nice to see you" Lauren finally says

"I hear you are getting married to my daughter" Sinu states

"We are yes" Lauren answers

"Did my invitation get lost in the mail?" the older Cuban ask

"Actually I am not sure Camila was in charge of invitations but I am guessing that if you didn't get one, Camila must not want you there." Lauren counters

"I am still her mother. Now I expect that invitation soon" Sinu demands

"Abuela are you going to the wedding it's in seven days" Karla says

"Seven days huh? that is pretty fast" Sinu says looking at Lauren

"We decided not to wait any longer. You know five years and seven months is a long time" Lauren replies

"So where is the wedding?" Sinu ask

"In New York" Karla says excited

"It's not in New York Karla. Only Camila knows and I doubt she'll tell you" Lauren states looking at the Cuban.


"Thanks for calling me Yahira. No it's okay I'll handle it. Of course, Gracias"

"What happened?" the youngest of the two ask

"Sinu happened. She showed up at the nail salon and caused a huge scene. Turns out someone told her about the wedding and she went after Lauren while Karla was with her." the eldest responds.

"will mom ever learn?" Sofi questions

"I guess she won't. Yahira had to call the police before it got out of hand" Camila answers

"Is she in jail now?" Sofi ask

"They cuffed her and Lauren had to go give a statement. Either way we have to wait until LAuren gets back to find out what happened." Camila replies.

"What about Karla?" Sofi counters

"You're right lets go and deal with our insane mother" Camila states realizing her daughter is also in the middle of this.


"SO Ms. Jauregui, may you please tell us what happened at the nail salon" the police officer states while taking a seat.

"Like I told the other officer, I went to the nail salon to spend time with my daughter and to get a little spa day before my wedding in seven days. That is when Sinu Cabello walked in and caused a scene and asking questions that do not concern her" Lauren responds.

"Mrs. Cabello says she only asked about her daughter that she hasn't seen in months and that you started yelling at her" the officer counters

"I yelled at her because she disrespected my relationship. Look Sinu Cabello has had an issue with me for ages. I honestly don't know why. This has been going on since I was 16 and a half." Lauren replies

"So this is not new?" the cop questions.

"No. Just a month and half ago the police had to be called to my fiance's house because Sinu was causing a disturbance" Lauren adds. 

"Do you happen to remember the arresting officer's name?" the cop ask

"I believe so it was Lopez" Lauren responds.

"Anthony , good kid that one. Wait here while I pull up that file" The officer says getting up

"What about my daughter?" Lauren ask

"She is doing fine Officer Diaz is with her" the cop answers and walks out.


"Excuse me I'm here for my daughter and fiance" Camila says at the front desk

"Name" the lady ask

"Lauren Jauregui and Karla Jauregui-Cabello" Camila replies

"Officers Diaz and Sanchez have them. Wait here" The lady states then gets up.

"What do you think happened?" Sofi ask

"Knowing mom I'm expecting anything" the eldest answers

As they waited they saw two cops exit a room and shaking their heads. Who ever was there must have just signed their life away.

"Ms. Cabello the officers would like to speak with you" the lady says when she returns

"Um which one of us?" Sofi ask

"Oh you are both here. I guess both" the lady replies and points to an office.

Both Cabello's walk forward and when they open the office door their jaws clench. In one of the chairs sat a police officer and in the other their mother.

"Camila and Sofia Cabello I assume" the police officer says

"What is she doing here? shouldn't she be behind bars for assault" Camila says

"Ladies lets calm down. I have spoken to your mother and she tells me you have both been manipulated by Lauren Jauregui and held against your will" The cop says

"HA!. you have got to be shitting me" Sofi states

"Sofia Language. You see what I mean officer" Sinu argues

"I'm sorry but you aren't my mother. That women vanished when I was nine years old after she blackmailed and threatened my older sister into leaving me." Sofi responds

"I'm sorry what?" the officer ask

"Oh she didn't tell you that. I was nine years old and Camila was 18 just out of high school and in a very serious relationship with Lauren, when my mother threatened to have LAuren's child taken from her if Camila did not leave Miami. The black mail came later when she used me to emotionally torture my sister into doing what she said." Sofi answers

"Camila is this true?" the officer ask in a serious tone.

"If you want more proof ask my father that is why they got divorced Cabello isn't even her last name anymore it's Estrabao. The last time we saw this woman was when she cause a drunken scene at my house on Sofi's 15th birthday and the ops were call. The arresting officer was Anthony Lopez who also happens to be a friend I went to college with." Camila responds


"Ms. Jauregui we do apologize for the wait, you are free to go. Your daughter is waiting outside with your fiance" a cop says walking in and opening the door for her.

"Mommy!!" Karla says running to her mom

"Hey baby are you okay?" Lauren ask

"Yeah the nice police man colored with me and showed me how to draw people" KArla answers

"Hey mi amor" Camila says giving her fiance a hug and kiss

"When did you get here" Lauren ask

"forty minutes ago but Sofi and I needed to handle something" Camila states

"And your mother?" Lauren questions

"Oh she'll have her hands tied. Now let's go" Camila says with a smile.

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