Growing Up

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"SOFI!!!!!!" was the only thing heard in the house hold causing the two teens to pull away from each other immediately.

"shit" the youngest person in the room whispered while seeing her older sister and her girlfriend in the doorway

"Ca-Camila I can explain" The only male says trying to form words but stops when he receives a menacing glare from the Mexi-Cuban.

"YOU!" The older woman says pointing at the boy in a furious tone "You have 2 seconds to get the hell out of my house" she threatens

"Mila are you fucking crazy. It's 10 at night the bus stop is a good 20 minute walk from here" The youngest tries to argue but looks at her sister's girlfriend who is just shaking her head to not argue right now.

"SOFIA no me tientes ahora que estoy al punto de caerte a golpes" Her older sister threats making the only boy there tense at those words.

"Camz breathe okay they are just kids" The green eyed woman tries to reason noticing that her girlfriend is now taking things too seriously.

"Lauren don't tell me how to handle my little sister" Camila says through gritted teeth

"I'm not a little kid any more Mila. I'm 15 what the heck. You are sounding just like mom right now with the bullshit" The younger girl states making Lauren's eyes widen and the boy standing next to her become scared.

"Don't you dare compare me to that nut job of a mother we have I am nothing like her and Alexis I think it is time for you to leave NOW!" Camila barks making the boy flinch

"Camz look at me" Lauren states forcing the brown eyed woman to look into her eyes

"It's late Alexis lives literally on the other side of Miami, you know the bad part where he can get really hurt if he walks through there at 12am. How about I drive him home it will take me 40 minutes tops and maybe jut maybe you can have a civil talk with with your sister. One that does not involve you screaming and waking up our sleeping daughter" Lauren reasons

At those words Camila moves from looking at Lauren's eyes and looks at her sister who is scared and Alexis who is at the point of taking any type of hit that is directed towards her sister.  Letting out a sigh Camila turns back towards her girlfriend and nods.

"Thank you now Alexis honey pick up your your back pack and meet me at the car okay" Lauren says giving Alexis a look that said everything was going to be okay.

"I-I uh sure. Um I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow Sofi?" Alexis asks looking as Sofi who gives him a nod while biting her bottom lip with a slight smile. Something that did not go UN-noticed by Lauren or Camila

"Alright romeo enough with the lovey eyes out of my house" Camila says pointing to the door.

"Camila!" Sofi argues while giving her sister a look that was not very pleased.

"It's okay Sofi we'll talk tomorrow" Alexis says with his bag on his shoulder then gives the youngest Cabello a kiss on the cheek before going out the door.

"I'll be back in 40 minutes and Camila if I come back to Sofi crying because of you being an insensitive asshole. That offer I gave you earlier in the car is off the table. Just keep that in mind" Lauren threatens then walks out the door too with the car keys in hand to take Alexis home.

"I'm going to bed" Sofi says after the door closes trying to get away from her sister

"Not so fast Sofi. We need to talk first" Camila says behind the younger girl

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