I'm Here

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After those word came out of the older woman mouth is was as if time stood still. The little girl just stared back and fourth between the older women with a hint of confusion but did not say a word. It was so silent that a feather falling to the ground could be heard and that was something that started to scare the brown eyed woman. It had felt like hours when in reality it was only minutes before the silence was finally broken.

"Karla did you listen to what I just told you?" the green eyed woman asks

"I did but mommy how can Camila be my other 'mommy' if she was away in New York since I was born" the little girl asks in wonder

"Who told that Camila was in New York since you were born?" Her mother asks

"Sofi's mommy. I asked her a longs time ago about a picture that Sofi has of her and Camila and since I didn't know who Camila was I asked. and um her mommy told me that Camila wasn't living here in Miami when I was born" the little Jauregui answers

"Um Karla I was actually one of the first people to hold you when your mom had you" Camila states remembering when her and Lauren had first seen Karla when she was a few months old and in the crib at the adoption place she was at after she was born.

"It that true mommy?" Karla asks looking at her mom

"Yeah it's true also I think you should know something else that is very important about Camila" Lauren says with a smile

"There more?" Karla asks

"Yeah there is more munchkin. You see your mommy named you after me" Camila says with a huge smile

"How if your name is Camila and my name is Karla?" the little girl asks

"Well you see Camila is my middle name the same way that Michelle is your middle name. But my first name is also Karla" Camila answers and watches as the little girls eyes go wide

"So mommy named me after you?!!!" Karla says with new found excitement

"Yeah she did." Camila says with a nod and a smile

"So wait Camila really is my other mom?" Karla asks looking over at Lauren for confirmation

"I already told you she is mija you know I wouldn't lie to you" Lauren responds with a smile also at seeing how excited her little girl had become with this new information.

"So that means that tio Ale is really my other Abuelo?" Karla asks looking at Camila now with an excitement that can't be contained

"Yeah he is pero I don't think he likes being called Abuelo munchkin" Camila replies with a small laugh

"Then he should get use to it becauses that what I'm calling him" Karla says with a bit of sass making both woman laugh really hard.

"I guessing that with your excitement it's safe to say you are not mad that I didn't tell you sooner that Camila was your mom too" Lauren asks a bit more serious while looking at her 5 year old

"No I'm not mad mommy plus I just found out I got the coolest moms ever. One makes music and the other is the boss of a big magazines company" the little girl says in a happy tone.

"Good because we also have to tell you that this week you and your mommy are staying here with me" Camila says which makes the little girl start to jump with even more excitement

"Okay I think all that sugar is coming out" Lauren says while looking at her jumping daughter

"I here a lot of squealing and jumping what's going on?" a deep male voice says looking into the door way making the little girl turn around with a huge smile

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