Like a Family

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"Mami you should really come and see Camila's house it's really big and it has a big pool in the back and and and Mila even let me paint one of the bed rooms there she said if I want it can be my own special room so I don't have to sleep in Sofi's room everytime I go to visit" The little green eyed girl gushed while she ate her food

"Really and how big is this room you painted?" Lauren asks her daughter

"It was bigger then my room" Karla answers with a full mouth

"Karla don't talk with your mouth full" Camila warns her in a stern voice

"Sorry Mila I forgot that you told me it's bad to talk with food in my mouth" Karla says after swallowing her food making Lauren give a surprised stare. she's been trying for months for Karla to stop that habit and Camila had single handedly gotten their daughter to stop it.

"so when do you want to start riding your bike mini Jauregui?" Camila asks the little girl

"um can we start tomorrow?" the little girl asks looking up at her mom

"Uh I kind of have an important meeting tomorrow honey how about on Saturday" Lauren says making Karla look down in disappointment lately the little girl hasn't exactly spent much time with her mom and although she loved spending time with Camila she missed her mom too

"who's the meeting with?" Camila asks noticing that Karla wasn't really happy with that answer

"my boss" Lauren answers and Camila nods then gets up

"I'll be back in one second I just need to check something with my assistant" Camila says walking as far away from the table as possible so that Lauren and Karla don't hear her conversation

"so the meeting is important?" Karla asks struggling a bit with the word important

"Yes honey it's very important but I promise I'll make it up to you plus if you want Camila can take you tomorrow" Lauren offers

"I don't want Camila " Karla mumbles while playing with her food now

"Hey sorry about that I just needed to change a few things around now about riding that bike. Karla how about instead of riding it tomorrow you and me go do fun things at my job while your mom goes to her boring meeting?" Camila offers knowing that the only reason Karla wanted the bike was so Lauren can teach her how to ride it

"will I get to meet the important people you work with?" Karla asks a bit more interested

"Maybe but tomorrow it's a special kind of job we get to meet someone who makes music for a living and we might have to spend the whole day with that person are you okay with that?" Camila asks the little girl

"do we get to go to a music studio like the one mommy works at?" Karla asks getting a little more excited

"We might but do you want to come with me tomorrow while you're mommy is stuck in her meeting?" Camila asks the girl again and Karla looks over at her mom for approval

"well Camila asked you a question mija do you want to go with her?" Lauren asks

"Yes please " Karla says with a big smile while looking at Camila and Lauren mouths a thank you over to the Brown eyed Latina

"Perfect so I'll come pick you up in the morning and then we can get some breakfast then you'll help me out all day tomorrow deal mini Jauregui?" Camila asks and Karla nods

"Well then if my little nugget is going to be working tomorrow that means bed time" Lauren says with a smirk

"but ma I haven't had my bath yet or seen dora" Karla replies

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