Teenage drama

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The teen ager did not know how to handle this situation. Her boyfriend, the guy she has known forever, her best friend, was leaving and it wasn't to a different state. It was a different country for four years. She knew this was his dream. Hell Alexis has played soccer since age ten and she knew he was talented. What hurt was that she would miss him like crazy. On top of that she didn't know what this meant for their relationship. Do they try and stay together or do they break up?

"You alright Sofa monster? You've been quiet for a while now" Lauren says sitting next to the younger girl by the pool. 

"Alexis just told me that he got accepted into the soccer program of his dreams" Sofi answers

"Sof, that's amazing news. Wait why aren't you happy?" Lauren questions

"I am happy. It's just that him getting accepted means he has to leave" Sofi responds trying not to cry again. 

"Where is the program located?" Lauren asks 

"He'll be in Europe. The program is split between three countries. France, Spain and Germany. IF he does well, which I know he will, then he has a chance of being offered a pro contract" Sofi replies looking at the older Latina. 

"And you feel like him leaving is going to make him forget about you while he achieves his dreams and you are left behind" Lauren analyzes. 

"I wish that was the issue but it's not. He leaves the day after the wedding" Sofi informs her future sister in-law. 

"Hey if he is choosing to leave at least he told you and gave you a two week notice. I remember when your sister left me and Karla we didn't even get a good by our a chance to possibly change her mind. At least Alexis is telling you and giving you that chance. In all this have you even asked Alexis how he feels about this? I mean it must also affect him in some way" Lauren states. 

"I didn't give him much time to talk. I kind of just walked out on him after he told me. I don't want to lose him Lauren, besides you guys he is the only other person who understands me and how I felt when my parents were going through their issues. He's my person" Sofi responds. 

"Do you want my advice?" Lauren questions 

"More than anything" Sofi pleads. 

"Tell him how you feel about all of this. Talk to him find out where his head is at with this because like I said this is affecting him too. Depending on how that conversation goes then make a choice. You are only 15 Sofi and I know you love him but at 15 you are just starting to experience love. He might be your person now but who is to say in 3 years if it will still be him. I know he loves you because he was willing to drop everything when he thought you were pregnant. Also remember if it doesn't work out now that doesn't mean it won't work out later, the universe works in Mysterious ways. Look and me and your sister" Lauren says while she cleans Sofi's tears. 

"I'm scared of what might happen" Sofi admits 

"Don't be. If anything remember we are here. You have me, your dad, Camila, Taylor, My parents and Chris too. You know he will do anything for you. Also know that sometimes we have to let the people we love go so that they can grow and the best thing is that if they come back to us it's because it's meant to be" Lauren states giving the teen a hug. 


As Lauren walked back in to the house she saw that Camila and Karla were working on making cookies. 

"Mommy look, Mama is showing me how to make cookies" Karla says smiling with cookie dough all over her hands. 

"I can see that. Came baby please don't burn these like last time. remember it took hours to get the burning smell out of here" Lauren warns heading towards her room to make a call. 

She knew that Sofi was not in a good place right now. Hell she herself had gone through the same thing when Camila left. She felt helpless like she had done something wrong to cause the girl to leave with out even a goodbye. It took her a long time to start moving on and better herself so that Karla could have the best life possible. She knows that if it weren't for her Family and then the help from Alejandro and sometimes Sofi she would have never gotten to where she was. What she had told Sofi at the end was also true. Never in her wildest dreams did she think Camila would return but almost a full year later here she was with a 16 caret princess cut Dimond engagement ring on her finger from Camila and in two weeks time she will be Lauren Cabello-Jauregui. 

Picking up her phone Lauren made the call she needed to make. 


She knew something was wrong with her son when he hadn't come out for food. After ending her call she knew something had to be done.  SO she walked down the hallway and knocked on his door. 

When she didn't get a response she opened the door and walked in. 

"Alexis what's wrong?" She asks her son

"I think Sofi is going to break up with me" The teenager states

"Don't be silly mijo, She loves you" His mother responds 

"Not after what I told her today" Alexis counters

"What exactly did you tell her?" The older Latina asks 

"I told her about the soccer program acceptance" He responds

"So you told her you are moving to Orlando" His mother states

"Not exactly. I told her about the Europe soccer program acceptance" Alexis replies

"I thought you declined that offer" His mother argues

"I was going to after I talked to Sofi but after her reaction I think I might accept it" The boy answers

"Mijo did you even ask her why she might have been upset" His mother states trying not to get irritated with her son. 

"She left before I could ask" He responds. 

"Ay Alexis you are exactly like your father. Mijo did you ever think that before you told her about the offer to see how she would feel if you were to move away for college? I know yes you practically graduate early while she has to wait for the Spring. But you can't just tell her or I got accepted to a college program overseas and expect her to think that it is good for your relationship. Remember that she has had people she cares a lot about leave her. Her mother, Camila left at one point and when that all happened you were the best friend that always took care of her. You telling her that you are leaving could have made her think that you are abandoning her. You need to call her and talk to her. And please for the love of good explain to her that you are not going to Europe you are going to Orlando for school." His mother states giving the boy his phone. 


Lauren couldn't believe it, the first thing she told Camila to be careful about is the first thing she does. Leaves a mess and the smell of burnt cookies. She honestly doesn't know who is the child Camila or Karla. Either way she loves them both and couldn't imagine her world with out them in it. 

As she finished cleaning the mess and airing out the kitchen, her. phone began to ring and she picked up immediately thinking it was the seamstress with information on her dress. 


"Lauren, He's being let out" was all the other person on the phone said 

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