Setting Ground Rules

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It was obvious that things were not going how they should be. First the house was in chaos, second her father disappeared for days with out knowing where he was and now the biggest thing her younger sister could potentially be pregnant at 15. She knew that pregnancy test were never 100% accurate and having her girlfriend take charge of that matter would be the best thing to happen. The only issue is that now she felt useless again when it came to her family. The same feeling happened years ago when her mother basically forced her to leave. It was the feeling of not being good at anything. She hadn't just ;eft to protect Lauren and Karla she left because she felt that she could not do anything for them. She felt  useless and she knew that she wasn't ready to raise a kid but she loved Lauren too much to even tell her that. Now things were different. She did want Lauren back and over the years she did realize that she wanted to be apart of Karla's life and that alone made her want to get back to them. 

The current issue now though was bringing back that feeling of no control. She feels out of her element and she doesn't know what to fucking do. She is only 22 and now she is helping run both the magazine layouts department and trying to keep her family from falling into pieces. She knew she had to fix things one at a time with her family but she didn't know where to start. Lauren was no pissed at her. Her younger sister was terrified of her and who knows what her father thought of all of this. 

It was now past midnight and the house was silent. Sofi was asleep in her bed room with Alexis asleep on the floor next to her. Lauren had basically locked her self in their room with Karla and she was in the living room on the couch thinking of a way to make things better. 

"You know sitting in the dark won't help in anything" The Latina heard from behind her making her jump

"Relax it's just me Mija" Said the deep voice

"Dad where did you come from I didn't even hear you come in" The young woman says 

"I have my own patio door in my room remember now dime what is going on that has you up at this time" He asks 

"It's a lot of thing papa. I mean Lauren is mad at me and well there is this thing with Sofi that it's better if she tells you" Camila says 

"You mean her being pregnant?" Her dad asks

"She told you?" Camila asks shocked that her father hasn't killed Alexis yet

"Mija I knew before she took that test. Who do you think bought them for her? She called me right after she took them and she cried the entire time. I might not be here all the time but I know what go on in Sofi's life Camila. SO tell me what's wrong with you?" HE says sitting down next to his daughter

"Lauren is mad at me about how I reacted about finding out about Sofi. I mean dad you seriously can't be this calm about finding out your 15 year old daughter can be pregnant. She is still a child." Camila states 

"You are right she is still a child but think of it like this she was not a child when she decided to have sex, she was not a child when she decided to not take the morning after pill when she realized there was no condom or that the condom broke. Because of those things she is not a child in this situation either because this is a consequence of her actions. She is doing the best she can in this situation Mija and Honestly  I am not happy about it but at least she has a young man who is willing to step up and stay by her side through all of this. Did I ever tell you what happened when your mom found out she was pregnant with you?" Her father asks 

"No pero were you and mom married already?" Camila asks 

"We go married after we found out she was pregnant with you. Pero your mom was around 19 or 20 and she was still on college. Your Grandparents wanted to murder me. They called her irresponsible unfit to be a mother and they wanted nothing to do with her or you. Through out the entire thing it was just me and her. After you were born and your grandparents saw you is when they realized they couldn't stay away from you." The older man states

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