Hidden Secrets

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It was another day in the Cabello-Jauregui home. Little Karla was in the living room watching cartoons while her Mama was in her office doing some finishing touches on a spread that needed to be out with in the next 3 days. As for the Older Female of the Family she was at her office dealing with something she had thought was taken care of.

"I already told you it's not happening so don't ask me again" The green eyed beauty stated in an irritated tone.

"Come on Lauren we need this. It will work for both of you. He cleans his image and you get the whole Alex thing put behind you." Her executive states.

"May I remind you I am a music producer not a music Artist. One top of that I have a daughter and a girlfriend. I am not going to get involved with a guy who by the looks of it doesn't even give a shit about his own daughter so the answer stays. NO!" The woman says

"We are not asking you to date him we are asking you to work with him. Please we need this." The guys says in a desperate tone.

"I said no Levi. I mean it and if you bring this up again I will make sure to replace you." She says with authority

"Then we have a problem because Bebe wants to work with him and the only producer she wants for that song is you" Levi states


"Mama, Mama can we go out to the pool today please I want to go swimming" The little girl says running into her mom's office

"In a little bit Karla, Mama has to finish this really quickly and I'm all yours okay" The brown eyed cuban states

"Pero you said that this morning and it's lunch time now I want to play please" Karla whines making her mother look at the time on her computer reading 1 in the afternoon

"I guess it is lunch time huh mini Jauregui. Okay then sit here with me and let me just change this one thing I have to do and send this to my boss okay?" Camila says with a smile while picking up Karla and sitting her on her lap

"Okay mama" Karla says with a big smile

It had been 3 days since the night of Karla's night mare and Camila was worried about what had triggered the little girl to have them again. So for the most part anything Karla asked for at the moment she got. If Karla wanted to stay home from school just because the she'd stay home. If Karla wanted pure sugar for breakfast, If Lauren wasn't around then Karla got it. Recently though Karla has been acting like a 2 year old again with the whining and wanting to sleep in the same bed as her moms. For Camila it was not a big bother since she never got to witness Karla as a 2 year old but for Lauren it was become difficult especially when she just wanted to be alone with her girlfriend.

"Mama Can we have lunch with Mommy today?" Karla asks while Camila types away on her computer.

"We can call her and see if she can meet us. Where do you want to each today?" Camila asks while looking at her daughter

"Can we go to fun zone, or um Dave and busters?" The little girl asks

"How about you call Mommy and ask her. Here use my phone" Camila says handing Karla her cell phone to call her mom

"Which one is mommy's number mama?" Karla asks looking at the list of people

"Just hit 1 baby and the green button at the bottom." Camila answers while editing a few colors on the spread in front of her

"It's ringing Mama" Karla says with a smile and Camila grabs the phone and puts it on speaking so she can also talk with Lauren

"Ugh Camz baby right now it not a good time" The green eyed beauty states when she answers the phone.

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