coming home

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After Lauren's last comment to Camila it was clear that Lauren didn't want to talk anymore and throughout the rest of the flight it was complete silence. When they landed in Miami they took a cab back to Lauren's apartment and once there the first thing they did was get the documents they needed to try and get baby Karla back.

It was close to 3 a.m. when they finally got everything they needed and Camila was a bit hesitant in if she should stay or just go back to her parents house. He question was answered though when Lauren took her hand and laid her down on the bed then held her tight before falling asleep.

A couple hours Later they were awoken by the loud ringing of a cell phone and knowing that it wasn't Lauren's phone Camila groaned and picked up.

"Hello" she answered in a raspy voice

"Well hello to you too sunshine do you know what time it is?" the person on the line asks

"Um 9" Camila guesses

"No it's actually 1 now where are you and my sister? My dad called me this morning saying that you two would be here at around 8" She hears Taylor say and Camila's eyes open wide

"I guess we over slept We'll be right over" Camila says looking at Lauren who was still rubbing sleep off her eyes

"You better and also warn Lauren that my mom isn't very happy with what my dad told her on the phone so be prepared for a shit storm when you get here" Taylor warns then hangs up

"I'm guessing that was Taylor" Lauren says through a yawn

"Yeah and we have to get to your house now" Camila says getting out of bed and putting on her shoes

"Fine come on" Lauren groans then grabs her keys and the documents that they found the night before.

On their way to Lauren's house it was obvious that this would be one of the hard parts in the plan. Lauren's mom wasn't a very easy person to convince but Lauren thought that if she just explained to her mom exactly what the situation was about she might get her to agree.

They arrived to the Jauregui house about 30 minutes later and before they even reached the door Taylor had it open. Lauren knew that her dad must have already told them what was going on and she knew that her mom must not be very happy at the moment so as she walked in she looked at Taylor and her younger sister just nodded towards the stairs signaling that their mom was up in her room.

"I'll be right back then" Lauren says and lets go of Camila's hand

Lauren's POV

After letting go of Camila's hand I took a deep breath and started to walk up the stairs to my mom's room. I knew for a fact that she will scream at me and call me irresponsible and then she will start to cry then hug me and then she will try and convince me of something that will go against what I have planned. It's always been tis way up until she started to disappear just like my dad.

When I got to her room door I knocked twice and waited for her to let me in but there was no response. I opened the door slowly but my mom was no where in sight. I was about to go back down stairs when out of the corner of my eye I saw movement in my bedroom. I walked over to the room across the hall and when I stepped inside I saw my mom holding one of my old pictures and looking at all my softball trophies.

"I remember when you first held a softball" She says with out looking at me

"Your hands were so small and they couldn't hold it properly. I also remember when you threw one for the first time and you ended up hitting you father right in the forehead." She says with a soft laughs

"Yeah dad had a bump for a good three days" I answer remembering that day

"You use to love playing and I never really understood why you had quit out of the blue" She says turning around and looking at me

"I guess I lost interest" I respond shrugging my shoulders

"No that wasn't it. You loved Softball it was something else that made you quit. And your father and I never really paid enough attention to even notice or ask why" My mom says in a sad voice

"Mom" I try saying but she cuts me off

"That wasn't the only thing we lost interest in though. Instead of us focusing on our 3 children we began to just focus on one and that was our biggest mistake. Your father stopped showing up to your games and only showed up to support Chris and I stopped trying to be more involved in your life and began to just think of Chris as my only child. We even forgot about Taylor. God we even sent her away and didn't even bother to have her come home for holidays. We were so focused on your brother that when you needed us the most we never noticed that you were hurting and worse that you were pregnant." My mom says as tears start to fall from her eyes

"Mom please don't cry" I plead as I move closer to her and hug her

"I was a horrible mother to you I should have seen the signs but I was so blinded by paying attention to your brother that I didn't even notice mood swings or the weird cravings or even how you stomach seemed to have gotten bigger" My mother cries harder

"Mom please it wasn't your fault. I should have told you what was happening from the start but I just couldn't I was ashamed and depressed and I just shut down and shut everyone out" I says starting to cry as well.

"But I am you mother Lauren I should have noticed when something was wrong. And what happened to you was the worst thing that could ever happen to a women. You shouldn't be ashamed he should for being a coward and taking advantage of you the way he did." My mom says rubbing my back

"I tried fighting him off I really did mom" I say crying harder

"I know baby I know and trust me he will get what is coming to him. But right now we have to figure out this situation with the baby" She says pulling away from me and cleaning my tears

"There is nothing to figure out mom we have to get Karla out of the place she is in before she is put into Foster care" I says

"Lauren you don't know what you are talking about. This is a 5 month old child we are talking about not just some puppy that you can get and then after a few months get bored of. This is a living breathing human begin" She states

"I know and I've made my choice mom I can't have Karla be put into the system and then something horrible happen to her. She's my daughter and I know I made the wrong choice before but I won't make it twice. She is my daughter and I need to take responsibility even if it will cost me certain things." I says in a serious tone

"So you understand this by doing this it might cost you your relationship with Camila and that it will also cost you what ever College you decide on in the future?" My mother asks

"Yes I know and I am prepared to deal with those consequences when the time comes. I know that to graduate I have to take summer courses and I know that my relationship with Camila will not be there forever but What I do know is that My daughter needs me and to be honest I need her too." I respond and my mom just nods

"Then I guess I will need to make a few calls to get my granddaughter back" She says with a smile and taking the documents out of my hand before walking out of my bedroom.

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