He Like That

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Sofi's POV

Ugh I really don't know why I did it I mean I literally lied to Lauren's face about why Alexis had come to the house at 2 am. I mean how was I going to tell her that I called him up because I couldn't sleep with out having him near me. I know I told Camila earlier that Alex is like a brother to me and we are just friends but that doesn't change the fact that I actually have feelings for him. I am a teenage girl going through crazy hormones you know. I guess the good thing though is that he sees me as a little sister and nothing more. What gets me though is that I still don't know who is the girl he has a crush on I've kept a close eye on how he acts with each girl in our class and he doesn't seem to be too into talking with them. Most of the time he's talking to me and that includes text during the entire day.

Right now I was sitting in my Chemistry class trying to understand what my teacher was talking about when I get a text. Of course I already knew who it was because he was always the one texting me.

A-San <3: hey so want to get ice cream once we get out of this prison?

Me: Wish I could but I can't promised Camila and Lauren I'd watch Karla for them today after school so that they could have a semi normal date night

A-San <3: can I come over and help out? :)

Me: I guess just know though that we actually do have to watch her and not just watch movies and fall asleep like last time

A-San <3: I make no promises but okay. So meet you by your car?

Me: yeah plus your the one driving remember I don't have my permit yet until next week

A-San<3: right well gotta go ttyl.

I swear it's like this boy doesn't like being home at all.

"Miss Cabello mind providing us with the answer" My teacher asks me catching me off guard

"Pay attention next time" He says then gets back to the lesson


"So how is it that you have to baby sit Karla when in reality Karla now lives in the house with you and your sister and dad" Alex asks why driving back to the house.

"Alex I still have to watch Karla okay my dad has been working late shifts lately at work and honestly I don't mind watching Karla. She is my niece after all" I answer him

"Yeah but she doesn't resemble Camila at all. If anything she is the carbon copy of Lauren when it comes to looks" Alex argues

"Alex drop the subject okay I'm watching my niece today and if you don't like when you drop me off at home you can take the fucking bus home" I state getting irritated

"Okay jeez I'm sorry. I'll drop the subject" He says leaving the subject alone.


"Sofi good your home so your dinner for tonight is on the stove covered up just heat it up when you guys get hungry. Also you have all the important numbers right?" Lauren asks while rushing around the living room in a robe and Karla sitting on the sofa watching cartoon with Felix right next to her

"I have every single number Laur remember this isn't the first time I watch that fire ball of a child you have" I respond with a smile

"I know I'm just making sure. You know it's been a while since I actually went out on a 'date'" She states making air quotes on the word date

"Yes Lauren I get it this is important for you and my sister but don't worry plus I have reinforcements to help watch her" I reply with a smile

"Speaking of that reinforcement don't think I haven't forgotten that we have a talk pending." Lauren says giving me a pointed look

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