Crash course.

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The small family vacation to LA was something that could be considered a perfect success. Camila had made her plan work perfectly and on top of it all, her Fiancee was completely surprised with everything. From the proposal to the Birthday she could not pick which was better. On top of that working perfectly, the smile on little Karla's face through it all was the bonus. Her little girl had shown all the happiness in the world when she was with both her parents and Camila knew that having Karla happy was one of her biggest goals. 

They had returned to Miami around 3 days ago and it was back to the real world for every one. Sofi was still on her Spring break  and helping baby sit Karla when ever Camila had to go into the office, while Lauren was still dealing with her living headache known as Ty and his whinny self. It's been a full 48 hours since Lauren has stepped foot in her house and she was at a breaking point with the older man. 

"So why don't we add another verse to it? Or how about a second beat to fuse it together" Ty says from the couch in the studio while Lauren and her sound guy sat by the mixing board. 

"Are you joking right now Tyron? We've already rearranged, remixed and add to this song 30 times today and that's now counting the other 2 songs from these past 2 days. Now I'm going to make one thing clear, if you want to continue wasting my time and Elliots time on bullshit you can do it on your own because I'm going home to my kid and my fiancee" Lauren states fed up with this man's bullshit

"Hold up you can't leave you have to over see that my album is done correctly. I don't pay you to be leaving when  work ain't done" Ty says getting up and walking towards Lauren 

"You are right you don't pay me, your label does and if I remember correctly, your label is 2 steps away from dropping your ass because of all your bullshit with the law and also the tabs you ring up for studio time. And I call the shots in this studio and pulling the plug tonight. So everyone go home get sleep. As for you Tyron, grow the fuck up and act your age." Lauren says then walks out of the studio door with out giving a fuck about the over grown man child. 


"Mama, when is mommy coming home?" Karla asks while her mom tucks her in 

"Ay baby girl, I know I miss her too. But she should be home soon." Camila responds not knowing how to answer the little girl

"You promise" Karla asks rubbing her tired eyes 

"Of course mi amor. Now go to sleep okay. Tomorrow we have a big day" Camila states kissing the little girls forehead 

"Okay mama, I Loves you" Karla says after yawning 

"I love you too little monster" Camila replies from the door way then stepping out and leaving the door with a small crack to check on her later. 

"She knocked out Kaki" Sofi asks when she sees her sister walk into the kitchen and sit on the couch next to her. 

"Yeah she's asleep. She asked about Lauren again" Camila says 

"Yeah well she's been asking about her all day. Even wanted me to face time her. But I couldn't get a hold of her" Sofi replies changing the channel on the tv. 

"I don't know what to do SOf. I mean I know Lauren is back to work with that dickwad but there isn't anything I can do about making sure Lauren is home all night" Camila states 

At that moment they both her a car door slam and then the front door opening. 

"Dad that you?" Sofi calls out

"Seriously I've been out of this house 48 hours and you don't expect me home any more" Lauren says walking into the living room

"I'm guess Ty finally stopped acting like a punk ass bitch and released every on from the studio" Sofi says when she sees her sister in Law

"Don't even mention that sorry excuse of a human being. Please I have had enough of his shit." Lauren states taking a seat on the recliner 

"So I guess it was you who put her foot down" Camila states with a slight smirk

I wanted to murder him. we've only gone through 2 songs in the last 48 hours. I swear he was just making bullshit up to try and keep me there. Even Elliot was about to go off on him. He wanted to rearranged finished songs and change their beats and lyrics. I swear to you that I was about to go cuban on he ass" Lauren threatens 

"Well then, I guess that is my signal to head to my room. Kaki having fun taming the deadly Dragon. Lauren good night" Sofi says getting up and heading to her room

"Babe.." Camila says looking at the older woman 

"No Camz not now" Lauren warns 

"BAAABE" Camila says again 

"I said not now Camz" Lauren repeats irritated 

"Mi amor, come on I got something that will make you feel better about all of this crap" Camila says getting up and grabbing her Fiancee's hand to get her on her feet. 

"If it's not me killing Ty nothing will make me feel better" Lauren says getting up and following the younger Latina

"Trust me this will work" Camila states then stops infant of a door and opens it slowing. 

Right infant of them was a clear view of Karla's sleeping form while she hugged the stuffed animal the Camila had given her as a baby 

"She missed you and I missed you. I know working for that D-bag is something you hate and you know I hate him but this is the position of your dreams. Dealing with TY is just a bump in the road that we will get through together." Camila states pulling Lauren's hand towards her lips to place a small kiss

Letting out a sigh " I know babe but he is really getting on my last nerve and I'm at the point that one more thing will cost me my job" Lauren says 

"I'm going to be honest with you. When you first started this new position I wasn't really happy about it because I knew what it meant. I've had tons of Studio and Label A&R's that I had to interview and they all said the same thing. Depending on the artist they get it can be a walk in the park or a nightmare. It takes time away from other things and knowing that, it scared me shit less because the first thing that came to mind was Karla. How she was going to handle not having you around all the time like before. But you have done amazing at it. YEs these past two days have been hard but since you started you've made sure to be here by the time we tuck her into bed and on the weekends to have family time. I know that you are pissed off with that guy and I know that you also feel guilty for missing out on what Karla does when you aren't here. But that 5 year old you see sleeping in that bed is a million times stronger than us put together. She's been with you when you went through everything after I left and still loves you unconditionally, SHe's dealt with having me come back into her life as if I never left and now she's the one telling me that mommy is going to home soon. The only time I had to reassure her of that was tonight before bed but other then that, our little girl knows that even if you aren't here all the time you'll be here later and smile and laugh at us telling up the recap of our day." Camila says to the older woman who started to have tears in her eyes 

"Let's get married in a month" Lauren says out of now where while looking at her sleeping daughter

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