Moving On or Maybe Not

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These last few years haven't been very easy for me that's for sure I mean I had basically raised my daughter all by myself while also dealing with the world's biggest broken heart. After four years I still couldn't understand why Camila would leave me like that, or would leave us like that. After she left I had done everything from calling her to emailing her to even going to her parents house but every time I went there her mother told me that she didn't want to see me. After that every time I called her all I got was a message saying the number had been disconnected. I had gotten so desperate that when my mother had told me that Sofi was one of her student I immediately went to the elementary school and asked the younger Cabello about her sister. By that time it was already mid September and when I had finally got the answer my heart broke even more. Camila had left me and my daughter for a full ride to Columbia University. I hadn't even known she applied there. After finding that out I was completely destroyed.

From then on I had worked ten times harder for myself and for Karla as well. I know my parents were still there to help me and I was extremely grateful for that because they took care of her when I had my night classes and when I had to do my internship at the music studio as a mail girl. At the end though all the hard work had paid off. I had graduated a year early and from that internship I was even offered a producer position from Emilio himself. I couldn't believe it my self working with all those artist but now I am his top producer for both English and Spanish artist. Thankfully  he also understands, being a family man himself; the fact that I can not be traveling everywhere because of my daughter so he gave me an assistant that does the traveling for me. 

I still live in the apartment that my grandma gave me or as I saw it some years ago,  the apartment that I once shared with Camila and even though it holds some painful memories of her leaving me It also held the greatest memories of Karla growing up.

There is no Secret that Karla asks about the other 'Girl' who is in the picture with her as a baby and every time she asks all I say is that she was a friend of mommy's. Sometimes she doesn't like that answer but after I tell her that she had to leave for school she stays silent.  From time to time she also asks about her father and well I wasn't going to lie to my daughter so I told her the truth that her father had done something very bad and that he had to go away for a long time. I know that one day she will ask to see him and when that day comes I know that I won't deny her the right to actually meet him. In the end I just don't want her to resent me when she's older or blame me for keeping her away from him so when the time comes I already know what I will do . My parents weren't too happy when I told them that but they have come to understand that at the end of it all it will be Karla's choice and we will have to respect it. For the moment though we are just happy that Paul will not be released anytime soon.

Today though wasn't a day of sadness it was a day of pure happiness. Today was my little girl's fifth birthday and I wanted everything to be perfect especially since I was going to be telling my daughter something that would change both of our lives. 

You see about a year ago I had met someone and well this person has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time since Camila left. He has been great to me and even though Karla hasn't been around him much I know he will be a great father figure for her. The best part about it all though is that he isn't part of the music world so we have been able to keep our relationship away from the tabloids. His name is Alex and he is the CEO of a huge company based in Europe. I had met him when I went to visit my brother and it had been by pure accident. I was walking out of the coffee shop with two steaming hot coffees in one hand while holding Karla's hand in the other and bumped into him causing both my cups to spill all over him. At first I was mortified but instead of him getting all pissed off he just laughed then looked down at my daughter and said 'it looks like your big sister here is a bit clumsy'. From then own we just started talking. A few weeks later I had told him the Karla wasn't my baby sister but in fact my daughter. He had taken well and after some months he had moved here to Miami after opening a US company. Karla knows that I have been dating him but she pays no mind to it. Today is different though because Alex and I are not just dating anymore we are engaged and have been for about 3 weeks. I had told my mom about the engagement two days ago and she seemed very happy for me my dad though wasn't as accepting. Deep down though I know that he some how holds on to the hope that one day Camila will come back but I've lost all hope for that 2 years ago.

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