Season 1 Episode 6 The Emerald Forest

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Luna's POV

"Hi." I say to Opal.

"Luna. Right." She asks me as I nod my head at her. "Well you're better better than some." She says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her with a tone as I put a hand on my hip.

"It means that I would rather be partners with you than others." She answers as she walks closer to me.

"Thanks. I think." I say. "Come on we should get walking." I tell her as we start to walk.

"So. You really don't know why you got into Beacon?" Opal asked.

"Nope." I say popping the p at the end.


"Yup." I say popping the p again. As we walk up a hill we see some Bea wolfs as they start charging at up. "You take the 3 left. I'll take 3 on the right." I tell her as she nods. I run up to one of the Bea wolfs. As it charges at me I flip over it and land on my hands pushing myself up. Thank you Ren for teaching me that.  I pull my fans out as it comes at me again. I flip up and and slice its head off landing in between the other two. I then put my hands on the ground making two Sharpe vines going right through both of the killing them both. I get up and look over at Opal who flips over one of them and uses her guns to kill the last one. As I look at her as she nods at me.

"You're not so bad." She tells me.

"Ya well. You're not so bad you're self either." I say to her as we both smile at eachother and start walking again.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)Where stories live. Discover now