Ozpin's POV
I stand at my window with Glynda as we watch Ironwood come in with his fleet.
"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work where ever he travels." Glynda says pissed as she crosses her arms.
"Well. running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes those are a bit of an eye sore." I say as we turn around to the beeping noise on my desk. "Come in." I say as Ironwood walks through the door.
"Ozpin!" He says with glee as he walks in.
"Hello General." I say with a smile as I walk over to him.
"Please drop the formalities. Its been to long." He says as he shakes my hand and we both chuckle. "And Glynda. It has certainty been to long since we last met." He says as Glynda walks over and glares at him.
"Oh James." She says sarcastically. "I'll be outside." She says serious as she then walks out the door.
"Well she hasn't changes a bit." He says as he look's at the door. I turn around and walk towards my desk.
"So. What has brought you all the way down from Atlas? Head masters don't typically travel with there students for the Vital festal." I say as I pour him a glass of tea and then hand it to him.
"Well you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides with you hosting. I thought this might be a good opportunity to.. Catch up." He says as he pulls out a flask and poor some thing in the glass.
"Well I can certainly appreciate quality time between friends. However the small fleet out side my window has me somewhat concerned." I say concerned as I sit down in my chair.
"Well concern is what brought them here." He says putting his flask away as his eye's narrow a bit.
"I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." I say before he cuts me off.
"Oz. You and I both know why I brought those men." He tells me as I sip my drink.
"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this. Is going to give off the wrong impression." I say as I look out the window.
"If what Qrow said is true then-" He starts but I cut him off.
"If what Qrow said is true. Then we will handle it tactfully. Its the Vital festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. Witch is why I suggest you don't transport thousands of solders across the continent."
"I'm just being cautious." James says as he look's at me and then take's a sip of his drink.
"As am I witch is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can." I tell him looking at him dead in the eye.
"Believe me I am." He says as he turns to walk away. "But ask your self this do you honestly believe your children can win a war?"
"Luna is here James." I tell him as I watch him stop. He then continues to walk out the door.
"But I hope her and the rest never have to fight this war." I say looking down as he walks away.
Luna's POV
Team RWBY, JNPR and My team are sitting in the library doing different things. Team RWBY is playing a board game. Ren is reading a book as he flips the pages on a sleeping Nora who is sleeping on top of his book. Jaune and Pyrrha are reading. Me and Daphne are studying as Nova and Opal are playing cards.
"Alright. Yang Xaoi Long prepare your kingdom for battle." I here Ruby yell at Yang.
"Bring it on!" Yang yells back as she put's her fist up.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
JugendliteraturThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...