Season 6 Episode 5 The Coming Storm

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Luna's POV

"I don't get it. The empty towns Luna and I passed through we're all damaged or unfinished, but this place looks fine." Ruby says as we walk up to the door of the biggest house. 

"Maybe everyone left in a hurry before things took a turn." Weiss says  shivering. Qrow goes to open the door but it's locked. 

"Hmm. Stay on Gard." Qrow tells us as he kicks the door open, and we all run in with our weapons out. We all look around the house. It's dark and empty.

"Close the door already. Its already cold enough as it is." Maria says as she enters the house. Blake and Oscar then close the door and put a table in front of it.

"I saw a chimney outside maybe we can get a fire going?" Blake says.

"Please. I'll look for some blankets." Weiss says as I follow her.

"I'll come with." I say as me and Weiss Walk upstairs. Once we get upstairs Weiss opens a closet as I open a bedroom door. As I look up at the bed my eyes widen, and I scream seeing dead bodies in the bed. I trip over my feet and fall back onto my butt. Weiss and Yang come next to me as they also see the dead bodies and fall next to me in shock.

"Luna!" I hear Ruby call as her. Blake and Qrow come in behind up. I breathe really heavy and shakily looking at the bed. Qrow picks me up and helps me downstairs.

"Breath kiddo. Breath in and out." Qrow tells me. I do as he says. I then wrap my arm's around his neck. He rub's circle's on my back. "That's it Kiddo. You're doing great." Qrow mumbles in my ear as I feel some tears start to form in my eye's. I suck them back and close my eyes.

After a while Blake and Oscar, we're able to get a fire started. Me and Weiss sit by the fire as someone puts a blanket on me. I gasp and flinch in shock just to see it was Blake. Blake smiles down at me and walks back to sit on the couch with Yang. I scooch closer to Weiss, and she puts and arm around me. I lean into her as she starts to rub my arm up and down.

"The time's that I really miss Ren and Nora." I mumble. Weiss nods. We then hear the door open and look over to see Qrow walking in the room as he dusts the snow off his clothes.

"It's the same in every house." Qrow says as my eyes widen.

"What?" Yang asks in shock.

"Bodies. In every bed in every house." Qrow says. He walks over and kneels down next to me and Weiss and puts his hands close to the fire for warmth. "It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up."

"Then we're not staying here. Right?" Weiss asked. I start to fiddle with her scarf.

"We don't have a choice the storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere." Qrow says looking at the fire.

"Well. Might as well get comfortable." Maria says as she goes to grab a book from the book self.

"Yeah. Fat chance." Yang says upset.

"Well then. Let's do something. If this place wasn't abandoned, then it might still have some supplies that we can use." Ruby says as Oscar walks up to her.

"Hey yeah. Maybe even a car." He say trying to look on the bright side. Well. Whatever side that's better than this.

"I'll do another sweep of the grounds." Qrow says as he gets up and starts to walk away. "No one else goes anywhere alone." He says before walking out.

"Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles." Blake suggests.

"Fine." Yang says as she stands up. "What ever gets me out of this house." She says as they both walk outside. Ruby follows them to the door as Weiss taps my shoulder.

"I'm goanna go with Ruby to help her find food." Weiss tells me. I nod slowly. She gives me a small hug before standing up and walking off. 

"I'll tell you what. You two keep that fire fed. And I'll find us story to read before bed." Maria says as she grabs another book and sits down on the chair next to the bookshelves. Oscar sighs looking down at me. I look down and pull the blanket up around my shoulders as I tuck my head in my knees.

"I wonder how they died?" Oscar asks. I dig my nails into my arms.

"I have no idea. And I kinda don't want to know." I say looing dead into the fire.

"Right. Sorry."

"Your fine. It's just. Uncomfortable. And with my siblings not here it just makes it a whole lot worse." I say. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up at Oscar to see him blushing a bit.

"As long as we're all together I think things will be a little bit better." He says as I chuckle.

"Did you mean for that to rhyme?" I ask with a raised eye brow.

"N-no." Oscar stutters out as he looks at me.

"Hey you two. Don't forget to feed that fire." Maria tells us as I look at Oscar.

"Your up-farm boy." I say. He blushes and stands up. 

A little bit better huh? 

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