Season 6 Episode 11 The Lady in the Shoe

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Luna's POV

"You're joking right?" I hear Weiss in the coms. "We have to fight this thing?"

"We've fought giant monsters before." Ruby says.

"This is just a short old lady." I say rolling my eyes.

"With one giant robot." Ruby says with a gulp.

"You little spider roaches thought you could creep your way into Atlas!" Cordo says on her loudspeakers. "Well. Let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlassian military."  Cordovan says as she shoots missiles at Weiss and Maria, but I throw Ice at it destroying it before it gets to the air ship.  "So be it!" She then looks at us as she takes her cannon and shoot's an electric blue charge at us. 

Weiss then comes from behind and puts up and earth and Ice wall blocking and covering us from the shot

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Weiss then comes from behind and puts up and earth and Ice wall blocking and covering us from the shot. 

"That was close." Oscar says as the smoke diminishes. 

"We need to figure out how to stop Cordovan and protect the air ship before we do." Ruby says.

"Then let's give her more targets to focus on." Jaune says as Nora slouches over.    

"You mean us don't you." Nora says slouching and looking down. 

"Look at thing. It's not designed for small enemies. I-it's probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters." Jaune says as he walks over to look at Cordo and her robot. "We can turn our size into an advantage. We just have to be smart." Jaune finishes as he looks at me. I sigh nodding.

"Maria." I say into coms. "Can you keep the ship out of harm's way?" 

"They can take my driver's licenses, but I won't let them take this ship." Maria says holding a thumb's up.

"Very reassuring." Ren says sarcastically. 

"I'll be more useful if I go with Maria. That way I can try and spot a weakness." Oscar says running over to the ship. 

"You aren't the only one that can grab a bird's eye view." Qrow says crossing his arms. 

"You said you needed me on the ground?" Weiss asks as she looks at Ruby and me. Me and Ruby look at each other then back at her with a nervous look.

"Not really." We say at the same time. Oscar goes at gets on the ship while Qrow turns into a well Qrow. I know. Stupid.

"Go!" I yell as Jaune, Nora and Ren take off one way while Oscar, Maria and Qrow take off another way. Ruby jumps up on my hammer as I throw her up and she shoots at Cordo's glass shattering a part of it. Cordo shoot's missiles at Ruby. Ruby doges and runs on top of them jumping from missile to missile. She jumps and falls down as I create and Ice ramp at the bottom of the water. Ruby Weiss and I slide off of it as Weiss makes Ice lily pads for us to jump on. Nora shoot's her cannons at Cordo as she turns around gaining her attention towards Nora.

"Hey over here!!" Jaune yell's out as Him, Ren and Nora all run across the cliff and duck behind rocks trying to keep themselves out of harms reach while also being a distraction.  Nora then takes her cannon and shoots at Cordo, but Cordo puts a shield up surprising all of us.

"Ha ha ha ha. Sherly, you knew Atlas was the father of fine light dust! Or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education!" Cordo yells out as she starts to shoot dust of rock out of her cannon trying to hit Jaune, Ren and Nora. 

"Cordo just activated shields!" Jaune says over com's as they stop shooting and start blocking.

"I saw that we need to find whatever's generating it." I hear Oscar say over the comm. 

"You know in video games. The weak spot is usually on the back of the giant robot." Ruby says as I try to stay calm. 

"Ruby this isn't a game!!" Weiss yells out.

"I'm just trying t-" 

"LOOK OUT!" I yell cutting Ruby off as I grab her and jump to another Ice block before Cordo was able to step on us. 

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Cordo yells out as I look up to see Qrow on the back of her robot.

"Till the shields down. We're going to have to get up close and personal with this thing." I hear Qrow say as he then moves from Cordo's hand flying away. 

"Easier said than done!" Oscar yells out.

"Luna, Weiss and I are on it." Ruby says in her comm.

"What?!" I tell out.

"Hold on!" Weiss yells as she then sticks her sword into the ice and creates a line of Icicles hitting the robots leg knocking her off balance.  

"What do we do?" Weiss asks.

"We need to-" 

"LUNA MOVE!" I hear Oscar yell in my ear as we look up to see Cordo's missiles at us. She then shoots at as I make a water cover before Weiss creates a bee glyph to fly us up. Ruby and I both jump off as she slice's into Cordo's mech and I take my fan's and do the same. 

"Yeah!" We hear Maria cheer over coms. Cordo then falls back into the mountain as Jaune, Ren and Nora run over. Ren runs up the arm of the mech as Jaune slices the back and Nora takes her hammer right to the back of the mechs arm's. Cordo stands up leaning off the mountain as Ren takes the knife part of his guns and starts to climb up the rest of its arm. I then feel my fan's slipping as Ruby catches my hand before I fall. We then look through the glass to see Cordo starting at us. I wave to her as Ruby smiles.

"Get off of me!" Cordo shouts as she moves the mechs hand up trying to grab us, but Ruby's Scythe slips as we both fall. Weiss then comes in to catch us before we hit the ground. 

"Heh." Ruby says as she sticks her tongue out at Cordo.

"What if I hadn't caught you two?!" Weiss yells out glaring at us.

"We knew you would." Ruby says. Weiss rolls her eyes and turns around as we both sigh in relief that she caught us. We all three look up to see Ren undoing something but Cordo moves back making him fall. 

"No!" I scream out but Qrow caught him and pulled him back up. We see Qrow and Ren shoot something as the shields then go down. Nora then starts to shoot her cannons at Cordo as she screams.

"YOU GET BACK HERE WITH MY MAN!!" My eyes widen as she said Ren was 'her' Man. My ship is sailing!!! Weiss flies over to Ren and Qrow.

"Jump on!" I say as Ren and Qrow jump onto the Bee glyph, and we fly off. I watch as Nora continues to shoot her cannons at Cordo before stopping having ran out of cannons to shoot.

"I've had enough of you Argus ingrates." Cordo says as Jaune runs over but Cordo hit's Jaune and Nora back and into a rock. Nora sits up on her knee, but Jaune is down.

"NO!" Me and Ren both scream out as we then look up to see Cordo's gun pointed at us. She then shoots us down as we all fall onto the cliff except Ruby. Ruby stick's her scythe into the cliff catching herself before she hit the water. 

"This is what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge." Cordo says as she goes to shoot at Ruby.

"NO!" I scream as I try jumping off the cliff, but Qrow grabs me. Maria then flies around and tries to shoot a missile at Cordo, but she catches it. She turns around and throws the missile at the ship. 

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