Season 3 Episode 5 Never Miss a Beat

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Luna's POV

I sit down next to Ruby as we both watch Yang and Weiss get ready for their battle against the other team. 

"Well now it's our turn." I hear Yang say as she stretches.

"Just remember to keep proper form." Weiss says as she stands up straight.

"Alright. You're from Atlas. What can we expect?" Yang asks.

"Well seeing as their kingdom academy and armed forces are all merged as one. I think we can expect strict militating fighters with advanced technology and carefully rehearsed strategies." Weiss says as Neon then zoom's by on her roller blades standing next to Flynt. "Or....Whatever they are." Weiss finishes as Yang and her both look at the two from Team FNKY in shock. 

"Hey!" Flynt yells out getting Weiss's attention. "You're Weiss Schnee, right? The heirs." He says with a head roll. 

"I am." Weiss says proudly with a smile on her face. 

"I take it your pretty good with dust then." Flynt says tilting his head.

"I do my best." Weiss says happily. 

"Yeah. My dad was good to. Owned a little dust shop of his own. Till your father's company ran him out of business." Flynt says pissed of as Weiss look's down.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Weiss says apologetically.

"Sure, you are." Flynt says in a sarcastic way.

"Hey! Why don't you-" Yang starts but gets cut off by Neon mimicking her.   

"Hey! Why don't you! That's what you sound like." Yang scratches the back of her head in confusion as Neon continues. "Hey! Where'd you get your hair extensions!?"

"This is just my normal hair." Yang says confused and weirded out. 

"Ooooo. Really?!"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Yang says starting to get pissed off. 

"You should try rollerblading some time! It's super fun." Neon says spinning around. "It probably take you a little while though since your so. You know. Top Heavy." Neon says as my eyes widen. 

"Excuse me!" Yang yells out pissed off after looking down at her chest.

"Ah here we go." Ruby says putting a hand on her head as I just chuckle. The screens then pop up and the land's pop up after. Lava/Volcano. Desert. Crystal and Rock. And last but not least abandon buildings. 

"3......2......1......Begin!" Professor Port yell's out as Flynt uses his trumpet sending sound waves at Yang and Weiss. Neon gets in the sound waves and goes to attack Yang. Weiss put's a glyph on the floor so she doesn't fly back, and she can keep herself stable. Weiss and Flynt both look at each other as Flynt blows into his trumpet at Weiss. Weiss sends her self-flying into the waves as she goes to attack him, but Flynt moves to the side and kick's her in the back sending her flying. I look over at Yang and Neon to see Yang trying to shoot bullets at Neon, but Neon is rolling around too fast. Neon sticks her tongue out at Yang as she then flips on the abandoned buildings dodging Yang's bullets while saying. "Never miss a beat." Repeatedly. She flips off of the buildings and hits Yang in the face with her Nun chucks. She then starts hitting Yang back and forth as much as she can. Once she stops Yang looks at Neon pissed as Neon cracks her nun chucks and they turn into glow sticks with dust in them. Neon flips around before hitting Yang's leg with Ice from the dust.

"Hehe. Look. Now you bottom heavy too!" Neon says slapping her own butt. Yang brake's the Ice off her leg while she angerly looks at Neon. Neon zoom's past Yang and ice's her arm before rollerblading through some buildings and then running at Yang kicking her into a building. "You should cool off. Get it. Because your angry." Neon says smirking. Yang's eye twitches as she breaks the wall next to her along with the ice that's on her arm. I look back over to Weiss and Flynt as Weiss sends giant icicles at Flynt. Flynt looks at the fire in front of him from the volcano and blow's his trumpet at the icicles melting them.  

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